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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Statistics on educational institutions


2.Organisation and governance

2.8Statistics on educational institutions

Last update: 25 November 2024

This section provides the most recent available data on the number of educational institutions from pre-primary to post-secondary non-tertiary education level (ISCED levels 0-4). Statistics on numbers and characteristics of higher education institutions can be found in the in the European Tertiary Education Register. A general overview of the categories of institutions providing publicly-subsidised adult education and training can be found in the chapter on adult education. The notes below the tables provide methodological explanations necessary for a good interpretation of data.


Statistics on educational institutions providing regular education
Type of educational institution in English (and in national language) ISCED levels provided Main orientation of the programmes provided​ Number of educational institutions
      Total         Public   Government-dependent private Private independent
Nursery schools (Przedszkola) 0 (-) 13 406 (:) (:) (:)
Pre-primary education units (Zespoły wychowania przedszkolnego) 0   45 (:) (:) (:)
Pre-primary centres (Punkty przedszkolne) 0 (-) 1 399 (:) (:) (:)
Primary schools (Szkoły podstawowe) 1, 2 G 13 169 11 803 1 366 (-)
Stage I sectoral vocational
schools (Branżowe szkoły I stopnia )
3 V 1 672 1 469 203 (-)
Stage II sectoral vocational
schools (Branżowe szkoły I stopnia )
3 V 226 174 52 (-)
General secondary schools (Licea ogólnokształcące) 3 G 3 167 2 032 1 135 (-)
Technical secondary
schools (Technika)
3 V 1 861 1 633 228 (-)
General art schools
leading to professional
certification (Ogólnokształcące szkoły
artystyczne dające
uprawnienia zawodowe)
3 V 102 87 15 (-)
schools (szkoły policealne)
4 V 1 287 259 1 028 (-)

Source: Central Statistical Office (Statistics Poland): Education in the 2022/2023 school year (1 October 2024)

ISCED= International Standard Classification of Education

G= General V= Vocational
(:) Data not available (-) Not applicable
The 2018 version of the Unesco/OECD/Eurostat Manual on concepts, definitions and classification can be consulted for the definitions of regular education (p.10); general and vocational programmes of education (p.19); as well as public institution, government-dependent private institution and private independent institution (pp. 24-26)


The educational institutions are counted according to the legal entity approach: one educational institution corresponds to a legal entity.

The number of particular types of ISCED 0 institutions is not published with division into public and non public ones.

Additionally, in 7 605 primary schools there are also pre-primary classes. No division into public and non-public institutions is available.

It is not allowed by legislation to run private independent schools at ISCED 1 and 2 levels.




Statistics on separate educational institutions providing special needs education
Type of educational institution in English (and in national language) ISCED levels provided Main orientation of the programmes provided​ Number of educational institutions      
      Total         Public   Government-dependent private Private independent
Nursery schools (Przedszkola) 0 (-) 329 (:) (:) (:)
Primary schools (Szkoły podstawowe) 1,2 G 951 733 218 (-)
Stage I sectoral vocational
schools (Branżowe szkoły I stopnia)
3 V 397 367 30 (-)
Stage II sectoral vocational
schools (Branżowe szkoły II stopnia)
3 V 12 11 1 (-)
General secondary schools (Licea ogólnokształcące) 3 G 109 91 18 (-)
Technical secondary
schools (Technika)
3 V 37 32 5 (-)
Special job–training
schools (Specjalne szkoły przysposabiające
do pracy)
3 V 560 (:) (:) (-)
schools (szkoły policealne)
4 V 17 16 1 (-)

Source: Central Statistical Office (Statistics Poland): Education in the 2022/2023 school year (1 October 2024)

ISCED= International Standard Classification of Education


G= General V= Vocational
(:) Data not available (-) Not applicable
The 2018 version of the Unesco/OECD/Eurostat Manual on concepts, definitions and classification can be consulted for the definitions of regular education (p.10); general and vocational programmes of education (p.19); as well as public institution, government-dependent private institution and private independent institution (pp. 24-26).


The educational institutions are counted according to the legal entity approach: one educational institution corresponds to a legal entity.

It is not allowed by legislation to run private independent schools on ISCED 1 and 2 levels.

The number of ISCED 0 institutions is not published with division into public and non public.