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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Sweden - National Student Fee

National Information

Sweden Map


  • In Sweden fees are paid by international students if they are not exchange students.
  • There are no short cycle programmes.
  • Field of study and type of programme influence the amount of fees. The policy is not sanctioned at national level but the HEIs must calculate the tuition fees so that full cost coverage is achieved for the tuition fee-financed activities in their entirety.
  • Waivers or reductions are available for students from a third country. There are two government scholarship programs for incoming, paying students studying at the undergraduate and advanced levels.
  • Direct financial support in the forms of grants and loans. Need-based and universal grants are available to home students. Loans are available to home students only. International students (non-EU citizens) are not eligible for study grants and loans but there are exceptions.
  • Indirect financial support is not provided.
  • Age limits are applied for access to direct financial support.