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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Sweden - National Student Fees

National Information

Sweden Map


  • In Sweden home students do not pay fees. International students are required to pay fees if they are not exchange students.

  • There are no short cycle programmes.

  • Field of study and type of programme influence the amount of fees. HEIs must calculate the tuition fees so that full cost coverage is achieved for the tuition fee-financed activities in their entirety.

  • Waivers or reductions are available for international students. There are two government scholarship programs for incoming, paying students studying at the undergraduate and advanced levels.

  • Direct financial support is offered in the form of grants and loans which can be combined. Age limits are applied for access to direct financial support. International students (non-EU citizens) are not eligible for study grants and loans but there are exceptions.

  • Indirect financial support is not provided.