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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Malta - National Student Fees

National Information

Malta Map


  • In Malta fees are paid by all students except home full-time students in the first cycle.

  • Fee differentiation based on field of study is applied.

  • Waivers and reductions are available.

  • Direct financial support is available in the form of grants. Loans are not available. There is no age limit for access to direct support.

  • Indirect financial support is available in the form of tax relief for students with income and for students' parents, and family allowances (age limit of the student 20 years).

Minimum, maximum, and most common annual fee amounts (in EUR)

Amount of fees

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  • Programmes taught in foreign language are not offered.

  • All first cycle courses are free for Maltese nationals regardless of discipline. Fees are however incurred for those (including home students) opting to attend evening courses.

  • All students categories except home full-time students pay higher fees.

  • International Students can be granted exemptions from paying the tuition fees through the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation.
  • At the University of Malta, wavering of fees occurs as follows:

    - University of Malta staff and their next of kin

    - International Students following mainly by Research courses

    - Postgraduate ISSI Scholarship

  • At the University of Malta, reduction of fees occurs as follows: 
    - International Students following mainly by research courses

    - Tunisian nationals to study at the UM

     -Palestinian nationals to study at the UM

Annual grant amounts (in EUR)


  • Need-based and universal grants are available to full-time home, and EU/EEA students.

  • Full-time students and students who follow a course to further their studies in accordance with the Students’ Maintenance Grants’ Regulations after finishing their obligatory education are entitled to receive the students’ maintenance grants, provided that they apply on their first year of studies. Students’ Maintenance Grants consists of a yearly grant and stipend paid every four weeks. Students following courses at MQF/EQF Level 6 are also entitled for a ’One-time grant’ paid at the beginning of their course.

  • Students going through proven hardship and, or humanitarian situations, are deemed by the Students’ Maintenance Grants’ Board to qualify for the supplementary maintenance grants. Eligibility is evaluated yearly. Due consideration is given to the number of persons in the same household who are still pursuing their education. 

  • There is no age limit to receiving a grant.

Annual loan amounts (in EUR)

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  • Publicly subsidised loans are not available.