National Student Fee and Support Systems in European Higher Education
This tool presents comparative data on student fees and financial support in the European education systems. It covers public and government-dependent higher education institutions.
Data is provided by the 39 member countries of the Eurydice network and is collected in accordance with the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) for three education cycles: short-cycle tertiary education, first cycle (bachelor) and second cycle (master or equivalent). It is based on official documents issued and/or recognised by top-level authorities.
For more information:
- The methodology is explained in the Quality framework
- The definitions of fees, direct and indirect financial support, student categories and status, ISCED levels and other relevant terms can be consulted in the Glossary
- Data was collected with the contribution of the Eurydice network member countries.
- Previous Eurydice reports on Student fees and support are available here.
Open data
© European Union, 2025 Catalogue number: EC-01-25-053-EN-N ISBN: 978-92-9488-895-2 DOI: 10.2797/3506900 ISSN: 2443-5260 |

Comparative information
This section presents comparative data on:
- Student fees per study cycle, student category and student status
- Direct financial support to students - grants and loans
Indirect financial support – tax benefits and allowances to students and their families
National information
This section presents national information on:
Student fees
Direct financial support to students - grants and loans
Indirect financial support - – tax benefits and allowances to students and their families