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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Ireland - National Student Fees

National Information

Ireland Map


  • In Ireland all students are required to pay fees.
  • Fee differentiation is applied based on field of study.
  • Waivers and reductions are available subject to evaluation of socio-economic criteria. As autonomous bodies institutions may apply waivers or other fee reductions. Under student support measures students in some categories, such as 'social constraints' may be able to avail of funding supports. These include bursaries and funding through the student grant scheme (need based grant). These arrangements relate to student support polices and are not part of the fee arrangements in their own right.
  • Direct financial support is available in the form of grants. Loans are not available. 
  • Indirect financial support is provided through the Student Assistance Fund. It provides financial support to full or part-time students in publicly funded Higher Education Institutions who are experiencing financial difficulties while attending college. Students can apply for the Student Assistance Fund for support for financial difficulties including the cost of accommodation/transport & food. 

Minimum, maximum, and most common annual fee amounts (in EUR)

Amount of fees

Bar chart with 4 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Data ranges from 3000 to 3000.
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  • Tuition fee payable by a student may vary depending on the type of course, entry route and previous academic study. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are autonomous institutions and are entitled to regulate their own academic affairs and administrative processes.
  • First time HE students attending public higher education institutions may be eligible for tuition fee waivers including the Free Fees Initiative (undergraduate) and tuition fee supports (undergraduate full time or part-time and postgraduate full-time) through the student grant scheme (as administered via SUSI). Tuition supports may also be available through specific measures such as Springboard+ which provides free or subsidised HE places in priority skill areas (Full time, part-time, Undergrad, Postgrad and previous graduates). Students not eligible to avail of State funding support are liable for either 'EU' or 'International' fee rates dependent on the criteria set by the individual higher education institution (as an autonomous body) a student attends.
  • Frist Cycle/Undergraduate: Through the 'Free Fees Initiative' full-time first-cycle 'home students' and EU students generally have their undergraduate tuition fees paid by the State exclusive of a 'student contribution'. The student contribution is EUR 3 000 per-annum. First-time undergraduates who are EU/EEA/Swiss or UK citizens or hold certain residency permissions and have been resident in EU/EEA/Switzerland or the United Kingdom for at least three of the previous five years prior to commencing their course may be eligible for "Free Fees" and may have their EU tuition fee (excluding the student contribution) paid by the State.
  • Students who qualify for need-based grants provided by the Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) may have the student contribution (or part of) paid on their behalf by the Exchequer. Full-time first cycle students not availing of the Free Fees Initiative (do not meet criteria such as residency or previous academic attainment), are  liable for either 'EU' or 'international' fee rates dependent on the criteria set by the individual higher education institution a student attends.
  • Part-time and Postgraduate: Generally, postgraduate and part-time students enrolled in public higher education institutions in Ireland are liable to pay fees. Students who qualify for need-based grants provided by the Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) may be able to avail of supports towards their tuition fee costs. 
  • Students not eligible for state supports (such as the Free Fees Initiative, Student Grant Scheme, Springboard+) are liable to pay fees. They may, however, be eligible for tax relief on tuition fees from the Revenue Commissioners.
  • International students may be subject to higher tuition fees.

Annual grant amounts (in EUR)


  • Needs based grants are offered to full time home students. For the 2023/2024 academic year students in full-time education receive grants where they fulfill all other eligibility criteria for the Student Grant Scheme. 

  • Under student support measures students in some categories, such as subject to socio-economic constraints may be able to avail of funding supports. These include bursaries and funding through the student grant scheme (need based grant).

  • Age limits are not applied.

Annual loan amounts (in EUR)

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  • Publicly subsidised loans are not available.


<p>Data provided to the HEA is provided by individual higher education institutions.</p>