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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National qualifications framework


2.Organisation and governance

2.5National qualifications framework

Last update: 5 October 2024

The concept of the National Qualification Framework (NQF) for higher education was adopted and implemented in 2010, in the context of Moldova’s accession to the Bologna Process. Later, in 2014, via the Education Code, it was extended to VET sector.

The legal basis for the development and the implementation of the Republic of Moldova NQF includes laws which regulate the concept of NQF at the levels of vocational education and training and higher education

For the implementation of the NQF according to legal framework, the Government approved the following normative acts

In 2023, a new National Framework of Qualifications was approved. The document is linked to European standards in the field and aims to facilitate lifelong learning and ensure academic and professional mobility.

NQF is a component of the National Qualifications System. The operational implementation of the NQF is based on the following structural elements:

  • NQF – level structure, with reference and sectoral learning outcomes relevant to each level;

  • Technical framework and tools addressed to individuals: study credits and accumulation and transfer mechanisms, the National Register of Qualifications, the Register of study documents, national information and coordination points within European and international networks with reference to qualifications and their recognition, as well as the alert mechanism regarding false qualifications or the prohibition of exercising a profession/occupation;

  • Procedures, common principles, guides, guidelines on quality assurance, validation, recognition, and certification of qualifications/competences acquired in different contexts, translation of competences into learning outcomes, provision of guidance and counselling services on qualifications, certification of key competences.

The NQF is hierarchically structured on eight qualification levels and includes all types of qualifications that can be acquired in the formal system of education and professional training and by recognising learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal contexts, from a lifelong learning perspective.

NQF qualifications are structured along axes: vertical and horizontal. On the vertical axis, qualifications are classified hierarchically by level, and the horizontal axis is the basis for classifying qualifications by type.

The National Qualifications Framework is developed and implemented by the Ministry of Education and Research, in collaboration with central public administration authorities, educational institutions, economic agents, other social partners, and is approved by the Government.

The descriptors defining the level of the National Qualifications Framework, the learning outcomes relevant to the qualifications of the respective level of the NQF are the key elements used in the linking, recognition, assessment and certification of qualifications of all types. The procedures for the evaluation, recognition, validation and certification of qualifications awarded in the national educational system or abroad are drawn up and approved by the Ministry of Education and Research.

The development of the NQF, including the sectoral qualifications frameworks, includes the development of new qualifications, the updating of existing ones; verifying the relevance of qualification standards for the labour market, validating them; transposition of qualification standards into education and training programmes under the conditions established by the Ministry of Education and Research and the central public administration authorities responsible for regulated/sectoral professions.

The registration, updating, archiving, identification and consultation of qualifications is carried out within the automated information system "National Register of Qualifications", which is the official source of information on national qualifications at all levels and forms of education accredited or authorised for provisional operation and legally authorised providers. The registration of qualifications in the National Register of Qualifications is carried out according to the procedures developed and approved by the Ministry of Education and Research.

The design, implementation, and maintenance of the National Qualifications Register, the elaboration of the reference report of the National Qualifications Framework to the European Qualifications Framework or to other regional and international qualifications frameworks is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Research, according to the normative framework approved by the Government.