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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Early childhood education and care


4.Early childhood education and care

Last update: 31 January 2025

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) in the Republic of Moldova is an educational process carried out for children aged between 0 and 6(7) years, in educational institutions or in the family, for the purpose of their physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. This educational stage is regulated and structured according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-2011), divided into two distinct levels:

  • Ante-preschool education (level 01): This covers children from 0 to 2 years of age and takes place in crèches or community education centers.

  • Preschool education (level 02): This is intended for children between the ages of 2 and 6 (7) and includes children's kindergartens and community education centers, including preparatory groups. In these institutions, a structured educational programme is applied, which aims at the comprehensive development of the child according to the curriculum and state standards. Moreover, care and protection services are offered according to the rules established by the Government.

The mission of the early childhood education institution is to ensure quality early education for all children up to 6(7) years of age by meeting their educational needs, multilateral development of children and preparing them for school and social integration.

Early childhood education institutions can be classified according to profile, as follows:

  • crèche – a preschool education institution, intended for children up to 2 years of age, which offers educational services and, as the case may be, care services according to the standard package of services established by the Government; carries out the basic educational programme – the holistic development of the child according to the curriculum and state educational standards, creates conditions for the adaptation and early socialization of children;

  • kindergarten – a preschool education institution for children aged 2-6(7) years, which offers educational services and, as the case may be, care and protection according to the standard package of services established by the Government; carries out the basic educational programme – the holistic development of the child and preparation for school in accordance with the curriculum and state standards and, as the case may be – rehabilitation/recovery services for children with special educational needs in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Research;

  • the community center – a public institution of early education (ante-preschool and preschool), created by the local public administration of the first or second level (municipalities of Chisinau, Balti, ATU (Autonomous Territorial Unit) Gagauzia, according to the needs of the population. It offers educational and care services for the children up to 6(7) years old, who do not attend an early education institution and, in particular, for children from disadvantaged families.

Early childhood education institutions in the Republic of Moldova can be owned either by first or second level local public administration authorities (Chisinau and Balti municipalities, ATU Gagauzia) – in the case of public institutions, or by private founders – in the case of private institutions. They are responsible for implementing the state policy in the field of early education and ensuring socio-educational inclusion for all children, including those with special educational needs.

Early childhood education can be carried out not only in traditional educational institutions, but also in residential institutions for orphaned children/those with special needs or in sanatorium institutions (sources: Education Code of the Republic of Moldova and Regulation of the early education institution).