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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and other education staff


10.Management and other education staff

Last update: 27 November 2023
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The school and school facility are managed by a headteacher. Other management pedagogical staff includes the headteacher’s deputy, head of vocational training, and head tutor.

Other staff taking part in the management processes include the heads of the methodological association, subject commissions, and other employees in specialised positions. The scope of rights and responsibilities of the headteacher of the school and school facility is set down by the Education Act and the Act on the state administration in education and the school self-governance, and the Act on pedagogical and professional employees

The quality control of the education process is carried out by the State School Inspection and the school itself by means of self-evaluation processes. It is presented in the form of a report on education and training activity, which is created and published by the school for each school year.

Professional employees in schools and school facilities provide counselling, diagnostic and therapeutic services directly in schools and school facilities of educational counselling and prevention, and in social assistance facilities. These are the psychologist and school psychologist, speech therapist and school special speech therapist, special pedagogue and field special pedagogue, therapeutic pedagogue, social pedagogue, and career advisor. A higher education institution is managed and represented by Rector who also acts in its behalf along with the other leading staff of the higher education institution. Their activity and competences are regulated by the Act on higher education

Management staff in a public higher education institution consists of the bursar and individual heads of each part of the higher education institution.

Legal rights and obligations of the state and private higher education institutions are governed by the act on higher education.

Management employees in adult education can be divided into three groups according to the type of institution they are employed in: 

  • Primary and secondary school management employees and basic school of art and language school management employees, 
  • Higher education management employees,
  • Private further education institution management employees.


Legislative references


National Council of the Slovak Republic, 2002. Act No. 131/2002 on higher education and on the change and supplement to some acts (Zákon č. 131/2002 Z.z. o vysokých školách a zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov) (last accessed 29/12/2022).

National Council of the Slovak Republic, 2019. Act No. 138/2019 on pedagogical employees and professional employees and on the change and supplement to some acts (Zákon č. 138/2019 Z.z. o pedagogických zamestnancoch a odborných zamestnancoch a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov) (last accessed 29/12/2022).

National Council of the Slovak Republic, 2008. Act No. 245/2008 on education and training (Education Act) and on the change and supplement to some acts as amended by subsequent provisions (Zákon č. 245/2008 Z.z. o výchove a vzdelávaní (školský zákon) a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov) (last accessed 29/12/2022).

National Council of the Slovak Republic, 2003. Act No. 553/2003 on remuneration of some employees at the work performance in public interest and on the change and supplement to some acts as amended by subsequent provisions (Zákon č. 553/2003 Z.z. o odmeňovaní niektorých zamestnancov pri výkone práce vo verejnom záujme a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov) (last accessed 29/12/2022).

National Council of the Slovak Republic, 2009. Act No. 568/2009 on lifelong learning and on the change and supplemet to some acts as amended by subsequent provisions (Zákon č. 568/2009 Z.z. o celoživotnom vzdelávaní a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov) (last accessed 29/12/2022).

National Council of the Slovak Republic, 2003. Act No. 596/2003 on state administration in education and school self-government and on change and supplements of some acts as amended by subsequent provisions (Zákon č. 596/2003 Z.z. o štátnej správe v školstve a školskej samospráve a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov) (last accessed 29/12/2022).