Objectives and accessibility
Child groups are a form of child care that is provided to a small group of children in the domestic environment (or other environments similar to the domestic environment in terms of space and equipment).
Provision of care in the form of child groups is governed by the Act no. 448/2008 Coll. on social services (Zákon č.448/2008 Z.z. o sociálnych službách).
Care in a child group is provided exclusively by a natural person (not a legal person) as continuous activity pursued independently, in their own name, and on their sole responsibility. Providing care in a child group is authorised on condition of registration in the social services registry kept by the relevant higher territorial unit. The natural person will document details of spatial, personnel, material, financial and hygienic conditions that comply with the act on social services. The natural person will also present a ‘project on providing social services’, which usually includes a description of the scope and conditions of providing professional activities and service activities.
The need for the creation of child groups arose as a reaction to insufficient capacities in childcare facilities. Space was created for childcare at times other than operating hours of institutionalised facilities, thus reacting more flexibly to parents‘ irregular working time. At the same time, they represent alternative child care for parents who prefer smaller groups and a home environment. Care is provided during work days and work time in the absence of parents, alternatively in the presence of a parent upon prior agreement.
It is a formalised service provided for payment. The natural person and the parent enter into a written contract on providing care in a child group. Parents can apply for the childcare allowance, which is provided up to a maximum of €160 a month. This allowance is used to pay for the care provided in a child group. The monthly fee for attending a child group is agreed on by the parent and the person providing such social service.
Conditions for child care in child groups are governed by the act on social services and methodically directed by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.
Requirements for childminders and child ratios
An natural person can provide child care in a child group to a maximum of 4 children from birth until the beginning of compulsory preprimary education in kindergarten (0-5 years). This number also includes the person’s own children in this age category.
In order to provide care to children in child groups, the natural person is required to have integrity and full legal capacity and be 18 years old. No minimum qualification level nor specific training are required for childminders.