Subsidised training costs for young workers in 2025
12 February 2025
By the Act of 21 November 2024 amending the Act on the educational system and certain other acts, changes were made in the scope of co-financing for employers of the costs of training young employees, which were a response to the demands of employers, including craftsmen.
The amounts of co-financing were increased: in the case of vocational training - to PLN 10,824, in the case of vocational training conducted in professions indicated by the minister for education in the prognosis of demand for employees in vocational training professions - to PLN 13,394, and in the case of apprenticeship to perform a specific job - to PLN 340 for each full month of training.
Employers will receive 75 per cent of the amount for completing vocational training at the employer's premises and taking the vocational or journeyman's exam, and 25 per cent of the amount for the training effect in the form of the juvenile employee passing the exam.
A so-called cumulative valorisation has been introduced, consisting in an increase in the amount of subsidy if the average annual price index of total consumer goods and services for the previous year or the total for the following years is at least 105.
In view of the hitherto existing difficulties in interpreting the amounts of co-financing, the Minister of Education will announce, by way of a proclamation in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland ‘Monitor Polski’, by the end of February of the year in which the valorisation is carried out, the amount of the valorisation index and the maximum amount of co-financing after valorisation.
In the announcement of the President of the Central Statistical Office of 15 January 2025 on the annual average consumer price index in 2024 (M.P. item 68), the annual average consumer price index in 2024 in relation to 2023 amounted to 103.6 (price increase of 3.6%), which means that the subsidy amounts in 2025 remain at the level of the amounts indicated in the amended Article 122(2) of the Education Law.
New models for journeyman and master craftsman certificates
23 April 2024
The Minister of Education has signed an amendment to the regulation on the journeyman's examination, the master's craftsman examination and the verifying examination conducted by the examination boards of the chambers of craftsmen. The changes contained therein are mainly due to the need to adapt to the provisions of the Public Documents Act.
The most important changes concern:
- definition of new specimens of journeyman's certificate, master's diploma, certificate of passing the verification exam,
- specifying a specimen blank duplicate for the above-mentioned public documents,
- specifying safeguards against forgery of the abovementioned public documents,
- the removal of the photograph from the models of the journeyman's certificate and the master's certificate,
- enable the chambers of crafts to issue journeyman's certificates, master's certificates and certificates of passing the examination in the transitional period according to the models specified in the previous provisions.
Electromobility technician - a new profession in the classification of vocational training professions
26 January 2024
From 1 September 2024, vocational schools can start training for the profession of electromobility technician. The regulation on this matter was signed on 27 December 2023. The introduction of this profession into the classification, at the request of the minister responsible for energy, is a response to the needs of the automotive labour market.
The proposal is a result of the growing popularity of electric and hybrid vehicles due to increased public awareness of the need to reduce harmful emissions from transport and the actions taken at EU level in this area.
Training in the profession of electromobility technician with regard to qualifications: "MOT.02. Servicing, diagnosing and repairing mechatronic systems of motor vehicles" and "MOT.07. Organising and carrying out servicing and repairing of zero-emission and low-emission vehicles", will be provided at technical schools and at sectoral vocational secondary schools.
It will also be possible to provide qualifying vocational courses and vocational skills courses for the qualifications identified in this occupation.
The regulation will enter into force on 1 September 2024.
Competition for the establishment of 120 Industry Skills Centres - second call
21 June 2023
26 applications received a positive evaluation under the second call for proposals in the competition for the 'Establishment and support for 120 Industry Skills Centres (ISCs), implementing the concept of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs)'. The total value of awarded funding is over PLN 314 million.
The Foundation for the Development of the Education System, acting on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science, conducted the second call for proposals under the National Recovery Plan (KPO) for establishing 120 modern Industry Skills Centres, for which 42 applications were submitted. After a formal and content-related assessment, 26 of them were awarded funding of over PLN 314 million.
Institutions that were not successful in the second call for proposals will be able to apply again in subsequent calls, provided that adequate areas are made available.
In the first call for proposals, 90 applications were submitted, and 63 applicants received co-financing for the total amount of over PLN 700 million.
A total of 132 applications were received in the two calls for proposals. Funding was awarded to 89 institutions, for a total amount of over PLN 1 billion.
As part of the funding awarded, more than 25,000 students, teachers and adults will have the opportunity to benefit from a variety of training courses.
The most popular fields are electrical engineering, computer science and programming, energy, logistics, and shipping - 3 ISCs each will be established in every area.
Signing of an agreement between the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy and the institutions implementing the FERS 2021-2027 programme
9 January 2023
The Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy has entered into an agreement with nine institutions implementing the European Funds for Social Development 2021-2027 programme, including the Ministry of Education and Science.
FERS is a continuation of the Knowledge Education Development Programme (POWER). Its implementation will take place at the regional level - through 16 regional programmes implemented by provincial governments - and at the national level - through the national FERS programme.
In the area of education, it is planned to allocate EUR 347 million to the development of vocational education that will meet the needs of the labour market and to support psychological and pedagogical counselling centres with equipment and training.
It is planned to establish vocational training schools, i.e. vocational schools that will improve the qualifications of individual vocational teachers and will also provide training for future vocational teachers, university graduates.
Funds will also be allocated to the development of vocational counselling and an integrated qualification system, as well as support for the organisation of competitions and competitions for pupils at individual vocational schools within the framework of EuroSkills and WordSkills.
Support for district psychological-educational counselling centres is also planned under FERS.
The funds planned for the implementation of FERS are approximately EUR 347 million.
Under Priority I 'Skills', the programme aims to support education activities under three specific objectives. These include: Measure 01.04 Development of the education system (PLN 932.8 million), Measure 01.06 Inclusive education (approximately PLN 421.8 million), and - Measure 01.08 Development of the adult education and learning system (approximately PLN 189 million).
Industry Skills Centres (ISC)
16 September 2022, info updated in March 2023
On 15 September 2022, on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Foundation for the Development of the Education System announced a competition under the National Recovery Plan for the creation of 120 modern industry skills centres.
The investment of more than PLN 1.4 billion includes the creation of 120 centres in partnership of sectoral institutions and bodies running vocational training schools and vocational training centres.
Among others, industry organisations, chambers of commerce, vocational associations and vocational self-governments of practitioners were invited to participate in the competition.
The centres will be technologically advanced education, training and examination centres in the relevant sector. Pupils, students, teachers, lecturers and industry professionals will be able to benefit from their offer.
In each of the 120 fields identified for the competition, 1 centre will be established in the country - its location will be decided by the industry concerned, with ISCs being set up at vocational training schools or vocational training centres.
The centres will specialise in a particular area of the economy. Key industries for the development of economy will be included among the 120 fields in which centres will be created, among others, automation, robotics, mechatronics, automotive industry, aerospace industry, renewable energy, transport, forwarding and logistics, or food processing.
With the involvement of the industries, the projects will further connect business with vocational education and ensure sustainable cooperation between industries, vocational schools and universities.
The ISCs will have four functions: education and training, integration and support, innovation and development, and counselling and promotion.
It is envisaged that at least 20 ISCs will be established by the end of 2023 and another 100 by the end of 2024.
The ISCs will thus reinforce the vocational training reform implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science from 2019.
In 2023 the Ministry of the Education and Science is working on a law that will place Industry Skills Centres in the education system.
A draft will be submitted for inter-ministerial consultation, where the Ministry proposes a method of financing, the functioning of Industry Skills Centres in the educational system, as a centre where the industry can be the leading body.
Vocational Education and Training Action Plan 2022-2025
5 August 2022
The Council of Ministers has adopted the Vocational Education and Training Action Plan for 2022-2025, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science in cooperation with other ministries. The aim of the measures included in the document is to prepare workers for the needs of a modern economy. It is a continuation of the reform of vocational education, which began in 2019. The action plan takes into account the challenges facing vocational education arising from economic change, development of new technologies and increasing digitalisation.
Key actions of the Plan include:
- strengthening cooperation with employers representatives in the further development of vocational education in specific sectors,
- ongoing adaptation of the offer and content of vocational education, in cooperation with employers, resulting from technological changes and the challenges of digitisation,
- increasing access to new professions for students with different types of disabilities,
- expanding the range of marketable qualifications,
- establishing sectoral skills centres - education, training and examination centres in specific sectors,
- preparing further multimedia materials for vocational training using new technologies,
- increasing the use of new technologies during vocational examinations,
- adopting additional solutions concerning the possibility of flexible employment of specialists from the market in schools,
- increasing access to vocational training delivered at employers' premises for vocational teachers,
- promotion of the best vocational education teachers and their involvement in activities disseminating innovations in vocational education,
- launching an Internet portal presenting available professions and facilitating cooperation between schools and employers,
- the organisation of the European Skills Competition - Euroskills in 2023.
- increasing the participation of regional governments in activities aiming to develop vocational education and implement the Integrated Skills Strategy at regional level.
6 new professions in the classification of occupations of industrial education
1 February 2022
Fitter of Fair and Exhibition structures, Technician of Services for the Fair and Exhibition Industry, Woodwork Automation and Assembly Technician, Industrial Insulation Technician, Ship Electro-automation Technician and Yacht Industry Technician are 6 new professions introduced to the classification of professions of industrial education. The Minister of Education and Science signed a regulation on this matter. Introduction of new professions is a response to labour market needs.
The Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry has proposed the introduction of new professions Fitter of Fair and Exhibition Structures and Technician of Services for the Fair and Exhibition Industry to the Minister in charge of construction, spatial planning and development and housing, pointing to the shortage of workers in the trade fair and exhibition industry. Training of future professionals and specialists in the construction of trade fair and exhibition stands and stage structures will be conducted for companies providing technical services for trade fairs, conferences, concerts and other artistic events. In the fitter's profession, training will be provided at Stage I sectoral vocational schools, and in the technician's profession - at technical schools, and in the future also at Stage II sectoral vocational schools.
Introduction of the profession of Woodwork Automation and Assembly Technician results from the demand for medium technical staff in the woodwork industry. The initiative to create a new profession came from the Association of Manufacturers, Suppliers and Distributors "Polskie Okna i Drzwi". The dynamically developing woodwork sector, which has a high share in exports, needs educated staff at the technical level, with skills in electronics and automation. So far, training for this sector was only possible in the occupation of carpentry fitter at the level of vocational secondary school. The new profession of Woodwork Automation and Assembly Technician will be able to be trained in technical secondary schools and sectoral vocational schools on the basis of the profession of a Woodwork Technician.
The introduction of the profession of Industrial Insulation Technician was made at the request of the minister responsible for economy, as a result of such a demand made by the Polish Association of Industrial Insulation Contractors. The possibility of training in the new profession is a result of the demand for middle management staff in the industrial insulation sector. Up to now education for the needs of this sector has only been possible in the profession of industrial insulator at the level of the industry vocational secondary school. Modern technologies and insulation materials as well as new tasks in the field of energy efficiency assessment of industrial installations require training of specialists at the technical level. The training in the profession of Industrial Insulation Technician will be carried out in technical secondary schools and in industrial sectoral vocational schools on the basis of the profession of Industrial Insulation Technician.
The new profession of Ship Electro-automation Technician was introduced at the request of the minister responsible for maritime economy, at the initiative of the employers' organisation "Konfederacja Lewiatan". The profession is a response to the shortage of specialists in electrical installations and automation in the shipbuilding industry. The analysis of the database of advertisements for seafarers on national industry Internet portals and portals of agencies recruiting crew members for sea-going ships shows that there is significant demand on the labour market for personnel educated at the technical level in the field of electrical automation in this sector. Training as a Ship Electro-automation Technician will be available at technical secondary schools and at two-year post-secondary schools.
The introduction of the profession of Yacht Industry Technician to the educational system was made at the request of the minister responsible for maritime economy and inland navigation, at the initiative of the employers' organisation "Pracodawcy Pomorza". The need for the introduction of this profession is related to the lack of medium-level technical staff in the yacht and motor boat manufacturing industry and the demand for such specialists. The yachting industry in Poland consists of approximately 900 companies and employs over 35 thousand people, which places it in a leading position in Europe and worldwide. The production of yachts and boats can hardly keep up with orders due to the lack of specialised technical staff. The training in the new profession Yacht Industry Technician will supplement the existing offer of training in the profession of yacht and boat fitter and will be implemented in technical secondary schools and sectoral vocational schools on the basis of the profession of Yacht and Boat Fitter.
It will be possible to provide qualification courses and vocational skills courses in qualifications identified in the newly introduced professions, with the exception of the profession of Ship Electro-automation Technician.
The regulation comes into force on 1 September 2022.