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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in vocational education and training


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.3National reforms in vocational education and training

Last update: 12 September 2024


Change profession as an adult - a reformed adult education and a new vocational school for adults

In order to broaden the range of vocational training for adults at upper secondary level, the Vocational Development Inquiry proposes, among other things, that a new form of education be established within the public education system. The form of education shall be called a vocational school. The vocational school must have its starting point in the higher vocational education model and not be part of the school system. 

The starting point in the higher vocational education model means, among other things, that the working life that is in need of specific vocational skills should be able to influence which kind of education will be provided. Working life must have a great influence in terms of educational provision and content. Working life also has a great responsibility by assisting with co-financing in the form of, for example, offering internships and supervision in connection with learning in a work environment. 

The vocational school must be a complement to other vocational education for adults at upper secondary level. The investigation concludes that the main target group for the vocational school will be adults who want to change careers and/or strengthen their position on the labor market. The vocational school is considered to be attractive to those who want to transfer with the help of the student finance for transition and retraining.

For more information (in Swedish)


A government inquiry to propose a new form of vocational training for adults

The government has decided on an extended assignment to the ongoing Vocational Development Inquiry. The task is to propose how a new form of vocational training at upper secondary level can be introduced to strengthen the connection between education for adults and working life.
There is currently a shortage of vocationally trained workforce in several different fields, and the shortage risks persisting in the future as well. In, for example, technology and manufacturing as well as the construction sector, employers report a large shortage of upper secondary school educated labor. 

Since it was established in 2009, the Higher Vocational Education (Yrkeshögskolan) has been a successful form of education in terms of post-secondary education. Of those who graduated in 2021, 91 percent had work a year later. A key to success is that working life has a decisive influence in terms of higher vocational education courses to meet the skills needs of the labor market. The government therefore wants to use the higher vocational education model, which offers education with a strong connection to working life, also for vocational education at upper secondary level.
The assignment also includes analyzing the range of other forms of vocational education at secondary and post-secondary level and, if necessary, proposing boundaries between these forms of education and the new form of vocational education.

The assignment must be reported no later than February 15, 2024.

For more information (in Swedish)


Increased opportunities for basic eligibility to higher education for vocational programmes

In a government bill, the Swedish government proposes that all national vocational programmes in upper secondary school should contain what is required for pupils to achieve basic eligibility for higher education. In order for this to be possible without reducing vocational preparation, the scope of the programmes must also be expanded, both in terms of upper secondary school credits and guaranteed teaching time. However, it must be possible for the pupil to opt out.

Lack of upper secondary vocationally trained labor is one of the biggest and most acute problems in the Swedish labor market today. More skilled plumbers, electricians and childcare workers are needed. Making vocational programmes more attractive is part of the solution.

The bill proposes the necessary changes to the law. The amendments to the law are proposed to enter into force on 1 January 2023 and will be applied for the first time to education that begins in the autumn term of 2023.

The government bill (in Swedish)