Bolnišnični oddelki
One of the fundamental rights of children with long-term illnesses or long-standing diseases is the right to immediate and quality education if the type of illness and treatment allow for it. Hospital school or classes are one way of materializing that right. They are set up to provide continuous or uninterrupted educational process to sick children (ISCED 1, 2 and 3), so to allow them to hold on to their primary, social role, that is the role of a pupil/student. The lessons in hospital classes are given in cooperation with the respective school of the child.
An official attestation of graduation printed out on a special paper and a watermark of the respective educational institution.
Educational institution for upper secondary general education
Students who have completed the gimnazija programme may continue their education at a higher education institution.
Plural that implies educational institutions for provision of both technical gimnazija programes as well as general gimnazija programmes.
Izredni študij
It is a part-time study option. Usually, it suits best students who want to benefit from continued employment. The scope and degree of difficulty of the study programmes are the same as for full-time students. The only difference is in the organisation and distribution of study work and requirements. Part-time students pay fees.
Javna mreža
A public network. It includes public kindergartens and schools, private kindergartens and schools, and private individuals holding a concession. It supports the provision of public service in education.
Javnoveljavna izobrazba
Officially recognised educational qualification.
Kabinetni pouk
Lessons in individual school subjects are given in a classroom that is furnished and arranged for the respective subject field or matter.
Kolektivna pogodba
A collective agreement between the ministry of education and representative unions in education applies to all institutions and employers that pursue the activity of education as public service and the activity of residential homes for upper secondary and higher education students, as well as all their employees. It applies within the meaning of a working relationships act unless otherwise or more favorably specified by the statute of the institution or other common instrument.
Magisterij (znanstveni)
Degree in the old two-year scientific master's study programmes that the new Bologna programmes superseded for students with a university degree.
Matura is a state examination.
Students take general matura to attest to the attainment of knowledge standards as specified by the objectives of gimnazija programmes and the qualification for continuing studies at the university level. Students who have completed Matura attain upper-secondary educational qualifications.
Students take vocational matura to attest to the attainment of knowledge standards as specified by the objectives of education programmes for upper secondary technical and vocational education and the qualification for continuing studies at a higher education institution.
Vocational matura is a form of the final examination. Students who have completed the vocational matura attain upper-secondary technical educational qualification.
Maturitetni tečaj
Matura examination course is a one-year education programme aimed at eligible students who want to take the general matura. It is provided as full time or adult education.
A title master craftsman for education staff in short upper secondary vocational education, and upper secondary vocational and technical education.
Nadstandardni program
Above-standard programme. It can be funded by local communities, revenues from above-standard services and other sources. Usually, it includes school excursions, field trips, learning courses or different camps for students, and so forth.
Narodno mešano okolje
In ethnically mixed areas of Slovenia, the system of education and training encompasses two models, namely one in Prekmurje and the other in the Slovenian Istria, with the purpose to provide education and training on equal right basis for the Hungarian and Italian nationalities, their language and culture.
Obravnava otrok in mladostnikov s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami in težavami
Well-timed support and help to children with emotional and behavioral disorders and problems in relevant educational institutions, and proper and early treatment.
Oddelek v vrtcu
A kindergarten playgroup of children of a specific age. The relevant rules on norms specify the number of children and the conditions of setting up playgroups.
Osnovna šola
Educational institution or basic school for single structure provision of primary and lower secondary education.
Osnovnošolsko izobraževanje
Basic education or compulsory education of ISCED 1 and 2 in a single structure of primary and lower secondary education that is provided by basic schools.
Pogodba o zaposlitvi
Contract of employment for salaried employees paid a predetermined amount on a regular schedule.
Pogodba o delu/podjemna pogodba
Contract of employment for non-salaried employees or contract employees paid by the hour or by the project
Razširjeni program
The basic school programme is of two parts, namely of compulsory programme and an extended programme. The latter includes after-school classes, morning care, supplementary lessons, remedial lessons, interest activities, and lessons of non-compulsory optional subjects. Participation is voluntary.
Redni študij
A full-time study or redni študij is the most common form of studies. On average, students have to put in eight study hours per day – at the institution or on their own. A full-time studies is open to candidates who fulfill the requirements regardless of the age or employment status. The full-time study of the first and second cycle is free of charge. Private higher education institutions and their respective programmes may a concession or not. If not, fees apply for full-time studies, as well.
Stalno strokovno izobraževanje in izpopolnjevanje strokovnih delavcev
The continuing education and training of education staff is determined with relevant rules and aims to equip kindergarten and school teachers of a subject or subject area with further competence for teaching or pursuing professional activities, to support professional development of all and every member of education staff, development of an educational institution and the overall system of education and training to thereby improve its quality and efficiency.
Šolska inšpekcija
The school inspection includes the supervision over the implementation of primary and secondary legislation which specifies the organisation, eligible expenses in public funds, as well as the implementation of activities in education. The school inspection is the responsibility of the ministry of education, namely under the school inspection act.
Šolska knjižnica
By law, all schools have their own school libraries. School libraries are open to students of the relevant basic school.
Šolski okoliš
The school catchment area or geographical area served by the school.
Šolska svetovalna služba
A school counselling service. The counsellors counsel students, cooperate with teachers and school leadership in planning, monitoring and evaluating the development of the educational institution. They support the provision of education and provide vocational orientation, as well. School counsellors are psychologists, pedagogues, social workers, social pedagogues, and special pedagogues by occupation.
Študijski program
Higher education institutions provide higher education through officially recognised first- second- and third-cycle study programmes.
Učbeniški sklad
Students may borrow textbooks they need for school work from a school textbook fund. The textbooks in the fund have to be listed in an official Catalogue.
Educational institution or kindergarten for single-structure arrangement for pre-primary education (ISCED 0) of younger (1-3 years) and older children (3-5 years).
Vzgojni program
Education programme for pupils with emotional and behavioural disorders
Vzgojni program po posebnih pedagoških načelih
Education programme using special pedagogical principles, such as Montessori method, Waldorf education, and so forth.
Vzgojnovarstvena družina
Early childhood education and care family.
Zasebni učitelj
Individuals who wish to pursue educational activity as private teachers have to acquire the relevant status. To do this, they have to meet the requirements for qualification, command of Slovenian, residence and impunity; they have to enter on the register with the Ministry responsible for education.