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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Adult Education and Training


8.Adult Education and Training

Last update: 12 April 2024

Education and vocational training of adults in the context of the Slovak education system is defined as further education

Further education is a part of lifelong learning and follows school education. It is provided mainly by further education institutions. Provision of further education is governed by Act no.568/2009 Coll. on lifelong learning (Zákon č. 568/2009 Z.z o celoživotnom vzdelávaní).

The goal of further education is 

  • to supplement, update, extend or improve qualifications obtained in school education; 
  • to obtain a partial or full qualification, 
  • satisfy interests and acquire competence to integrate into civil society. 

It is not possible to achieve a level of education by completing further education in the current system. 

The above-mentioned goals are implemented into four types of further education: 

  • further vocational education 
  • re-qualification accredited education 
  • continuing education 
  • special-interest education 

Educational institutions provide accredited educational programmes as well as non-accredited educational programmes.

Accreditation is a state validation of an educational institution's competence to legally provide accredited educational programmes. The accreditation process assesses the conformity of the educational content to the qualification and evaluation standard as well as the quality of staff and equipment. 

Support of lifelong learning has been one of the Slovak education system's development priorities in recent years. In its programme statement for 2023-2027 (Programové vyhlásenie na roky 2023-2027), the Government of the Slovak Republic committed itself to pass laws which will create conditions for a modern, practical, and efficient system of lifelong learning  

The Lifelong Learning and Counselling Strategy for 2021-2030 (Stratégia celoživotného vzdelávania a poradenstva na roky 2021-2030) is a key document in this process and it aims to ensure that every citizen has lifelong access to opportunities to learn, to develop their skills and competences throughout their lives at every stage of life and with regard to individual needs and circumstances so that everyone can realise their potential in personal, professional and civic life.