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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Continuing Professional Development for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.3Continuing Professional Development for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education

Last update: 2 December 2024

Organisational aspects

The organisation, content, extent, and form of continuing education of pedagogical employees are governed by the act on pedagogical and professional employees (zákon o pedagogických a odborných zamestnancoch). The act on pedagogical and professional employees also defines the obligation to maintain and develop one‘s professional competencies. Professional development is a prerequisite for promotion to a higher career level or career position and for performing the activities of a managing pedagogical employee. It impacts the salary of pedagogical employees. Not all types of professional development are mandatory for pedagogical employees. Pedagogical employees are entitled to fully paid five days off a year for professional development.

Professional development takes place according to the approved professional development plan for 1-5 years issued by the headteacher and approved by the pedagogical board. This plan is created for each calendar year. The annual education plan can be supplemented and amended during its term in compliance with the school’s current possibilities and needs.

The education of pedagogical and professional employees is organised as

  • qualification education (to be completed within a legally prescribed time frame by teachers who do not meet the qualification requirement to perform the respective activity).
  • functional education
  • specialisation education
  • adaptation education (compulsory for beginning teachers),
  • pre-attestation education
  • innovation education (compulsory for kindergarten teachers without higher education), and
  • actualisation education.

By completing the appropriate education the teaching and professional employees meet the requirements for being ranked at the appropriate career level or career position, or innovate their professional competencies through innovation education. 

A pedagogical employee who completed qualification education qualifies to work in the respective pedagogical employee category and subcategory. Qualification education is organised as an additional pedagogical study or as an extension study. Qualification education programmes are approved by the Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth. Qualification education is provided by higher education institutions, organisations founded by the Ministry of Education, or other legal persons directly authorised by the Ministry of Education.

Functional education is designed for management employees (school heads and school representatives) and it is mandatory to the extent and schedule defined by the law. Functional education programmes are approved by the Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth. Functional education is provided by higher education institutions, organisations founded by the Ministry of Education, catholic pedagogical and catechism centres, registered churches or religious associations, or other legal persons that work in training with the focus on the management of education.

Specialisation education provides professional competencies required to perform specialised activities. Specialisation education programmes provided by a higher education institution are approved by the higher education institution's rectors. Specialisation education programmes organised by the following providers are approved by the Ministry of Education: secondary vocational schools, organisations founded by the Ministry of Education, catholic pedagogical and catechism centres, national sports associations in the respective sport, or other legal persons that work in training for specialised activity in the respective career position.

The aim of adaptation education is to acquire the professional competencies required to work at the career level of an independent pedagogical employee. Adaptation education is organised as a single adaptation education programme. Adaptation education programmes are approved by the head or the statutory representative of an organisation founded by the Ministry of Education. Adaptation education providers include schools, school facilities, social aid facilities, and organisations founded by the Ministry of Education.

Pre-attestation education provides professional competencies required for promotion to a higher career level. The pre-attestation education programme is approved by the Ministry of Education and provided by an attestation organisation.

Innovation education aims to deepen, expand, and innovate professional competencies. Innovation education programmes provided by higher education institutions are approved by the respective higher education institution’s rector. Innovation education programmes organised by the following providers are approved by the Ministry of Education: organisations founded by the Ministry of Education, organisations founded by other central bodies of state administration to perform tasks in the professional development of pedagogical and professional employees,  catholic and catechism centres, schools, school facilities, social aid facilities, employer authorised to provide practical education in the dual education system, or other legal persons who work in education.

Actualisation education aims to maintain and renew professional competencies required to perform work activities or acquire new knowledge and information, Actualisation education is provided by schools to their pedagogical and professional employees as necessary. The programme is approved by the school head. Compulsory actualisation education is provided by schools, school facilities, social aid facilities, and organisations founded by the Ministry of Education. 

Organisations founded by the ministry that provide continuous professional development include the National Institute of Education and Youth (Národný inštitút vzdelávania a mládeže),  State Institute of Vocational Education (Štátny inštitút odborného vzdelávania) and the Research Institute of Child Pathology and Pathopsychology (Výskumný ústav detskej psychológie a patopsychológie). 

Incentives, supporting measures and funding for participation in continuing professional development (CPD) activities

Teachers and professional employees cover the costs related to 

  • qualification education,
  • completion of the basic module of functional education, if not taken in line with the professional development plan, 
  • pre-attestation education.  

They also pay for adaptation education if it is not provided by their school but an organisation founded by the Ministry of Education, Research, Development, and Youth of the SR (e.g. NIVAM). The school founder covers employees’ extension training if scheduled in the professional development plan. Other forms of education scheduled in the professional development plan as defined by law are covered by the education participant’s employer.

Professional development is supported through financial benefits for completed education. Teachers will be awarded a bonus of 6% for extension training, 12% for taking state language examinations, 3% for specialised education and 3% for innovation education. The bonus for professional development is valid for 7 years and up to 12%, out of which the maximum for innovation education is 9%.