The Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs & Sports implements special programs and supports alternative educational structures. The aim is to provide education, that meets the needs of people of a different educational, social and cultural background.
In this context, the following types of schools are in operation:
Model and experimental schools
According to l. 4692/2020 model and experimental schools (protypa kai peiramatika scholeia) are educational units that contribute to the educational planning and pilot implementation of the educational policy, in order to cultivate the best educational methods, practices and tools throughout the educational system.
The aim of these schools is to cover educational needs related to research, training and the exchange of good practices.
At national level, the school head, the deputy school head and the school teachers' board are the administration bodies of model and experimental schools.
The Steering Committee of Model and Experimental Schools is established by decision of the Minister of Education with the responsibility to:
- implement the educational policy regarding Model Schools & Experimental Schools
- propose to the Minister of Education on issues, such as the establishment of Model Schools or Experimental Schools, designation of schools as Model Schools or Experimental Schools, implementation of a draw procedure for admission to Experimental Schools & exams or skills test for admission to Model Schools, classification and selection of candidates for placement in Model Schools & Experimental Schools as teachers
- establish of Regional Committees of Model & Experimental Schools and Scientific Supervisory Boards of Model Schools & Experimental Schools
- approve research activities of Model Schools & Experimental Schools & their cooperation with Higher Education Institutions, research bodies and public benefit institutions
- carry out external evaluation of Model Schools & Experimental Schools, in collaboration with the Institute of Educational Policy & HEI.
A five-member Regional Committee of Model and Experimental Schools is established in each Regional Directorate of Education with the responsibility to:
- prepare evaluation tables for the ranking of the candidates for placement in Model Schools and Experimental Schools.
- select teachers of Model and Experimental Schools.
The scientific supervisory board (EPES) provides pedagogical and scientific guidance during the planning and implementation of the schools' experimental activities.
Admission of students to the first grade of the model High School takes place after examinations or a test of skills. Any specific issue regarding the type of exams or test (skills), and the process of submitting applications for participation in the examinations, are all determined by decision of the Minister of Education, issued after the recommendation of the DEPPS (Administrative Committee of Model and Experimental Schools) and the opinion of the IEP (Institute of Educational Policy).
Students get accepted in experimental schools exclusively by draw in order to achieve as random a sample of students as possible. The Scientific Supervisory Board (EPES) is responsible for the implementation of the draw procedure together with the school head, and the school teachers' board.
The selection of students concerns the first year of entry (that is grade A of lower secondary school-gymnasio). Student progression from lower secondary school (gymnasio) to upper secondary school (lykeio) of these schools depends on school graduation exams.
Admission of students, who are graduates of an experimental lower secondary school, to an affiliated experimental upper secondary school is conducted without a new draw. Draw procedures are conducted to fill vacant positions that arise in the entry grade of the school at the next educational level. The Steering Committee of Model and Experimental Schools coordinates the implementation of the related procedures and ensures their integrity.
It is possible, upon application, to exceptionally admit a student to the introductory or intermediate class of the Experimental School, by decision of the Steering Committee of Model and Experimental Schools, under the following conditions:
a) the student is in the runner-up tables of the entrance lottery and
b) a sibling, who was enrolled in the school prior its designation as an Experimental school, studies in the same school unit.
The application is submitted by the student's parents or guardians within thirty (30) days of the lottery for admission to the school.
The number of model lower secondary schools is 20, while experimental ones are 19.
The number of model upper secondary schools is 19, while experimental ones are 12.
Onasseia schools
In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports, the Onassis Foundation plans to transform 22 public lower and upper secondary schools into Public Onassis Schools (11 lower and 11 upper secondary schools) in vulnerable areas of Attica and the rest of the country, proposing a public school model for the future.
Public Onassis Schools will be under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports. Teachers will be selected from those already serving in public schools, through the same process as for Model Schools. The Greek State will cover the salaries of teachers and administrative staff, as is the case for all public schools.
The Onassis Foundation will undertake the renovation of the schools, provide scholarships, contribute to the professional development of teachers, and cover the schools' operational expenses.
Students will be admitted through examinations in the 1st grade of lower secondary school, as is the case for Model Schools. The process is the same for admission to the 1st grade of upper secondary school, while students already attending the 2nd and 3rd grades of lower and upper secondary schools will continue attending their schools.
The public Onassis Schools are existing schools that will continue to be under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports and where public educators will continue to serve. The Onassis Foundation intends to upgrade the facilities and give more than 6,000 students the opportunity to participate in a new educational model that combines the content of public education with innovation, contemporary knowledge, and the skills required for the 21st century.
Music schools
Music schools (mousika scholeia) aim at preparing and training students who wish to follow a career in music. At the same time, they provide general education in case students eventually decide to pursue a career in another scientific or professional field ministerial decision 3345/Γ2/2-9-1988).
Music school students attend general education classes just as students of day lower and upper secondary schools. They also attend music classes which amount to 13-14 hours depending on the class.
Students who have completed primary education have the right to enrol in music lower secondary schools, following a selection procedure conducted by a special committee, whose composition is specific to each school.
The subjects in which candidates are assessed are: rhythm, music dictation, vocal competence, timbre distinction and, optionally, competence in a musical instrument (European or traditional); a minimum beginner competency level is required ( Ministerial decision 20923/Δ2/23-2-2021).
Graduates from the relevant lower secondary music schools enrol in grade Α of upper secondary music schools. Other general upper secondary school graduates can also enrol, provided they are successful in admission examinations and there are vacancies in the school.
The promotion of Music school students in the subjects of music education is a prerequisite for their stay at the school, regardless of whether the student meets the promotion criteria for the next grade, according to the regulations of in general education schools.
There are 53 music lower secondary schools and 49 upper secondary music school in the country.
Art schools
Art schools (Kallitechnika scholeia) were founded, according to l. 3194/2003. They include the following study fields:
- Visual arts
- Drama - film
- Dance.
The primary purpose of art schools is to encourage students to pursue their interest in arts through preparatory learning programmes that help them build and develop their skills and inclinations. They also aim at training students who wish to follow a career path in theatre, dance or visual arts, without falling behind in general education, if they finally choose another scientific or vocational sector.
In addition to general education subjects, art schools deliver courses for all the above 3 study fields.
Curricula for art schools have been extended and they amount to 40 hours a week (Ministerial Decision 154132/Δ2/29-11-2021).
In order to enrol in grade A of art lower secondary school, primary school graduates are required to sit entrance examinations. Each student may apply for more than one area of specialisation. In case students are successful in both, they enrol at the specialisation in which they scored the highest.
Lower secondary art school graduates and/or other lower secondary school students (through graduate admission examinations) are entitled to enrol in grade A of upper secondary art school.
There are currently 10 lower secondary art schools and 8 upper secondary art schools in Greece.
Model Ecclesiastical schools
Model ecclesiastical secondary schools are established and operate so that students who attend them can have a deeper understanding of the ecclesiastical, spiritual and cultural Eastern Orthodox Christian Church. This type of secondary school aims at students being able to:
- acquire a complete educational contex , knowledge and understanding of the Orthodox Christianity as an ecclesiastical and cultural tradition as well as its place and mission in modern-day world,
- widen the major aspects of ecclesiastical teachings, worship, spirituality, art, tradition and life and become aware of their dynamics,
- understand the need for mutual respect and dialogue between different religious communities and traditions to the benefit of social and religious peace and
- consolidate the need for protection of the natural and cultural environment.
Model ecclesiastical schools follow the same curriculum as the one implemented in the public general upper secondary Education, as modified pursuant to a relevant decision of the Minister of education, following a relevant proposal submitted by the Supervisory council for ecclesiastical education (ESEE) and the relevant opinion of the Institute of Educational Policy (ΙΕP). The curriculum may be extended with the addition of extra teaching hours exclusively intended for ecclesiastical specialization subjects, with no more than forty-two (42) total teaching hours per week. In grade C the extra teaching hours are exclusively dedicated to group orientation subjects.
Model Ecclesiastical upper secondary graduates receive a qualification equivalent to this of general upper secondary schools. Hence, they can participate in the existing entry system for higher education.
In Greece, there are 6 model ecclesiastical lower and upper secondary schools and 10 model ecclesiastical upper secondary schools.
Minority schools
In Greece, minority education includes exclusively the residents of Thrace in the population registers, that is, Greek citizens, who are Muslims, descendants of the non-exchanged populations (Greece-Turkey) under the Treaty of Lausanne.
The same treaty established the minority educational system. The latter is accompanied by subsequent educational protocols and defined by the Greek legislation.
The curriculum of these schools is bilingual. Time is distributed equally between the Greek and Turkish language. These two languages are both languages of instruction, as well as taught subjects.
The bilingual curriculum is in accordance with the curricula of the public schools of the country. However, emphasis is on the conservation, development and promotion of the cultural and linguistic background of the minority.
In Thrace, there are two minority lower secondary schools and two minority upper secondary schools in operation.
Intercultural schools
The main objectives of scholeia diapolitismikis ekpaidefsis (intercultural education schools) are:
- Inclusion in education
- Social inclusion for immigrant children based on the value of equity and respect for their cultural identity
- Tackling cultural and racist discrimination and xenophobia.
Under l. 4415/2016, these schools may operate as experimental intercultural education schools. They pursue collaborations with higher education institutes ( AEI).
They implement experimental research and innovative educational programs related to intercultural education and tackling social exclusion regardless of race or cultural background. Curricula and teaching methods are applied as in the existing experimental schools.
There are 8 intercultural lower secondary schools and 5 intercultural upper secondary schools in operation.
School of European Education
The School of European Education (SEE) - scholeio evropaikis paideias is based in Crete (l. 3376/2005). The school strictly adheres to the curricula taught in European schools. It covers pre-primary, primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education.
This includes:
- Children of staff of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) or other European Union agencies
- Children of the staff of International Organizations and Diplomatic Missions based in Heraklion, Crete
- Graduates of the primary education cycle
- Students coming with transfer from other European schools or European Education schools (type II)
- Students who live in the wider district of the specific school, in the vacant places, after a draw.
There are two language departments in the School, Greek and English. Students whose mother tongue is not included in the language departments that operate must be tested in the language of the department of their choice to determine if their knowledge of the language is at a level that allows them to attend that department.
The general framework for the operation of European Schools applies to the curricula, teaching methods and the evaluation and progression of students.
Muslim Seminaries (ierospoudastiria)
The Muslim seminaries of Thrace are religious schools in which only students / members of the Muslim minority of Thrace can attend, covering the needs of their religious education.
The Muslim Seminaries of Thrace cover the level of secondary education (lower - upper). The diplomas issued by the seminaries and granted to the graduates of the first three grades are equivalent to the diplomas of the ecclesiastical high schools and the diplomas issued and granted to the graduates of the remaining three grades are equivalent to the diplomas of the General Ecclesiastical upper secondary schools.
The students of the seminaries attend the timetable that is taught in the lower and upper secondary schools, with minimal deviations. They are also taught courses of religious specialization, such as the Qur'an, its interpretation, Islamic Law, etc. The curriculum is developed in Greek, Turkish and Arabic.
There are two seminaries, one in Komotini and one in Xanthi.
Second chance schools
Second chance schools (Scholeia defteris efkairias) have been established under l. 2525/1997. They provide flexible education services for school-leaving adults who wish to resume their studies and obtain a certificate equivalent to the school leaving certificate awarded by gymnasia.
In order to be eligible to enroll at second chance schools, students must be at least 18 years of age or will become 18 on or before 31 December of the current school year. They must also have completed primary education.
The purpose of second chance schools is the overall development of the students, their full participation in the economic, social and cultural reality and their effective participation at the workplace.
The duration of the training is two school years. It does not correspond to the years of the mainstream lower secondary education schools. Hence, only when the student has successfully completed his training, can he/she obtain a leaving certificate equal to the mainstream lower secondary education school leaving certificate.
The curriculum is way different to that of the mainstream education system as regards principles, content, teaching methodology and student assessment. The latter is qualitative and descriptive. It does not reflect the final performance of trainees, but their actual progress.
There are 86 second chance schools in Greece, 12 of which operate in detention facilities.