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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Validation of non-formal and informal learning


8.Adult education and training

8.5Validation of non-formal and informal learning

Last update: 10 December 2024

Ukrainian education law, including the Law on Education (закон України ‘Про освіту’), defines non-formal education as learning typically achieved through educational programmes. Although it does not lead to state-recognised qualifications by education level, it can result in professional or partial educational qualifications.

Informal learning (self-education) refers to self-directed efforts to acquire specific competences through everyday activities, often related to professional, social or personal contexts, including family or leisure.

The framework for recognising and validating non-formal and informal learning outcomes is based on specific regulations, such as the Procedure for Awarding and Confirming Professional Qualifications by Qualification Centres (Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про затвердження Порядку присвоєння та підтвердження професійних кваліфікацій кваліфікаційними центрами’) and the Procedure for Accreditation of Qualification Centres (Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Деякі питання акредитації кваліфікаційних центрів’).

Learning outcomes from non-formal and informal education are recognised within the formal education system according to established legal procedures. However, Ukraine has yet to implement a fully legislated system for validating such learning. Current practices remain fragmented and include the following:

  • Non-formal vocational training enables employees to acquire professional knowledge, skills and competences outside regulated settings. This training is not bound by specific locations, durations or formats. Individuals who gain relevant professional skills through work in enterprises, institutions or organisations - but lack formal documentation - can confirm their qualifications and obtain state-issued certificates. This is possible through independent assessments conducted at 33 qualification centres accredited by the National Qualifications Agency.

  • Employers often provide non-formal training directly to employees, with their consent. This training aligns with the organisation’s operational needs and is funded by the employer. Upon completion, employees receive certificates that specify:

  • the profession or speciality,

  • the qualification obtained,

  • the focus on skills development, 

  • the training duration.

  • Validation of non-formal vocational training for blue-collar professions follows the Procedure for Confirmation of Results of Non-Formal Vocational Training of Persons in Blue-Collar Professions 

(Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про затвердження Порядку підтвердження результатів неформального професійного навчання осіб за робітничими професіями’). The Ministry of Social Policy identifies blue-collar professions eligible for validation (Наказ Міністерства соціальної політики України ‘Про затвердження Переліку робітничих професій, за якими здійснюється підтвердження результатів неформального професійного навчання осіб за робітничими професіями’). Workers who validate their qualifications receive a certificate confirming their new or upgraded blue-collar qualification. Currently, this system applies only to the ‘cook’ qualification, offered at three vocational training centres under the State Employment Service.

Since 2022, many higher and professional pre-higher education institutions have recognised learning outcomes achieved through non-formal and informal education. These institutions have established internal procedures based on the Procedure for Recognition of Learning Outcomes in Higher and Professional Pre-Higher Education Achieved through Non-Formal and/or Informal Education (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження Порядку визнання у вищій та фаховій передвищій освіті результатів навчання, здобутих шляхом неформальної та/або інформальної освіти’).

This regulation specifies:

  • general requirements for recognition processes,

  • applicable institutions and individuals,

  • the steps involved,

  • institutional requirements for recognition procedures,

  • application processes and identification of learning outcomes,

  • the organisation and implementation of assessments,

  • the integration of recognition results into the educational process.