Ukraine is a parliamentary-presidential republic. According to the Constitution of Ukraine (Конституція України), the people are the sole source of sovereignty and power in the country. The people exercise power both directly and through public authorities and local self-government bodies. The government consists of three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine represents the executive authority in the country, while the legislative authority belongs to the Parliament (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine). The President of Ukraine is vested with the authority to influence all three branches of government – executive, legislative, and judicial. Following the Constitution, the President is obliged to stop any actions that contravene the fundamental law of Ukraine.
The functioning of the Verkhovna Rada, its constituent bodies and officials is determined by the Constitution, the Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada and laws such as the Law on Committees and the Law on the Status of People's Deputies. In addition, these documents define the principles of formation, organisation and dissolution of parliamentary groups or factions within the Parliament.
The constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is 450 deputies. Their legal status is defined by the relevant legislation.
The Committee on Education, Science and Innovation (Комітет з питань освіти, науки та інновацій) of the Verkhovna Rada performs legislative, organisational, and control functions. The Committee is responsible for the following areas: education; science, scientific and technical activities and science parks; legal status and social protection of scientific, pedagogical, and scientific-pedagogical workers. It also includes innovations, development of high technologies (excluding issues covered by other committees); principles of scientific and scientific-technical expertise.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU) is the central executive body responsible for the formulation and implementation of state policy in the field of education and science. The MESU operates under the direction and coordination of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. According to the Regulation on the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про затвердження Положення про Міністерство освіти і науки України’), its main tasks include development and implementation of state policy in the field of education and science; supervision of scientific and scientific-technical activities, as well as innovation and technology transfer; formulation and implementation of state policy on public supervision and control over educational institutions, enterprises, establishments and organisations providing educational services or engaged in related activities, regardless of their subordination and ownership.
The Law on Local Self-Government in Ukraine (Закон України ‘Про місцеве самоврядування в Україні’) defines the structure, guarantees, principles of organisation and functioning, legal status and responsibilities of local self-government bodies and officials.
Regarding the regulation of the education system, the executive bodies of rural, settlement and city councils are responsible for the management of educational institutions belonging to territorial communities. They ensure the provision of complete general secondary education, vocational education and training, professional non-tertiary and higher education in public and municipal educational institutions. These bodies are responsible for creating conditions necessary for the upbringing of children and youth, development of their skills, professional training, career guidance, and productive activities. They also support early childhood education and care institutions, out-of-school educational institutions, non-governmental scientific and educational associations for children and youth, and youth centres. In addition, they organise medical care and catering in educational institutions owned by territorial communities.
Within rural, settlement, city, and urban district councils (where they exist), executive committees, departments, and administrative offices, including those responsible for education management, serve as the executive authorities.