Branches of study
A Bachelor's degree is a first-cycle higher education qualification awarded by a HEI on successful completion of an educational professional programme of 180-240 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits. In order to obtain a Bachelor's degree based on a Junior Bachelor's degree or professional non-tertiary education, a HEI is entitled to recognise and re-account ECTS credits, the maximum number of which is determined by the higher education standard (HES).
The first-cycle programmes can be offered by HEIs in 29 knowledge branches and 122 specialities within them, grouped in the List of Knowledge Branches and Specialities in which Higher Education Applicants are Trained (Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про затвердження переліку галузей знань і спеціальностей, за якими здійснюється підготовка здобувачів вищої освіти’).
The volume of the Bachelor's programme in ECTS credits is as follows:
240 ECTS credits based on complete general secondary education with a study period of 11 years (for certain specialities, for example, nursing, starting from 180 ECTS credits);
180-240 ECTS credits based on complete general secondary education with a study period of 12 years.
The number of ECTS credits (180-240) required to obtain a Bachelor's degree is set by law and specified in the HES. This number does not depend on the availability of a Junior Bachelor's (Junior Specialist's) degree. The HEI may set limits on the number of credits obtained in the relevant educational components (academic disciplines, internships, etc.) within the previous educational programme for Junior Bachelor or Junior Specialist. The HEI has the right to recognise and re-account them. The maximum number of ECTS credits that can be transferred is determined by the HEI and cannot exceed 60 ECTS credits. At least 50% of the educational programme should be dedicated to ensuring general and specific (professional) competences in the speciality, as determined by the HES. This standard establishes the minimum number of ECTS credits for practice.
For educational programmes aimed at training specialists for regulated professions, additional requirements may be established by relevant professional standards. As of the beginning of 2024, UkrainianHEIs offer 26 specialties across 9 knowledge branches grouped in the List of Specialties, Obtaining a Degree in Which is Required for Access to Professions Subject to Additional Regulation (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження Переліку спеціальностей, здобуття ступеня освіти з яких необхідне для доступу до професій, для яких запроваджено додаткове регулювання’).
Admission requirements
For admission to the Bachelor's programme, it is necessary to have a complete secondary education or a Junior Bachelor's degree (complete a short cycle of study).
Admission to HEIs is carried out on a competitive basis according to the Terms of Admission for Higher Education Studies approved by the Central Executive Authority for Education and Science. The terms of the competition must ensure the observance of human rights in the field of education.
The conditions for admission to higher education are published on the official website of the Central Executive Authority for Education and Science no later than 15 October of the year preceding the year of admission to the HEIs. Citizens have the right to receive free higher education in state and communal educational institutions on a competitive basis.
Several categories at their discretion have the right to participate in the separate competition within the established quotas for admission to HEIs (scientific institutions) of Ukraine based on the results of entrance examinations in given subjects. Among those are the following:
Orphans and children deprived of parental care;
Persons with disabilities that may be an obstacle to passing the external independent assessment;
Persons who are recognised by law as combatants who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, participated in the anti-terrorist operation (joint forces operation), ensuring its conduct, in the implementation of measures to ensure national security and defence, repelling and deterring the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions;
Conscripts upon admission to military HEIs and military training.
For persons residing in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, who have received a certificate of general secondary education, admission to HEIs is carried out within the established quotas for admission to HEIs of Ukraine.
Several groups have the right to participate in the competition based on the results of entrance examinations in competitive subjects. It is valid during the special period for admission to educational programmes in the field of military sciences, national security, state border security in military HEIs and military educational units of HEIs. Among them are:
Citizens of Ukraine discharged from military service within one year after discharge;
Students of HEIs who have expressed a desire to enrol and subsequently conscript as officers;
Applicants from among graduates of military (naval) lyceums and lyceums with advanced military and physical training who graduated in the year of admission;
Conscripts during mobilisation for a special period.
Admission to Bachelor's programmes depends on a complete general secondary education and the results of an external independent assessment of applicants' knowledge and skills, and the level of their creative and/or physical abilities. It takes into account the following:
The average score of the certificate of general secondary education;
The score for the motivation letter.
The points for special achievements for persons who are members of Ukrainian national teams at international student competitions or are winners of the IV stage of All-Ukrainian student competitions in basic subjects. The list of these individuals is determined by the Central Executive Authority for Education and Science. Those participating in the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games are eligible for these points upon submission to the Central Executive Authority for Culture, Youth and Sports. Additionally, points are awarded for successful completion of preparatory courses at a HEI for admission to the institution for natural, mathematical and engineering specialities, as outlined in the Terms of Admission for Higher Education Studies.
Individuals residing in temporarily occupied territories of certain districts in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as in settlements located along the contact line, the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and the city of Sevastopol, have the right to apply to Ukrainian HEIs. Admission is based on a document of complete secondary education and in accordance with the Law on Higher Education (Закон України ‘Про вищу освіту’) or on a competitive basis, based on the results of entrance examinations at HEIs within the established quotas for admission.
Curriculum (educational programmes) in all HEIs comply with the content requirements outlined in the HESs for the corresponding level of education. The HESs are developed according to the current legislation using the provisions of the Methodological Recommendations for the Development of Higher Education Standards, including any updates (Наказ Міністерства освітиі науки України ‘Методичні рекомендації щодо розроблення стандартів вищої освіти’). As of the beginning of 2024, Ukraine has established HESs for the Bachelor's degree programmes in almost all specialities, with the exception of 014 Secondary Education (by subject specialities).
In general, the educational programme defines the following:
The requirements for the level of education of persons who can start studying under this programme;
The list of mandatory educational components and the logical sequence of their study;
The number of ECTS credits required to complete this programme;
The expected learning results (competences) that a student must master for the relevant higher education degree.
A professional programme is developed for the first or Bachelor's level of higher education. Among other things it is used for:
Accreditation and inspection of educational activities for the speciality;
Development of curricula for training of students, programmes of academic disciplines and internship programmes;
Development of tools for higher education quality assurance;
Determining the content of training in the system of retraining and advanced training;
Carrier guidance of students.
Educational programmes that include professional qualifications must comply with the requirements of the relevant professional standards (if available).
An educational programme may offer the possibility of awarding several additional professional qualifications stemming from its optional educational components. Based on the results of the educational programme, an applicant may receive no more than two professional qualifications.
Teaching methods
The forms of study for a Bachelor's degree in Ukraine are quite diverse: full-time study, hours of independent study and practical sessions, as well as distance, dual and/or blended learning, among others.
The course of study employs a variety of teaching and learning methods, including lectures, practical training, laboratory classes, project assignments, seminars, independent study, library research, group projects, research work, and other methods, as well as a combination of all these methods. Consultations can be conducted in groups or individually.
The duration of lessons is measured in academic hours, with each lesson lasting 45 minutes. At HEIs, teachers may use different teaching methods. Lecture materials or notes are often accessible to students through the virtual environment of the HEI. Information technologies are widely used and integrated into the learning process.
Students carry out fundamental and applied research, engage in applied scientific activities and participate in scientific programmes in their own country and abroad. In addition to its scientific activities, the HEIs also organise educational, sporting, cultural and artistic activities for teachers and students. These events are designed to promote public art education and foster the integration of artistic practice with learning.
Students may buy textbooks and other educational materials or use the resources available in the HEI libraries.
Progression of students
HEIs outlines in its statute the criteria for student progression in their studies.
Each student's curriculum must comprise a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 80 ECTS credits per academic year. The individual curriculum is formed based on the requirements of the educational programme for its mandatory components, the educational policy of the HEI and the student's personal choice of optional educational components.
The reasons for the expulsion of a student include:
- Completion of studies under the relevant educational (scientific) programme;
- Personal desire;
- Transfer to another educational institution;
- Non-fulfillment of the individual curriculum;
- Breach of the agreement (contract) concluded between the HEI and the student or the individual (legal entity) paying for such education;
- Other cases specified by law.
A person expelled from the HEI before completing the educational programme receives an academic certificate containing information on learning results, names of disciplines, received grades and number of obtained ECTS credits. The academic certificate template is established by the Central Executive Authority for Education and Science.
Higher education applicants have the right to interrupt their studies due to circumstances preventing them from completing the educational (scientific) programme. These circumstances may include health reasons, military conscription with no right to deferment, family circumstances, etc. Such students are granted academic leave in accordance with the established procedure. Studies or practical training at educational and scientific institutions (including foreign ones) may serve as grounds for study interruption unless otherwise provided for by international acts or contracts between the HEI.
Students enrolled in higher education who are called up for military service during a period of mobilisation, or who are conscripted for military service from among reservists during a special period, are guaranteed the retention of their place of study and scholarship.
Students who exercise the right to academic mobility during their studies, practical training or scientific activities at another HEI (scientific institution) in Ukraine or abroad are guaranteed that their place of studies and scholarship are retained in accordance with the Provision on Exercising the Right to Academic Mobility. Such persons are not to be expelled from the HEI.
A person expelled from the HEI before completing their studies under the relevant educational programme has the right to renew their studies within the HEI's licensed scope. The renewal of persons expelled from HEIs or granted an academic leave, as well as the transfer of higher education applicants, is typically conducted during vacations.
The procedure for expulsion, studies interruption, renewal and transfer of persons studying at the HEI, as well as the procedure for granting them academic leaves, is determined by a provision approved by the Central Executive Authority for Education and Science (Наказ Міністерства освітиі науки України ‘Про затвердження Положення про порядок відрахування, переривання навчання, поновлення і переведення осіб, які навчаються у закладах вищої освіти, та надання їм академічної відпустки’). The process of renewing and transferring students is carried out in accordance with the requirements of relevant educational programmes.
If the accreditation certificate for the educational programme expires and the HEI does not receive a new accreditation certificate, the higher education applicants studying at the expense of the state (local) budget have the right to transfer to another HEI, where the relevant programme is accredited. They may complete their studies at the expense of the state (local) budget following the procedure approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Servicemen (commanding staff) graduates from military HEIs, HEIs with specific training conditions, and military institutes as units of the HEIs are directed for further service in accordance with the legislation. For graduates from medical and pedagogical HEIs who have concluded an agreement on working for at least three years in villages or towns, the state shall ensure free of charge housing with heating and lighting within the established standards.
Preferential admission to higher education in medical care, arts and teaching on a competitive basis and within the applicable quotas is accessible to persons who have concluded an agreement on working for at least three years in villages or towns and whose education is funded under the state (regional) order.
In addition, HEIs have Career Centres that provide students with both general and individual consultations. These Сentres offer a variety of employment training courses and assist students in securing internships and subsequent employment. They also facilitate the recruitment of employees by employers.
Representatives of civil society, including employer representatives, may apply for positions on collegial, working, and advisory bodies, as well as on the HEI's supervisory board.
Student assessment
Students are assessed according to the procedure established by the HEI's Statute. While this procedure may vary, several fundamental principles and assessment methods are generally applicable. The curriculum concludes with the assessment of the graduate's competency during the defence of the final diploma (project) and/or the final examinations.
The main form of assessment is the examination. In many HEIs, there is a limit on the number of examinations that can be taken in one examination session. In certain subjects, students may be assessed on their achievements through the completion of examinations, or alternatively, the final grade may be obtained through a cumulative assessment.
Recognition of learning outcomes obtained through informal and/or non-formal education in higher and Professional Non-Tertiary Education is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження Порядку визнання у вищій та фаховій передвищій освіті результатів навчання, здобутих шляхом неформальної та/або інформальної освіти’).
In recent years, HEIs have been introducing the recognition of non-formal and informal learning results by awarding relevant qualifications to applicants, including the Bachelor's degree (e.g., Regulations on the validation of learning results obtained in non-formal and/or informal education in higher and professional non-tertiary education programmes of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Положення про валідацію результатів навчання, здобутих у процесі неформальної та/або інформальної освіти у програмах вищої і фахової передвищої освіти Київського національного університету імені Т.Г. Шевченка).
Certification is carried out in one of the following forms:
Public presentation (demonstration) of the qualification paper;
Attestation examination (examinations);
Unified state qualification examination (examinations) in the speciality (if required by a Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine).
Furthermore, HEIs are entitled to establish additional forms of аttestation.
Upon completion of the first-cycle educational programme, graduates receive diplomas of the awarded qualification/educational degree and an addendum to the diploma. The Bachelor's diploma indicates the name of the HEI (scientific institution) that issued this document. In the case of a separate unit of a HEI (scientific institution), the name of such a unit is also included. Additionally, the diploma includes the name of the educational programme, as well as a qualification comprising the information about the obtained higher education degree, speciality (specialities, knowledge branch for interdisciplinary educational programmes), specialisation and professional qualification (if assigned).
The addendum to the diploma is an integral part of the diploma, containing a description of the nature, level, and content of the studies successfully completed by the person (i.e., subjects studied, ECTS credits, obtained grades, possible activities, positions and/or professions for further employment, etc.).