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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Ongoing reforms and policy developments


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

Last update: 31 December 2024

Pre-war periоd
Reforming education in the Ukrainian state had to fulfil a number of strategic objectives. These include the revival and development of the national education system (NES) as the most important element in the upbringing of conscious citizens; ensuring the priority of human development; bringing Ukrainian education to the level of developed countries by fundamentally reforming its conceptual, structural and organisational foundations. Other strategic goals include overcoming the state's monopoly position in the education sphere by creating non-state educational institutions on an equal basis, deep democratisation of traditional educational institutions, etc.

From 1991 to 2003, the NES mostly preserved the traditions of the Soviet past, gradually changing. Since 2004, there was a significant transformation of the institutional and legal frameworks of education under the influence of European integration processes, as Ukraine declared a course for joining the EU. This led to corresponding changes in all segments of education – from early childhood to higher education.

By signing the Association Agreement with the EU in 2014, Ukraine committed itself to promoting European cooperation in education, training and youth policy.

On 5 September 2017, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a new Law on Education (Закон України ‘Про освіту’), which gave a powerful impetus to further reforming the NES and solving the problems of entering the European Education Area.

The defined pre-war strategic guidelines outlined directions for further improvement of the institutional and legal frameworks of the NES in the context of social changes and national economic development to strengthen our country's position in the European community.

Period of martial law
The socio-economic structure of Ukraine came under enemy attack with the beginning of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine on February 24, 2022. It led to significant destruction and damage of infrastructure facilities and social buildings, including many educational institutions. Some settlements in Ukraine were completely wiped off the map by Russian artillery and air bombs. It forced their residents to evacuate massively. They have fled the occupied territories and those where active hostilities are taking place.

The education system of Ukraine now functions in new realities. Educational managers are facing such issues that no one has solved until now. The implementation of martial law and the reduction of economic activity have led to a significant deficit affecting state and local budgets. It also caused a significant decrease of education expenditures, as all available resources were redirected to defence and humanitarian needs.

The constant support of Ukraine by European and international partners and donors has become and remains invaluable and vital in this difficult time.
Thanks to the aid of European partners and the unity of the society, the education sector continued to function during the hostilities. Our state was able to maintain and deepen the initiated educational reforms in 2023-2024.

The main priorities and directions of reforming education in Ukraine are defined in strategic and conceptual government documents. The Vision of the Future of Education and Science in Ukraine and the Strategic Plan of Actions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine until 2027 (‘Education of Winners’)  are among them. 

The Vision of the Future of Education and Science in Ukraine represents a strategic vision for the development of Ukraine's educational and scientific systems in the future. It also takes into account the challenges caused by the martial law. The main goal of this document is to outline key areas of reforms and modernisation of education and science. It determines priorities and principles of development. The Vision of the Future of Education and Science in Ukraine notes that our country is on the verge of transformation. Today, the educational process in the country takes place accompanied by the sounds of sirens and shelling. Some have lost the opportunity to study altogether.

War, forced migration, globalisation and European integration require changes in approaches to education and science. It is emphasised that education should be the key to restoring a sense of hope and opportunity for the future despite existing obstacles. It should help people to find their place in new realities. The stated document aims to facilitate the creation of a modern education system that meets the needs and demands of the Ukrainian people. It should take into account the challenges and use our opportunities. Education is the key to the success of any nation, the basis of progress and development, the foundation of the future. Ukraine will create an education and science system that evolves with the country and contributes to its development.

The Strategic Plan of Actions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine until 2027: ‘Education of Winners’ was developed based on the Vision of the Future of Education and Science in Ukraine and several state programme documents. These documents outline strategies for the development of Ukraine and its integration into the European Union. The Plan defines and specifies the directions of education reform in Ukraine. It highlights nine priorities of the Ministry of Education and Science until 2027, addressing key areas of the Ministry's activities. The Plan takes into account the interaction of Ukrainian and global factors and the European integration context. It outlines the directions for further educational reforms as follows:

Content and meaning. Formation of a system of values and culture that will facilitate the development of a holistic and happy personality, a professional and a citizen of Ukraine. They should be capable of successful self-realisation and contributing to the development of the society and the economy.

Learners. Building an ecosystem of respect, development, inclusion and accessibility that takes into account the needs, interests and talents of each individual.

Pedagogue and researcher. Ensuring decent working conditions, fair pay and opportunities for continuous professional development for educators, teachers, practical psychologists and employees of Inclusive Resource Centres, lecturers and researchers.

System and network. Ensuring conditions for creating an effective network of educational and research institutions considering the interests of the participants of the educational process, the needs of the state and communities.

Environment. Transforming the educational environment so that it stimulates development and innovation, is comfortable and accessible. It should provide all participants of the educational process with maximum opportunities for development and self-realisation.

Management capability. Modernisation of management in education and science by implementing best management practices and motivation systems.