The State Standard for Primary Education and the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU), define the requirements for compulsory learning outcomes and competences of pupils in primary and lower (basic) secondary education. These standards specify the scope of learning in specific branches of knowledge and the total study load.
The implementation of state standards regulates the organisation of the educational process. It ensures the development of pupils' key competences and transversal skills defined by the Law of Ukraine on Education. It also contributes to the formation of value orientations in accordance with the Concept of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) (Концепція реалізації державної політики у сфері реформування загальної середньої освіти ‘Нова українська школа’ на період до 2029 року).
The State Standard for Primary Education and the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education ensure continuity by harmonising objectives, content, and organisational and methodological support during the transition from primary to basic secondary education.
Curriculum, subjects, number of hours
State Standard for Primary Education
The MESU approves the requirements for compulsory learning outcomes and competences for primary school pupils. The MESU also determines the total amount of study load based on the State Standard for Primary Education (Державний стандарт початкової освіти).
This standard serves as a basis for the development of standard and other educational programmes. Programmes developed on the basis of the standard educational programmes do not require separate approval by the State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine.
The formation of key competences is based on several factors. These include pupils' experiences, their needs that motivate them to learn, and the knowledge and skills they acquire in different educational environments, including school and family, as well as in different social situations. These factors shape pupils' attitudes to their experiences.
Primary education focuses on developing a number of common skills that are essential for all key competences. These include reading comprehension, the ability to express personal opinions orally and in writing, critical and systematic thinking, creativity, initiative, logical reasoning, constructive management of emotions, risk assessment, decision-making, problem solving and cooperation with peers.
State Standard for Basic Secondary Education
Basic secondary education is the second level of complete general secondary education. It requires pupils to meet the learning outcome requirements set out in the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education (Державний стандарт базової середньої освіти). The standard has been in force since 1 September 2022 as part of the NUS reform. Pupils in grades 5 and 6 follow this standard, and from 1 September 2024, it has also been applied to grade 7. Pupils in grades 8 and 9 continue their studies according to the State Standard for Basic and Complete Secondary Education of 2011 (Державний стандарт базової і повної загальної середньої освіти). This standard defines the requirements for compulsory learning outcomes for pupils at the level of basic secondary education. It specifies the total study load, divided into branches of knowledge, and determines the structure and content of basic secondary education.
This standard forms the basis for the development of standard educational programmes and other educational programmes in accordance with Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine on Complete General Secondary Education (закон України ‘Про повну загальну середню освіту’).
Basic secondary education under the new standard lasts five years and includes two cycles: adaptation (grades 5-6) and basic subject learning (grades 7-9).
The following branches of knowledge specify the requirements for pupils’ learning outcomes:
Language and literature;
Natural science;
Computer science;
Social and health protection;
Civics and history;
Physical education.
Basic curriculum for primary education
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine develops the basic curriculum for primary education, which is part of the State Standard for Primary Education. The basic curriculum includes the following five options:
For classes (groups) with Ukrainian language instruction;
For classes (groups) with instruction in the language of indigenous peoples or national minorities;
For classes (groups) with Ukrainian language instruction for representatives of indigenous peoples and national minorities;
For special institutions (classes) of general secondary education with Ukrainian language instruction for pupils with special educational needs (SEN);
For special institutions (classes) of general secondary education with the language of instruction of the relevant indigenous people or national minorities.
The basic curriculum for primary education defines the following branches of knowledge:
Language and literature (Ukrainian language and literature, language and literature of relevant indigenous people and national minorities, Ukrainian language and literature for indigenous people and national minorities, instruction in foreign language);
Natural science;
Computer science;
Social and health protection;
Civics and history;
Physical education.
Educational institutions can integrate these branches of knowledge fully or partially, while maintaining the total number of study hours for each branch.
The basic curriculum contains invariable (compulsory) and variable components. The invariable component applies to all general secondary education institutions (GSEIs), regardless of their type or ownership. In special institutions (classes), it also includes corrective and developmental activities adapted to the psychophysical needs of pupils with SEN.
The educational institution distributes the variable component of the basic curriculum independently. It takes into account the organisation of the educational process and the individual educational needs of pupils. This is outlined in the institution's educational programme.
Basic curriculum for basic secondary education
The basic curriculum for basic secondary education defines the total study load, its distribution between grades, branches of knowledge, compulsory and elective educational components. The basic curriculum has been developed for different types of institutions.
The curriculum specifies both recommended and minimum hours for each branch of knowledge. The difference between the recommended and minimum number of hours in each branch of knowledge can be redistributed to other branches or to electives. GSEIs have the autonomy to decide on the number of study hours for each branch of knowledge within the specified range. However, the total number of hours in all branches of knowledge cannot exceed the limit specified in the basic curriculum.
GSEIs also distribute additional hours for studying courses, integrated courses, electives within a branch of knowledge, individual consultations and group lessons independently. It takes into account the organisation of the educational process and the individual educational needs of learners. This is outlined in the institution's educational programme.
Basic curriculum for GSEI classes/groups with Ukrainian as the language of instruction according to the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education of 2020
Branches of knowledge |
Number of hours per year* |
Grades 5-6 |
Grades 7-9 |
Recommended |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Recommended |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Linguistics and literature** |
770 |
700 |
910 |
1050 |
875 |
1260 |
Mathematics |
350 |
280 |
420 |
525 |
420 |
700 |
Natural sciences |
210 |
122.5 |
280 |
910 |
805 |
1050 |
Social and health protection |
105 |
70 |
210 |
157.5 |
105 |
315 |
Civics and history |
122.5 |
87.5 |
175 |
245 |
192.5 |
315 |
Technology |
140 |
70 |
210 |
105 |
105 |
210 |
Computer sciences |
105 |
70 |
140 |
192.5 |
140 |
280 |
Arts |
140 |
70 |
210 |
140 |
105 |
245 |
Physical education*** |
210 |
315 |
Total |
2152.5 |
3640 |
Number of hours per year* |
Grades 5-6 |
Grades 7-9 |
Total (Grades 5-9) |
Additional hours for studying academic subjects, elective courses, individual consultations and group lessons |
122.5 |
105 |
227.5 |
Annual number of teaching hours financed from the budget (excluding division into groups) |
2275 |
3745 |
6020 |
Maximum permissible study load**** |
2065 |
3430 |
5495 |
* The number of hours per branch of knowledge can increase to the maximum level. It takes into account the redistribution of the difference between the recommended and minimum number of study hours for other branches of knowledge.
** Hours of ‘Language and literature’ branch can be allocated to studying a second foreign language (minimum two hours per week).
*** Hours allocated to physical education are not included in the maximum permissible study load for learners.
**** The total hours of studying all branches of knowledge should not exceed the total hours specified in this curriculum.
Basic curriculum for GSEIs (Level II) according to the State Standard for Basic and Complete General Secondary Education of 2011
Branches of knowledge |
Total hours |
Level II (Grades 5-9) |
Per week |
Per year |
Percent, % |
Invariable component |
Languages and Literature |
45 |
1575 |
27 |
Social sciences |
10 |
350 |
6 |
Arts* |
8 |
280 |
4.7 |
Mathematics |
20 |
700 |
12 |
Natural sciences |
30 |
1050 |
18 |
Technology* |
14 |
490 |
8.3 |
Healthcare and physical education** |
20 |
700 |
12 |
Total |
147 |
5145 |
88 |
Variable component |
Additional hours for in-depth study of certain subjects, pre-specialised training, elective courses, individual lessons |
20 |
700 |
12 |
Total |
20 |
700 |
12 |
Maximum permissible study load |
157 |
5495 |
Total (general study load) |
167 |
5845 |
100 |
* Branches of knowledge ‘Technology’ and ‘Arts’ belong to elective and compulsory subjects at the upper secondary level.
** The hours allocated to physical education in the branch of knowledge ‘Health and physical education’ are not included in the calculation of the maximum permissible study load for learners.
Language of learning and instruction
All pupils of primary and basic secondary schools receive education in the Ukrainian language in state, municipal and corporate educational institutions. All academic subjects (integrated courses) are taught in the Ukrainian language.
Persons belonging to national minorities in Ukraine may receive primary and basic secondary education in a state, municipal or corporate educational institution in the language of the respective national minority, along with the Ukrainian language.
Private educational institutions providing complete general secondary education at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities have the right to freely choose the language of the educational process. The exception is the educational institutions that receive public funds. They must ensure that pupils master the Ukrainian language in accordance with the state standards for primary and basic secondary education.
Educational programme of an educational institution
The main document that ensures that pupils achieve the requirements set by the state standard for mandatory learning outcomes is the educational programme of a GSEI.
The educational programme has a dual function. It is a factor that determines the quality of educational activities. It also serves as a source of information during institutional audit (external evaluation of school activities) and self-assessment (internal comprehensive study of the institution's work).
The educational programme allows the school to exercise its right to autonomy. It records the jointly developed values of the institution, and offers a personal vision of the curriculum and the allocation of teaching hours. It is based on the state standards for general secondary education. It must take into account the needs and interests of the pupils, the institutional and material capacity of the educational institution.
The school can create its own educational programme based on a standard programme or another educational programme. It can also use the state standards for general secondary education as a basis. For primary schools, this is the State Standard for Primary Education. The school's programme must include structural components and take into account the study load of the pupils as set out in the standard or other educational programme it follows.
An institution may develop one universal programme for all levels of education or separate programmes for each level, such as primary education.
The school's educational programme lists the standard or other educational programmes used in its teaching process (Інструктивно-методичні рекомендації щодо викладання навчальних предметів у закладах загальної середньої освіти у 2023/2024 навчальному році). It may also include programmes developed by the school and approved by its pedagogical council. The educational programme and curriculum indicate the weekly study load and its allocation between branches of knowledge and courses for each grade. This division takes into account both the invariable and the variable components.
For example, in one of the standard educational programmes, the typical curriculum (Типовий навчальний план для початкової школи з навчанням українською мовою)has the following structure:
Subjects |
Hours per week in grades |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Total |
Ukrainian language |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
20 |
Foreign language |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
11 |
Mathematics |
3 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
14 |
Exploring the world |
7 |
8 |
7 |
7 |
29 |
Computer sciences |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Arts |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
8 |
Physical education |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
12 |
Total |
19 + 3 |
21 + 3 |
22 + 3 |
22 + 3 |
84 + 12 |
Additional hours for studying invariable courses, electives, individual consultations and group lessons |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
Maximum permissible study load |
20 |
22 |
23 |
23 |
88 |
Total number of teaching hours for invariable and variable components financed from the budget (excluding division of classes into groups) |
23 |
25 |
26 |
26 |
100 |
The head of an institution and his/her deputies may form a working group, including teachers, to develop an educational programme. If the programme is based on a standard programme, the pedagogical council discusses and approves the draft. The head of the institution then finalises it by means of an official order. If the programme is based on the state standard, it must be reviewed and approved by the State Service of Education Quality of Ukraine.
The GSEIs have access to tools for the independent design of working curricula for grades 1-4 (Базові навчальні плани).
Standard educational programme and educational programme
The MESU offers standard educational programmes for primary and basic secondary education. These include programmes for grades 1-2 and 3-4 of primary school and grades 5-9 of basic secondary school (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки Украни ‘Про внесення змін до типової освітньої програми для 5-9 класів закладів загальної середньої освіти’).
Teachers can use these programmes directly or adapt them to create their own. All programmes must receive approval from the pedagogical council of the institution. Additionally, the MESU has also approved a number of educational programmes that teachers may use for teaching according to alternative educational methods or projects, for example, Waldorf education.
A standard educational programme outlines:
The general vision of the authors for the organisation of the educational process;
The content of the branches of knowledge, integrated courses or subjects included in the branches of knowledge;
The compulsory and expected learning outcomes of the integrated courses or subjects;
The study load represented by a standard curriculum;
Recommended forms of organisation of the educational process and internal quality assurance tools.
Teaching methods and materials
Teachers in primary and basic secondary schools have the autonomy to choose the content, forms and methods of teaching. They can also create or adopt methods for obtaining feedback from pupils. This approach supports the aims of primary education. It focuses on the comprehensive development of pupils, including their talents, abilities, competences and transversal skills. Teaching should be adapted to pupils' age, individual characteristics and needs. It should also promote the formation of values and encourage independence, creativity and curiosity. In basic secondary education, the focus shifts to the development of pupils' natural abilities, interests and talents. The aim is to develop the skills needed for socialisation, citizenship and active participation in society. It helps them to consciously choose their future life path and self-realisation, to continue their studies at the level of specialised education or to obtain a profession, etc.
Both primary and basic secondary education prioritise learner-centred and competency-based approaches to learning.
According to the state standards the key competences include:
Fluency in the state language;
Ability to communicate in native (if different from the state language) and foreign languages;
Mathematical competence;
Competence in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology;
Environmental competence;
Information and communication competence;
Lifelong learning;
Civic and social competences;
Cultural competence;
Entrepreneurship and financial literacy.
Subject competences are the requirements for compulsory learning outcomes in the branches of knowledge listed in state standards. Educational programmes specify the requirements in detail. They consider knowledge of a particular subject as a means of forming competences. The formation of the learner's general competence becomes the learning outcome. It includes a number of key and subject competences.
The organisation of the educational process in primary school is based on an integrated activity approach. The game methods prevail in the first cycle (grades 1-2) and an integrated-subject basis dominates the second cycle (grades 3-4).
A primary school teacher initiates family involvement in building a learner's educational and professional trajectory within the partnership pedagogy framework. They use teaching methods based on cooperation (games, projects such as social, research, experimental, group tasks, etc.). Pupils take part in joint activities for their socialisation and successful acquisition of social experience. Approaches to assessing learning outcomes are used to analyse individual progress and plan individual pace of learning rather than to rank learners. The results are considered as a recommendation for action (Нова українська школа. Концептуальні засади реформування середньої школи).
Since the 2022/2023 school year, the gradual implementation of the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education has been underway. As a result, pupils in grades 5- 6 and from 1 September 2024 grade 7 of GSEIs have been moving to a new learning model. The implementation of the state standard changes the organisation of the educational process. It ensures the formation of key competences and transversal skills in pupils on the basis of the Law on Education. It contributes to the formation of values according to the Concept of the NUS.
In basic secondary education, special attention is paid to the learning official state language. This stage lays the foundation for pupils' conscious self-determination as individuals, family members, members of their nation and society. It also develops the ability to deal with the diversity of the world and people with tolerance and understanding. The first cycle of basic secondary education (grades 5-6) fosters interest in the branches of knowledge and activities outlined in the curriculum. The second cycle (grades 7-9) focuses on developing pupils as responsible members of society. Learning is primarily subject based, with part of the study time devoted to elective subjects.
Teachers in primary and basic secondary schools prepare a calendar-thematic plan to fill the educational process with content in line with the educational programme of a GSEI. In developing the plan, teachers independently determine the sequence of expected learning outcomes. They take into account the sequence of content in the selected textbook and the abilities of their pupils. Teachers independently allocate the number of hours for each programme topic. They also allocate time for pedagogical and cognitive practice, excursions, etc. The educational institution independently determines the content and forms for organising these practices. Teachers ensure the implementation of the calendar-thematic plan during lesson planning. Each lesson plan specifies the topic and the aim of the lesson. It also outlines the sequence of learning tasks, the forms of organisation used to carry them out and the tasks for individual, group or whole class work.
The introduction of partnership pedagogy and a competence-based approach has led to the creation of a new educational environment. This includes, for example, electronic versions of textbooks on the Institute of Education Content Modernisation (IECM) website (Підручники), electronic diaries and journals (Безкоштовні електронні класні журнали та щоденники з можливостями дистанційного навчання).
The state finances the printing and distribution of educational programmes and textbooks to schools. The software and hardware complex known as the Automated Information Complex of Educational Management (AICEM, in Ukrainian - АІКОМ), manages the process of creating state orders for textbooks.
Learning materials used in the educational process must receive the stamp (permission) of the MESU. To obtain permission, learning materials undergo a comprehensive examination. Publishing house prints textbooks, notebooks with a printed base that supplement the content of textbooks at their own expense after receiving the stamp. They may distribute them on a commercial basis. They are not mandatory and can only be used if they do not overburden learners and if all parents in the class agree to pay for them.
Textbooks marked ‘Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine’ support the implementation of standard educational programmes for grades 1-9 of the GSEIs. Their electronic versions are available in the online library on the IECM website.
To ensure equal access to quality education for all learners, the MESU, the Ukrainian Institute of Education Development and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine have launched the ‘All-Ukrainian School Online’ (Всеукраїнська школа онлайн). This platform provides resources for distance and blended learning, including video lectures (5-15 minutes long), lesson plans, test tasks and additional materials. The platform also includes thematic and final assessments and allows teachers and parents to track learners' academic progress. Teachers can access methodological materials for organising distance and blended learning through the ‘All-Ukrainian School Online’ platform, as well as information literacy resources from the IREX project.