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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Adult education and training


8.Adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

At the national level, the main responsibility for adult education and training lies with the ministry responsible for education and its Upper secondary, higher vocational and adult education directorate. More details about the distribution of responsibilities are available at Distribution of responsibilities.

The central piece of legislation in the field is the Adult Education Act. This act regulates non-formal education and learning of people who have fulfilled their basic education obligation and do not hold the status of a pupil or a student. According to this act, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopts the long-term national programme of adult education. The current national programme was adopted in 2022 and will cover the period until 2030. The national programme is pursued according to the annual plans adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for every year respectively.

The network of adult education providers comprises specialized adult education institutions as well as various organizations that offer adult education as a supplementary activity. They include units for adult education in basic schools, upper secondary schools and in higher education institutions; adult education centres called folk high schools; third age universities; ­educational centres in business companies and other organisations whose main activity is not education;­ privately owned adult education institutions and private not-for-profit institutes; associations, libraries, museums, galleries; chambers of commerce, chambers of craft and small business and other chambers; and driving schools (which are under the domain of the Ministry of the Interior). More information about the main providers is available at Main providers, and you can find information about the main types of provision on Main types of provision.

Publicly subsidized adult education programmes include those that target basic skills; programmes aimed at achieving a formal educational qualification; programmes targeting the unemployed or those at risk of becoming redundant; and liberal (popular) adult education programmes.

Several adult education programmes that cover the area of basic skills have been developed through public funds. An important centrally developed framework programme is Training for success in life. This framework programme aims to increase literacy among adults, strengthen their social skills and encourage active citizenship. There are currently five specific programmes implemented within this framework. Other relevant programmes include digital literacy, project learning and language programmes. There are also adult education programmes that have been specifically designed for migrants.

Adults can also achieve all levels of formal educational qualifications. Acquiring basic school educational qualification is a legally guaranteed right and is free of charge at any age. Adults who wish to complete upper secondary education may enrol in regular upper secondary education programmes with special organisational adjustments for adults, provided they fulfil the requirements regarding previous education or any formally adopted special conditions for enrolment. Adults can also enrol in all levels of tertiary education programmes as part-time students.

Adult education and training targeting the transition to the labour market is organised within the broader framework of active labour market policy, which is under the authority of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. Employment Service of Slovenia offers access to several programmes targeting registered unemployed jobseekers.

Three forms of liberal/popular education have been continuously receiving public funding, namely study circles, centres for independent learning and learning exchange.

Validation of non-formal and informal learning covers all levels of education.