This section provides the most recent available data on the number of education institutions fromt pre-primary to upper-secondary level (ISCED levels 0-3). Statistics on numbers and characteristics of higher education institutions can be found in the European Tertiary Education Register (ETER). A general overview of the categories of institutions providing publicly subsidised adult education and training can be found in the chapter on adult education. The notes below the tables provide methodological explanations necessary for a good interpretation of data.
Type of educational institution in English (and in national language) |
ISCED levels provided | Main orientation of the programmes provided | Number of educational institutions | |||
Total |
Public | Government-dependent private | Private independent | |||
Pre-primary education institution (Pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde) | 0 | (-) | 596 | 468 | 128 | (-) |
General primary school (Vispārējā sākumskola) | 1 | (-) | 58 | 45 | 13 | (-) |
General basic school (Vispārējā pamatskola) | 1, 2 | G | 265 | 246 | 19 | (-) |
General upper-secondary school (Vispārējā vidusskola) | 1, 2, 3 | G | 282 | 255 | 27 | (-) |
State gymnasium (Valsts ģimnāzija) | 2, 3 | G | 30 | 30 | (-) | (-) |
Gymnasium (Ģimnāzija) | 2, 3 | G | 8 | 8 | (-) | (-) |
Extramural upper-secondary school (Neklātienes vidusskola) | 2, 3 | G | 6 | 1 | 5 | (-) |
Vocational education institution (Arodizglītības iestāde) | 2 | V | 1 | 1 | (-) | (-) |
Vocational upper-secondary education institution (Profesionālā vidējās izglītības iestāde) | 2, 3 | V | 24 | 16 | 8 | (-) |
Vocational education competence center (Profesionālās izglītības kompetences centrs) | 2, 3 | V | 22 | 22 | (-) | (-) |
Sources: The Ministry of Education and Science (Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija), Contact information of education institutions that provide general basic and secondary education programmes at the beginning of the 2019/2020 (Izglītības iestāžu, kas īsteno vispārējās pamata un vidējās izglītības programmas, kontaktinformācija 2019./2020. M. g. sākumā (.xlsx)) (last accessed 01/11/2019) The Ministry of Education and Science (Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija), Contact information of education institutions that provide vocational education programmes (Profesionālās izglītības programmas īstenojošo izglītības iestāžu kontaktinformācija (.xlsx)) (last accessed 01/11/2019) |
G= General | V= Vocational | |||||
(:) Data not available | (-) Not applicable | |||||
Terminology |
- Education institutions are counted according to the legal entity approach: one education institution corresponds to a legal entity.
- Education institutions offering several levels of education are classified only once according to a highest level provided, that means if an upper-secondary school provides also integrated primary and lower-secondary programme (basic education programme) this institution is counted only as the upper-secondary school, and not as primary or integrated primary and lower-secondary education (general basic) school.
- Where the code (-) is indicated under the columns “Government-dependent private” and “Private independent” it means that no government-dependent private or private independent education institutions are registered at the respective type of the institution and education level.
- Latvia does not have nationally ‘post-secondary non-tertiary’ education level. Some further training programmes are provided for people with vocational upper-secondary education to upgrade their vocational qualifications/skills. For international classification purposes these programmes are regarded as ISCED 4 programmes, but it is not a separate education level in Latvia. Here these further training programmes are provided by upper-secondary VET institutions.
Type of educational institution in English and (in national language) | ISCED levels provided | Main orientation of the programmes provided | Number of educational institutions | |||
Total |
Public | Government-dependent institutions | Private independent | |||
Special pre-primary education institution (Speciālā pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde) | 0 | (-) | 28 | 28 | (-) | (-) |
Special primary school (Speciālā sākumskola) | 1 | (-) | 1 | 1 | (-) | (-) |
Special basic school (speciālā pamatskola) | 0, 1, 2 | G | 36 | 36 | (-) | (-) |
Special upper-secondary school (Speciālā vidusskola) | 1, 2, 3 | G | 2 | 2 | (-) | (-) |
Boarding school - development center (Internātskola - attīstības centrs) | 0, 1, 2 | G | 11 | 11 | (-) | (-) |
Boarding school - rehabilitation center (Internātskola - rehabilitācijas centrs) | 0, 1, 2 | G | 1 | 1 | (-) | (-) |
Social correction education institution (Sociālās korekcijas izglītības iestāde) | 2, 3 | G | 1 | 1 | (-) | (-) |
Source: The Ministry of Education and Science (Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija), Contact information of education institutions that provide general basic and secondary education programmes at the beginning of the 2019/2020 (Izglītības iestāžu, kas īsteno vispārējās pamata un vidējās izglītības programmas, kontaktinformācija 2019./2020. m. g. sākumā (.xlsx)) (last accessed 01/11/2019) |
G= General | V= Vocational | |||||
(:) Data not available | (-) Not applicable | |||||
Terminology |
- Education institutions are counted according to the legal entity approach: one education institution corresponds to a legal entity.
- Education institutions offering several levels of education are classified only once according to a highest level provided, that means, for instance, if a special upper-secondary school provides also integrated special primary and lower-secondary programme (special basic education programme) this institution is counted only as special upper-secondary school, and not as special primary or integrated special primary and lower-secondary education school.
- The code (-) is indicated under the columns “Government-dependent private” and “Private independent” because there are no private special education institutions registered in Latvia.