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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Legislation and official policy documents


15.Legislation and official policy documents

Last update: 20 March 2025

General regulations

Specific regulations by level or type of education

Early Childhood Education

  • Royal Decree 95/2022, which sets out the organisation and minimum teaching requirements for Early Childhood Education.

Primary Education

  • Royal Decree 157/2022, which sets out the organisation and minimum teaching requirements for Primary Education.

Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO)

  • Royal Decree 217/2022, which sets out the organisation and minimum teaching requirements for Compulsory Secondary Education.
  • Royal Decree 310/2016, which regulates final assessments for Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachillerato.


Vocational Training

Artistic Education

  • Law 1/2024, which regulates advanced artistic studies and sets out the organisation and equivalences of professional artistic studies.


  • Royal Decree 1577/2006, which sets out the basic curriculum for Professional Studies in Music.
  • Royal Decree 1614/2009, which sets out the organisation of advanced artistic studies.
  • Royal Decree 631/2010, which regulates the core content of higher artistic education in Music.
  • Royal Decree 21/2015, which modifies Royal Decree 1614/2009 (which sets out the organisation of advanced artistic studies).
  • Royal Decree 242/2009, which sets out the equivalences between Professional Studies in Music and Dance and Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachillerato, as well as the impact that the status of high-level or high-performance athlete and the Professional Studies in Dance may have on the subject of Physical Education.
  • Royal Decree 14/2023, which modifies Royal Decree 242/2009 (which sets out the equivalences between Professional Studies in Music and Dance and Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachillerato, as well as the impact that the status of high-level or high-performance athlete and the Professional Studies in Dance may have on the subject of Physical Education).


  • Royal Decree 85/2007, which sets out the basic curriculum for Professional Studies in Dance.
  • Royal Decree 898/2010, which modifies Royal Decree 85/2007 (which establishes the basic curriculum for Professional Studies in Dance).
  • Royal Decree 1614/2009, which sets out the organisation of advanced artistic education.
  • Royal Decree 21/2015, which modifies Royal Decree 1614/2009 (which establishes the organisation of advanced artistic education).
  • Royal Decree 632/2010, which regulates the core content of higher artistic education in Dance.
  • Royal Decree 242/2009, which sets out the equivalences between Professional Studies in Music and Dance and Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachillerato, as well as the impact that the status of high-level or high-performance athlete and the Professional Studies in Dance may have on the subject of Physical Education.
  • Royal Decree 14/2023, which modifies Royal Decree 242/2009 (which sets out the equivalences between Professional Studies in Music and Dance and Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachillerato, as well as the impact that the status of high-level or high-performance athlete and the Professional Studies in Dance may have on the subject of Physical Education).


Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

  • Royal Decree 1614/2009, which sets out the organisation of higher artistic education.
  • Royal Decree 21/2015, which modifies Royal Decree 1614/2009 (which sets out the organisation of higher artistic education).
  • Royal Decree 635/2010, which regulates the core content of higher artistic education in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage.

Plastic Arts and Design

  • Royal Decree 1614/2009, which sets out the organisation of advanced artistic education.
  • Royal Decree 633/2010 which regulates the core content of higher artistic education in Design.
  • Royal Decree 634/2010, which regulates the core content of higher artistic education in Plastic Arts, in the specialities of Ceramics and Glass.

Plastic Arts and Design Professional Studies

Language Education

  • Royal Decree 1041/2017, which defines the minimum requirements for basic certification levels, establishes the basic curriculum for the intermediate (B1 and B2) and advanced levels (C1 and C2) of Language Education and sets out the equivalences between different language studies.
  • Royal Decree 1/2019, which sets out the common basic principles for the assessment of official certification exams qualifying for the intermediate (B1 and B2) and advanced (C1 and C2) levels of language studies.

Sports Education

Adult Education

  • Royal Decree 217/2022, which sets out the organisation and minimum teaching requirements for Compulsory Secondary Education.
  • Royal Decree 243/2022, which sets out the organisation and minimum teaching requirements for Bachillerato.
  • Order EFP/822/2023, which sets out the curriculum and defines the organisation of basic education for adults, as well as the characteristics of the certification exam leading to the Compulsory Secondary Education Graduate certificate for people over eighteen years of age.
  • Order EFP/824/2023, which regulates the organisation of Bachillerato for adults and sets out the characteristics of the certification exam leading to the Bachillerato certificate for people over twenty years of age.


Initial Teacher Education

Early Childhood Education

  • Order ECI/3854/2007, which sets out the requirements for the verification of official university degrees entitling the holder to work as a Teacher in Early Childhood Education.

Primary Education

  • Order ECI/3857/2007, which sets out the requirements for the verification of the official university degrees entitling the holder to work as a Teacher in Primary Education.

Compulsory Secondary Education, Bachillerato, Vocational Training and Language Education


Early Childhood and Primary Education

  • Royal Decree 1594/2011, which sets out the teaching specialisations for teachers in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education.

Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachillerato

  • Royal Decree 286/2023, which regulates correspondence between the subjects in the curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachillerato and the existing teaching specialisations.

Music, Dance and Performing Arts Studies

  • Royal Decree 428/2013, which sets out the teaching specialisations for Music and Performing Arts teachers linked to Music and Dance Studies.
  • Royal Decree 427/2013, which sets out the teaching specialisations for Music and Performing Arts professors linked to Advanced Music and Dance Studies.
  • Royal Decree 588/2022, which sets out the teaching specialisations for Music and Performing Arts teachers and professors linked to Performing Arts Studies.

Plastic Arts and Design Studies

  • Royal Decree 1284/2002, which sets out the specialisations for Plastic Arts And Design teachers and plastic Arts and Design technical teachers, teaching staff assigned to those categories, as well as the modules, subjects or areas they are to teach.

Language Education

  • Royal Decree 336/2010, which sets out the specialisations of language teachers and professors in Official Language Schools.

Private School Teaching

Early Childhood and Primary Education

  • Royal Decree 476/2013, which regulates the qualification and training conditions to be fulfilled by teachers at private nursery and primary schools.

Compulsory Secondary Education, Bachillerato, Vocational Training and Specialised Education

  • Royal Decree 860/2010, which regulates the initial teacher education conditions to be fulfilled by private school teachers in Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachillerato.
  • Royal Decree 665/2015, which develops certain provisions related to the teaching practice in Compulsory Secondary Education, Bachillerato, Vocational Training and Specialised Education, initial teacher education and teaching specialisations in Secondary Education.
  • Additional regulations related to the teaching practice.

Management Teams

  • Royal Decree 894/2014, which sets out the characteristics of the training course on the development of management functions and the corresponding courses for the updating of the management competences.

Educational Institutions

Access to Higher Education Studies


University Education

Academic Organisation

Teaching and Research Staff

Regional University Laws

Scholarships and Financial Aids

Advisory Bodies

  • Regulations concerning the creation and governance of ministerial collegiate and advisory bodies related to recruitment, educational inclusion, scholarships and financial aid and publications.

Additional regulations related to higher education