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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.7Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation

Last update: 19 March 2025

Bilateral agreements

Spain participates in different bilateral agreements through the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports (MEFD) the main ones being:

Purpose Increase mutual knowledge and understanding between Spain and the United States
  • scholarships to pursue or complete studies (Master and PhD programmes)
  • grants to cover travel expenses
  • financial support for university teachers and specialists
  • funding for Spanish language assistant positions
  • pre-doctoral and post-doctoral research scholarships
Destination United States (US) of America
Target groups Higher education graduates, Doctors and artists, depending on the action
Duration Between 3 and 24 months, depending on the action being applied for
Responsible bodies Fulbright Commission, made up of both Governments: the US Government through its Department of State, and the Spanish Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports

Source: Drawn up by Eurydice Spain-rediE (INEE, MEFD) based on the call.

Purpose Provide an opportunity to teach in a country with a different cultural and professional background, where beneficiaries teach Spanish as a foreign language or different curricular areas of the education system of the relevant country
Actions Stays in educational institutions abroad
Destination United States, Canada, Germany and China
Target groups Teaching staff
Duration 1 school year, which can be extended
Responsible bodies The Board for Education of the corresponding State in the USS, the Ministry of Education of the province of Alberta in Canada, the Ministry of Education in Ireland, the Ministry of Education of Germany, the Ministry Education of China, the Spanish Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports

Source: Drawn up by Eurydice Spain-rediE (INEE, MEFD) on the basis of the call.



Promote learning and dissemination of the Spanish language and culture abroad

improve the knowledge of the language and culture of Spanish language assistants in the host country

Actions Time in foreign institutions
Destination Schools in 18 countries 
Target groups Spanish citizens with a university degree or students in their final year at university
Duration One school year
Responsible bodies The relevant international bodies and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports

Source: Drawn up by Eurydice Spain-rediE (INEE, MEFD) on the basis of the call.

Purpose Complete at least one year of study in France
Actions  to undertake studies and participate in training activities
Destination French State, in Paris or in the Île-de-France region
Target groups Resident student, Resident researcher, Resident artist
  • Residents researchers, post-doc residents and confirmed artist residents: 24 months over a period of 4 consecutive years
  • Student residents and student artist residents: 30 months over a period of 6 consecutive years
Responsible bodies Spanish College (at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris) and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports

Source: Drawn up by Eurydice Spain-rediE (INEE, MEFD) on the basis of the call.

Cooperation and participation in worldwide programmes and organisations


Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE)

This body, dependent on the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, is responsible for managing the participation of Spain in the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.

SEPIE is in charge of the following aspects:

  • managing efficiently and transparently the European and national funds for the decentralised actions of the Erasmus+ programme;
  • disseminating the opportunities of the Erasmus+ programme in order to improve the educational and training capacities of students, teachers and workers at all levels of education;
  • improving the reception of foreign students, teachers and researchers in Spain, as well as of Spaniards abroad;
  • enhancing the employability of participants and the internationalisation of education and training organisations.

In addition, it is in charge of the promotion of other European initiatives in education, such as the Euroscola Award, the European Label for innovative projects in language teaching and learning, the Europass and the Portfolio.

European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education 

This agency, founded in 1996, is an independent and self-governing organisation comprised by the Ministries of Education of its 31 member countries to act as their platform for collaboration in the field of special needs education with the aim of contributing to the improvement of quality in education. This organisation is supported by the European Commission and Parliament.

Some of the initiatives in which Spain participates include the following: 

  • inclusive early childhood education;
  • improving the performance of all students in inclusive education;
  • new technologies for information accessibility;
  • inclusion in vocational training;
  • overview of the implementation of inclusive education policies;
  • accessible information for lifelong learning actions;
  • teacher training;
  • assessment in inclusive environments;
  • inclusive education indicators.

Latin America

Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI)

International governmental organization for multilateral cooperation among Spanish and Portuguese-speaking Ibero-American countries in various fields, including education. The OEI aims to promote the universality of the right to education and improve the quality and equity of education throughout life.

Among the initiatives in which Spain participates, the following can be mentioned: the Ibero-American Intergovernmental Network for Technical Cooperation for Special Needs Education (RIINE), the Ibero-American Education Network for Young People and Adults (RIEJA) and the Ibero-American Network of Information and Communication Technology and Education (RIATE).

Andrés Bello Agreement

The Andrés Bello Agreement is an intergovernmental organisation aimed at promoting the educational, scientific and technological integration of its member countries. Spain has been a member since 1982.

Spain, like the rest of states, contributes to the recognition of basic and secondary education, recognises the qualifications obtained in the member states for access to postgraduate studies, and proposes specific lines for action which include exchanges for technical assistance, internships, seminars, training workshops and exchanges of experts.

Carolina Foundation

The Carolina Foundation is a public-private institution, established in 2000, which promotes cultural relations and educational and scientific cooperation between Spain and Ibero-American countries.

Among its programmes related to education, it is worth highlighting:

  • Training Programme (Grants), whose aim is to facilitate and promote further study in Spain for university graduates from Latin America or Portugal through grants;
  • International Visitors’ Programme (PIV), which intends to create and consolidate bilateral and cooperation relations between Spain and the countries to be given priority for Spanish foreign action;
  • Living in Spain Programme, which seeks to provide Latin American beneficiaries a deeper understanding of the Spanish reality and allow them to establish links between them, as well as with Spain and the Foundation;
  • Carolina Network, designed to emphasise and strengthen the exchange, cooperation and learning relations the Carolina Foundation generates through the different programmes.


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 

In 1960, Spain signs an agreement with the OECD, whose task is to promote policies to improve the economic development and social welfare of people around the world.

In the field of Education, the following action lines are considered: measurement of results, teaching and learning, development and use of skills, policy development and implementation, and innovation and the future of education.

Among the OECD actions in which Spain is involved, the most important ones are:  

  • Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA);
  • Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS);
  • Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencie (PIAAC);
  • Indicators of Education Systems (INES). 

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)

Since 1953, Spain takes part in the work of the UNESCO. In the field of education, the following general themes are covered: key elements for education, education systems, educational planning and management, and international action.

Some of the projects in which Spain participates with UNESCO include:

  • UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme. It is organised around the following themes: citizenship and values education; early childhood; education for sustainable development; higher education; lifelong learning; inclusive education; right to education; teacher education, technical and vocational training; gender equality; health and welfare education; education in emergencies; education policy and planning; ICTs; literacy; school violence and bullying.
  • UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet - RedPEA). It is global network of more than 9 000 educational institutions in 176 countries. Spain participates with approximately 220 Associated Schools located in most Autonomous Communities.