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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Ongoing reforms and policy developments


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

Last update: 27 June 2024

This chapter provides thematic and chronological overview of national reforms and policy development since 2022. The web pages that follow group reforms in the following broad thematic areas:

Pre-primary and early childhood education and care,

  • General school education,
  • Vocational education and training,
  • Higher education and
  • Adult education.
  • Reforms are ordered chronologically in each thematic area. The most recent reforms are described first.


Government’s key objectives for education

In its programme statement for 2023-2027 (programovom vyhlásení na roky 2023-2027), the Government of the Slovak Republic committed to update of education content and make the teaching forms and methods more attractive at the level of primary and secondary schools and higher education institutions. The emphasis is put on modernisation, diversification and quality of education. The government wants to increase the number of children in early childhood education and care and the quality of pre-primary education. It will promote the creation of a new state educational programme for secondary schools. The government will also support improving the quality and attractivity of vocational educational programmes. Emphasis will be put on improving quality of education of disadvantaged pupils and increasing the accessibility of counselling and prevention centres’ services at all levels of schools. The focus is on the supporting entry of experts from practice into education and international cooperation.

Key documents in this process include 

Recovery and Resilience Plan (Plán obnovy a odolnosti), which is comprised of investments and reforms focusing on dealing with challenges identified in the context of the European Semester, particularly in the European Commission’s recommendation for Slovakia.

The Recovery and Resilience Plan focuses on 5 key public policies including the area of Education. Three main components were identified in this area:

  • accessibility, development and quality of inclusive education at all levels, 
  • education for the 21st century, 
  • improving performance of Slovak higher education institutions 

The National Reform Programme of the Slovak Republic 2024, which describes the need for reforms in education and the following areas: 

  • curricular reform focusing on targeted development of complex literacy, 
  • improving skills of pedagogical employees, 
  • creating kindergarten capacities, 
  • improving inclusion of children with special educational needs and 
  • improving performance of higher education institutions and the supporting their ability to attract and keep talented students.

The strategy of an inclusive approach in education and training (Stratégia inkluzívneho prístupu vo výchove a vzdelávaní), which defines the direction of public policies to achieve change in the field of education of children, pupils and students towards inclusive education.

The strategy has six priority areas:

  1. inclusive education and support measures,
  2. advisory system in education,
  3. desegregation in education and training,
  4. removal of barriers in the school environment,
  5. preparation and education of teaching staff and professional staff,
  6. destigmatisation.

The priority areas are elaborated into individual strategic goals, which are the basis of the First Action Plan for the period 2022-2024 (Prvý akčný plán na obdobie 2022 – 2024). 

Strategy for Internationalisation of Higher Education until 2030, which provides a medium-term concept for the development of the internationalisation of higher education as an effective tool for increasing the quality of education and the research environment at universities in the Slovak Republic until 2030. It focuses on increasing the availability of international experience during university studies and the modernisation of higher education in the context of internationalisation. 

Strategy for Lifelong Education and Counselling for the years 2021-2030 (Stratégia celoživotného vzdelávania a poradenstva na roky 2021-2030), which responds to the need to provide lifelong education and counselling where citizens have a problem as individuals or where a systemic deficiency has been identified in the areas of skills for the population or specific target groups. The main goal of the Strategy is to ensure that every citizen has lifelong access to opportunities to learn, to develop their skills and competences throughout their lives at every stage of life and with regard to individual needs and circumstances, so that everyone can realise their potential in personal, professional and civic life.

Other key documents in this process include:

National programme for Development of Education and Training for 2018-2027 (Národný program rozvoja výchovy a vzdelávania na roky 2018-2027)

Strategy for Equality, Inclusion and Participation of Roma until 2030 (Stratégia rovnosti, inklúzie a participácie Rómov do roku 2030)

National Strategy for Digital Skills of the Slovak Republic (Národná stratégiu digitálnych zručností Slovenskej republiky)

National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2030 (Národná stratégiu výskumu, vývoja a inovácií 2030) and Action plan for National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2030 (Akčný plán národnej stratégie výskumu, vývoja a inovácií 2030).