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Initial education for teachers working in early childhood and school education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.1Initial education for teachers working in early childhood and school education

Last update: 29 November 2024

Care in Facilities of care for children up to 3 years of age is provided by child-minders.  Child-minder position can be filled with a person who obtained full secondary vocational education in study fields focusing on acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in child-minding. Such study fields include child-minding and care (vychovávateľstvo - opatrovateľstvo), kindergarten teacher and carer training (učiteľ materskej školy - vychovávateľstvo) or medical assistant (zdravotnícky asistent) defined by the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic no. 287/2022 on the system of education branches and on institutional responsibility towards branches (Vyhláška Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR č. 287/2022 Z. z. o sústave odborov vzdelávania a o vecnej príslušnosti k odborom vzdelávania).

Alternatively, a childminder’s qualification can be obtained by achieving full secondary education and completing an accredited course of at least 220 hours on providing care to children of up to 3 years (or up to 6 years for children with unfavourable health status). This accredited child-minding course must be completed within 12 months from the start of employment.

Education and care in pre-primary, primary, and secondary education are provided by pedagogical employees qualified in teacher training study programmes. The minimum qualification required for kindergarten teachers (i.e., teachers for pre-primary education in kindergartens) is secondary vocational education in the kindergarten teacher training study programme or kindergarten teacher and carer training’ study programme. Kindergarten teachers without higher education must complete innovation education in pre-primary pedagogy within 7 years from the start of their work as kindergarten teachers.

Kindergarten teacher training is also provided by higher education institutions in Bachelor's or Master's study programmes. Kindergarten teachers obtain a Bachelor‘s degree in the study field of teaching, caring, and pedagogical sciences in the preschool and elementary pedagogy study programme. Upon completion of the Bachelor’s degree, kindergarten teachers can continue with their Master's study in preschool pedagogy. 

Qualification required for the position of a teacher at the first stage of primary school (primary education) is a Master's degree in a teacher training study programme focusing on primary education with approbation for all subjects or all educational areas according to the state educational programme for primary education.

Qualification required for the position of a teacher at the second stage of primary school (lower secondary education) and secondary school teachers (upper secondary education) is a Master’s degree in a teacher training programme that follows up on the content of the respective subject or educational area approbation according to the respective state educational programme. This is usually approbation in two subjects selected within the following study programmes: teaching academic subjects, teaching vocational subjects and practical training, teaching arts, and preschool and elementary pedagogy.

Education in basic schools of arts and secondary vocational schools with an artistic focus can be provided by teachers who graduated from artistic higher education study programmes and completed the additional pedagogical study, as well as by conservatory graduates. 

Training of teachers of children and pupils with special educational needs is provided in the study field of special pedagogy which can be studied in Bachelor and Master programmes.

Qualified teachers can obtain specialisation to teach in schools through an extension qualification study (e.g. qualified secondary school teacher completes an extension study in primary pedagogy and qualifies to work as a teacher at the first stage of primary school).

It is possible to obtain the teacher’s qualification through higher education study in a non-teaching study field at a higher education institution and a parallel or postgradual additional pedagogical study. The graduates obtain the vocational qualification and after they complete the additional pedagogical study, they obtain pedagogical competence to teach at the respective type of secondary schools.  Education is divided into the basic module (focusing on pedagogical-psychological foundations of teaching) and the extended module (focusing on the specific subject approbation according to the candidate's previous non-pedagogical study). Each module is completed by the thesis defense and the final examination. The content and scope requirements of the additional pedagogical study programme are defined by the Decree of the Ministry of Education no. 361/2019 on education in professional development (Vyhláška Ministerstva školstva Slovenskej republiky č. 361/2019 o vzdelávaní v profesijnom rozvoji).

The acquired teacher’s qualification has unlimited validity.  

Institution, level, and models of training

Accredited courses

Completion of accredited courses grants the qualification for the profession of a child-minder in facilities of care for children up to 3 years of age. According to the Act on Social Services (zákon o sociálnych službách), child-minder courses are provided by natural and legal persons (including secondary vocational schools) and accredited by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, and Family. These are full-time courses of at least 220 hours provided according to the informative framework course content issued by the ministry. The theoretical part of the course has at least 104 hours, and the practical part has 44 hours. The course also includes practice in nurseries for 72 hours.

Secondary school study

Secondary vocational schools offer 4-year upper secondary education programmes (ISCED 354) or 2-year follow-up programmes in early education and care teacher and childminder training. Education in teacher programmes is provided mostly by secondary pedagogical schools. It consists of the general education part and the vocational education part. According to the framework teaching plan, vocational education is further divided into theoretical education (960 lessons per study) and practical training (832 lessons per study).

  • Educational programme in the field of 'childminding and care' trains pupils to work as childminders in facilities of care for children up to 3 years of age.
  • Educational programme in the field of a 'kindergarten teacher and carer' trains pupils to work as childminders or kindergarten teachers.

ECEC teacher and childminder qualification may be obtained through a 2-year follow-up qualification study at secondary pedagogical schools (ISCED 454) designed for all candidates with secondary education with the certificate of school leaving examination (maturita). Theoretical training has at least 704 lessons and practical training has 448 lessons per study.

Education in the field of medical assistant is provided by secondary medical schools. Pupils who achieve education in this field can work as child-minders in facilities of care for children up to 3 years of age. It consists of a general education element and a vocational education element. According to the framework teaching plan, vocational education is further divided into theoretical education and practical training.

A conservatory is another type of secondary school providing pedagogical qualifications.  Graduates of continuous  6-year music and drama educational programmes or 8-year dance conservatory educational programmes obtain an artistic-pedagogical qualification. The study is completed by a graduate examination. The graduates obtain higher vocational education and qualifications for teaching artistic and vocational subjects. Pedagogical-artistic practice takes place in the last two years of study in the amount of 2 hours a week.

Higher education study

Higher education institutions provide initial training for all teachers in two higher education levels. The 3-year first-stage study programme is completed by the bachelor thesis defense and the state examination and graduates are awarded the title of bachelor (‘bakalár‘) (e.g. kindergarten teacher, carer, vocational training teacher).

Graduates who completed the first stage of higher education can continue studying in a 2-year second stage teacher training programme and will obtain the qualification to teach in pre-primary, primary, lower and upper secondary education in one or two-subject specialisation. Primary and secondary school teachers will thus complete 5 years of study in total.

Higher education institutions offer a 2-year additional pedagogical study for those who study or graduated in a non-pedagogical study field and want to qualify to teach the respective field of study (subject) in primary and/or secondary school.

Teacher training is organised in a concurrent model. The study of approbation subjects takes place alongside the theoretical and practical pedagogical training. The content and structure of teacher training programmes are within higher education institutions' competence.

Admission requirements

Secondary school study

To be admitted to secondary teacher training educational programmes, the applicants must achieve lower secondary education and pass the admission examination. More information on the secondary school admission procedure is in Chapter 6.1 Organisation (Secondary education (or upper secondary education) and post-secondary non-tertiary education)

Higher education study

Applicants for higher education teacher training in bachelor programmes must have completed the full secondary general education (ISCED 344) or full secondary vocational education (ISCED 354) and submit the certificate of school-leaving examination or equivalent. Applicants for master study programmes must complete the same or a related first-stage higher education programme. They are admitted to higher education institutions based on their application in the admission procedure. These requirements are defined by Act no. 131/2002 on higher education (zákon č. 131/2002 Z.z. o vysokých školách), which is binding for higher education institutions. Selection criteria for the applicants, requirements for study results from the previous level of education as well as admission procedures are defined by each higher education institution individually in its internal regulations. The deadline for application is usually by the end of March.

Every year, higher education institutions publish information on the offered study programmes, study combinations, admission requirements, and dates on their websites or in print. They also publish information about the number of applicants to be admitted to each study programme.

Admission examination for teacher training study tests applicants' knowledge and skills in study-programme-relevant areas. In addition to written examinations, some higher education institutions organise interviews to learn about applicants‘ integrity. In the admission procedure, higher education institutions may consider the achieved secondary school study results. Faculties may admit applicants to some teacher training fields of study solely based on the school-leaving examination grade average. At some faculties, applicants for foreign language teacher training programmes do not have to take admission examinations if they submit respective internationally recognised language certificates or pass the school-leaving examination in the respective foreign language with the result prescribed by the higher education institution in its admission requirements. 

Some study programmes require talent examinations. They are taken by applicants for preschool and elementary pedagogy, teaching arts subjects (arts, music), and teaching physical education. If the above-mentioned qualification requirements are met, the candidate’s age or place of residence are not admission procedure criteria. If an applicant from abroad applies for a study programme organised in the Slovak language, the higher education institution may verify their Slovak language skills.

Educational counsellors in secondary schools aid pupils in their choice of study. To help prospective students, higher education institutions issue a collection of questions for admission examinations in individual subjects with compulsory and optional literature or organise training courses.

Decision on admission to study programmes organised by the faculty is made by the faculty dean. The dean’s decision on non-admission may be changed by the higher education institution’s rector. The decision on the admission procedure result must be made in writing within 30 days of the verification of whether admission requirements have been met. It must contain a statement, justification, and instructions on appealing against the decision. Unsuccessful applicants can appeal against non-admission in writing within 8 days from the day the decision was issued. The faculty dean will examine the reasons for the appeal and subsequently reject the appeal or change the decision.  

Curriculum, level of specialisation and learning outcomes

Secondary school study

Carer, childminder, and kindergarten teacher training at secondary vocational schools is organized according to the study programmes approved by the Ministry of Education. The content of the educational programme for childminders kindergarten teachers is defined in the State Educational Programme for Vocational Education and Training for Teacher Study Fields (Štátny vzdelávací program pre odborné vzdelávanie a prípravu pre skupinu študijných odborov Učiteľstvo), which is created by ŠIOV (State Institute of Vocational Education). The educational programme defines performance and content standards of the theoretical and practical parts of education. Pupils must reliably perform in this educational area, meet the defined performance standards, and master the subject matter defined by the content standards. Pupils who complete the educational programme should among other skills acquire the ability to integrate pupils/clients with health or social disadvantage.

Education in the field of medical assistant takes place based on the State Education Programme for Vocational Education in Secondary Medical Schools (Štátneho vzdelávacie programu pre odborné vzdelávanie na stredných zdravotníckych školách študijný odbor: 5356 M Zdravotnícky asistent) under the ministry of health. The content standards of social care subject also focus on the integration of disabled people as one of the key aspects.

The education of conservatory pupils who are training to become teachers of art subjects is regulated by the state education programmes for conservatories. The structure of education is defined by State Educational Programmes for Conservatories (Štátne vzdelávacie programy pre konzervatóriá) under the State Institute of Vocational Education. They define performance and content standards of the theoretical and practical parts of education. Pupils must reliably perform in this educational area, meet the defined performance standards, and master the subject matter defined by the content standards.

Vysokoškolské štúdium

The content of teacher study programmes in higher education is fully within the higher education institutions’ competence. 

Kindergarten teachers (pre-primary education) achieve qualification by completing a bachelor's or a master's study programme in preschool and elementary pedagogy. Teachers at the first stage of primary school (primary education) acquire education in teacher training programmes focusing on primary education with approbation for all subjects or educational areas according to the state educational programme for primary education. Teachers at the second stage of primary school (lower-secondary education) and secondary school teachers (upper-secondary education) acquire education in teacher training programmes focusing on teaching the respective subject or educational area according to the relevant state educational programme – usually approbation in two subjects.

If a teacher teaches at levels other than those they are qualified for, they perform pedagogical work as a non-qualified teacher. In such cases, teachers are to extend their approbation through extension study to qualify in other categories of pedagogical or professional employee. 

Primary education teachers are qualified to teach physical education, music, and arts at the second stage of primary school. Lower-secondary education teachers can teach some specialised subjects at the first level of primary school (primary education).

Teacher educators

Teachers of vocational subjects in secondary vocational schools who train future pre-primary teachers must have a master's degree in teaching pedagogy in combination with another subject. Teachers of general education subjects must have qualifications for teaching in secondary education.

According to Act on Higher Education (Zákon o vysokých školách), the minimum requirement to work as a higher education teacher is a master's degree. There are no special centrally defined qualification requirements for teachers training future teachers. Requirements for the position of a higher education teacher are defined by higher education institutions/faculties based on their needs directly in the notice on selection procedure, which is defined by higher education institutions’ internal regulations. 

Practical instruction in teacher training study programmes takes place mainly in practice schools and school facilities. A practice school or practice school facility is an institution with which a higher education institution concludes an agreement on cooperation. Practical education of higher education students in practice schools is led by practice teachers. A practice teacher must be an independent pedagogical employee who has worked in the respective pedagogical employee category or subcategory for at least five years.

Qualifications, evaluation, and certificates

Secondary school education

Information on the assessment and certification of secondary school pupils is available in Chapter 6.3 Assessment (Secondary education (or upper secondary education) and post-secondary non-tertiary education).

Higher education

Assessment and certification of future teachers depend on the level of education; they are the same as assessment and certification of students of other study fields. Criteria and rules for student assessment are defined by higher education institutions in their internal regulations, whose quality is monitored by the Accreditation Commission.

For more information on the assessment and certification of bachelor programmes see Chapter 7.2.1 Bachelor.

For more information on the assessment and certification of master programmes see Chapter 7.3 Second-cycle programmes.

For more information on the assessment and certification of doctoral programmes see Chapter 7.5 Third-cycle (PhD) programmes.

Alternative training pathways

Currently, there are no alternative teacher training paths.