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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in higher education


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.5Other dimensions of internationalisation in higher education

Last update: 23 September 2024

Global and intercultural dimension in curriculum development

The national legislation sets general requirements for curriculum design but does not specify detailed curricular content (except for programmes for regulated professions) and, thus, does not define European, global or intercultural content to be incorporated into curricula (Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018, as subsequently amended / ustawa – Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce z 20 lipca 2018 r., z późn. zm.);  Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 27 September 2018 on degree programmes, as subsequently amendedRozporządzenie Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 27 września 2018 r. w sprawie studiów, z późn. zm.). See also information about higher education in Chapter 7.

Based on the data available in the POL-on System (Integrated Information System for Science and Higher Education), Polish higher education institutions (HEIs) provide in total 63 programmes in the field of European Studies and related fields (first- and second-cycle programmes jointly). Programmes in these fields are offered mainly by public universities, and by few technical universities and non-public HEIs. Various elements of the knowledge about Europe, the EU and / or the world are included in syllabi for compulsory and optional courses developed by HEIs in many other fields of study.

Pursuant to the Law on Higher Education and Science, HEIs may provide first-, second- and long-cycle programmes as joint programmes and joint doctoral training programmes, or operate joint doctoral schools, together with other Polish or foreign HEIs and research institutions. Graduates are awarded joint diplomas which should contain elements specified in the national legislation. 

In the last decades, Polish HEIs have also extended the range of degree programmes taught in a foreign language. According to the POL-on System, HEIs offer jointly 905 programmes in English, 9 programmes in French and 25 programmes in Russian, covering a wide variety of fields of study (aside from Language and Literature Studies and related fields where programmes are taught in the foreign language(s) concerned). Information about the programmes delivered in foreign languages is also available in the ‘Ready, Steady, Go Poland’ Portal. 

Partnerships and Networks

The Erasmus+ Programme offers Polish higher education institutions (HEIs) most extensive opportunities for establishing partnerships and networks. HEIs can also participate in other multilateral programmes, and projects co-funded by the EU and the national budget or funded by the national budget only are aimed at the internationalisation of education and the enhancement of institutional capacities for international cooperation.

EU programmes

As part of projects under the Erasmus+ Programme (2014-2020; 2021-2027), HEIs – like schools and other educational institutions – build their capacity for international collaboration and / or work jointly to enhance their performance (Cooperation Partnerships); carry out various activities to develop labour-market relevant skills (Centres for Vocational Excellence); and devise strategies, approaches and innovations for new skills development (Alliances for Innovation). HEIs also develop and test models of transnational collaboration and mobility in the area of initial and in-service teacher training (Teacher Academies); develop and provide joint Masters programmes (Erasmus Mundus Design Measures and Joint Masters); and provide training and conduct research in the field of European Union studies (for example, Chairs, intensive programmes, Centres of Excellence) (Jean Monnet Actions).

Erasmus+ also provides a large part of funding for European Universities alliances: transnational partnerships under the European Universities Initiative. In European Universities alliance projects, HEIs and their partners (public authorities, private sector and civic society organisations) develop long-term strategies for education, linked to research and innovation, for the benefit of the society, and campuses for study, training, research and innovation. 

Programmes / projects co-funded by the EU and the national budget

As part of its statutory responsibilities, the National Agency for Academic Exchange carries out  several programmes co-funded by the European Funds for Social Development (2021-2027) (information in Polish only) and the national budget. 

  • Support for European Universities 

The Programme (information in Polish only) offers additional support to / for Erasmus+-funded European Universities alliances (see above). Applications can be submitted by member institutions of a partnership which has been funded under the European Universities Initiative (EUI), or of a partnership whose EUI project proposal has received a positive assessment but has not been awarded a grant due to the limited funding, or by institutions which intend to initiate collaboration in an EUI partnership. Grants can be used for activities such as:  organisation of student, doctoral student or staff exchanges; participation in study visits, placements, summer or winter schools, seminars, workshops, intensive courses and conferences; development of teaching materials; development or improvement of new and innovative teaching and learning tools and methods; activities aimed at the development of joint, double or multiple degrees and microcredentials; activities improving the quality of education and research; promotion of degree programmes and international image building; organisation of conferences; development and dissemination of joint research publications; networking and initiation of collaboration among partners of an alliance. 

  • Katamaran (Catamaran): Development and delivery of transnational degree programmes

The Programme (information in Polish only) supports the internationalisation of Polish HEIs and other institutions providing first-, second- or long-cycle programmes. Eligible institutions can apply for grants for the development of programmes which lead to a joint, double or multiple degree or for the delivery of such programmes together with a foreign HEI or research institution. 

  • Spinaker (Spinnaker): Intensive transnational programmes

The Programme (information in Polish only) aims to support the internationalisation of Polish HEIs and other institutions training students and doctoral students. It awards grants to eligible Polish institutions for the development or adaptation of transnational intensive programmes (for example, a summer or winter school, specialist course) of 30 to 150 hours, for Polish and international students and / or doctoral students. Programmes can involve physical, virtual or blended mobility. 

  • Welcome to Poland

The Programme (information in Polih only) aims to boost the internationalisation of Polish HEIs and other research institutions by building their capacity for hosting international students and academic staff. Grants are awarded for, for example, „internationalisation at home”; the creation of support services for incoming persons; the development or purchase of digital tools for the implementation of projects; the promotion and training activities; and activities fostering attitudes of openness and tolerance among students and staff. 

Multilateral programmes 

Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies (CEEPUS)

For general information about CEEPUS, see Chapter 13.2.1 “Student mobility”. HEIs from the participating countries establish cooperation networks for student and academic staff exchanges – see Chapter 13.2.

International Visegrad Fund

For general information about the International Visegrad Fund, see Chapter 13.2.1 “Student mobility”. In addition to scholarships for students and academic staff (see Chapters 13.2.1 and 13.2.2), the Fund awards ‘Visegrad grants’ for projects involving HEIs and other partners (for example, research institutions, companies, civic organisations and local authorities) from at least 3 of the V4 countries, which are aimed at enhancing regional cooperation. 

National programmes / projects 

In addition to the programmes co-funded by the EU and the national budget and multilateral programmes (see above), the National Agency for Academic Exchange is running national programmes which are aimed at the internationalisation and quality improvement of education. 

  • Strategic Partnerships

The Programme supports Polish HEIs and other research institutions in designing mechanisms which foster long-term cooperation in the areas of teaching, research and development within the framework of transnational strategic partnerships. Grants are available for activities such as: organisation of exchanges, lectures, study visits and / or industrial placements for students, including doctoral students, and academic staff; development of programmes leading to a joint or double diploma; development or improvement of innovative teaching and learning materials, methods and tools; joint research and development work; development and implementation of a strategy for the dissemination of research outcomes; development or enhancement of a quality assurance system for education at partner institutions; establishment of cooperation with international entrepreneurs for the adaptation of programmes to labour market needs.

  • STER (Rudder): Internationalisation of doctoral schools 

The Programme (information in Polish only) offers grants for doctoral schools in Polish HEIs and other research institutions to improve the quality of training for doctoral students and their research activities. In cooperation with at least one foreign partner, a Polish institution can use the grant for, for example, scholarships for Polish and international doctoral students, and activities related to the internationalisation of a doctoral school, “internationalisation at home”, and activities aimed at attracting international doctoral students. 

Other initiatives

College of Europe campus in Warsaw-Natolin

Established in 1949, the College of Europe, based in Bruges, Belgium, is a university institute which offers Master’s degree courses in European studies. Its campus in Warsaw-Natolin, Poland, was established in 1992 with the financial support of the Polish Government and the European Commission. The Natolin campus provides Master’s degree programmes in European Interdisciplinary Studies and in Transatlantic Affairs in English and / or French.

Collegium Polonicum in Słubice

The Collegium Polonicum is a joint unit of the Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznań, Poland, and the European University Viadrina (EUV) in Frankfurt, Germany. It offers first- and second-cycle programmes (in Polish Studies, German Studies, Law, Digital Entrepreneurship, and Governance of Organisations) and post-graduate programmes in Polish, German or English. Most of the degree programmes lead to a double AMU and EUV degree. The unit also conducts research, for example, on European integration and border regions, and supports collaboration between Polish and German academics. Based on the agreement signed between the Polish Minister of National Education and the Minister of Science, Research and Culture of the Federal State of Brandenburg in 2002, the Collegium hosts not only students from the partner universities undertaking a study period or following postgraduate courses, but also students and graduates from other HEIs.