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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure
Belgium - Flemish Community

Belgium - Flemish Community

7.Higher education

7.4Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure

Last update: 27 November 2023

The Dutch Open University offers academic distance learning in Flanders. It is supported by the Open Higher Education study centres from the Flemish research universities in Flanders. Students however graduate with a Dutch degree.

Postgraduate certificates can be awarded by university colleges and research universities upon the successful completion of learning pathways with a study load of at least 20 credits. The purpose of these courses, in the context of continuing professional education, is to widen and/or deepen the competences acquired upon completion of a bachelor or master programme.

The research universities and university colleges also organise shorter courses in the context of continuing education, for the purposes of in-service and advanced training.

These programmes are explained in detail on the website Study in Flanders.