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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Educational support and guidance
Belgium - Flemish Community

Belgium - Flemish Community

12.Educational support and guidance

Last update: 27 November 2023

In order to cater for pupils with disabilities, who have fallen behind in their developments or learning, or who have socio-emotional problems within mainstream education, various systems have been developed: [see 12.1].

  1. extra special needs hours, special educational resources and support from sign language interpreters;
  2. integrated education with support from special education;
  3. inclusive education for pupils with a moderate or serious intellectual disability.

Pupils whose overall personality development cannot be ensured at all or sufficiently, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, may receive special needs education in separate schools. [See 12.2].

The equal educational opportunities policy has been developed particularly for disadvantaged children/ young people (both native and from ethnic minorities). In both mainstream and special education, it ensures extra support and also guarantees these pupils the right to enrol in the school of their choice. [See].

For children of fairground entertainers and vendors, a travelling nursery class follows the route of the main fairs. [See 4.7].

To facilitate the integration of non-Dutch-speaking newcomers in mainstream education, schools can be granted supplementary teaching periods/extra teacher hours – and in elementary education an extra operational allowance too – within the framework of OKAN, reception education for non-Dutch-speaking newcomers. [See].

In view of the varied language skills of many pupils in Dutch-language schools in Brussels, and elementary schools located in the peripheral and language boundary municipalities and those adjoining them, these schools are granted suitable facilities and extra support. [See].

Ill or physically weak pupils can attend education in hospital schools and preventoria, in children’s and young people’s psychiatric services or via temporary (TEAH) or permanent education at home (PEAH). [See 5.4 Elementary education – other organisation types].

For tuition, counselling and school career support, many initiatives are taken, with the CPGs, (Centres for Pupil Guidance) playing a central role. [See 12.4].

Legislative framework