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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Types of higher education institutions


7.Higher education

7.1Types of higher education institutions

Last update: 27 November 2023

The two systems of short-cycle higher vocational colleges and higher education institutions function separately. Two different laws and two different organisational structures apply. However, if the founders are private entities, they tend to intertwine. Institutions can pursue research activities.

Short-cycle higher vocational education

Higher vocational colleges (HVCs) provide higher vocational education. Public HVCs are founded by the state, while private HVCs are founded by domestic or non-domestic legal entities or natural persons. 

In 2022, there were 29 public and 18 HVCs, and 33 different study programmes on offer (Eurydice, 2022). 

Higher education

Higher education studies are organised by higher education institutions (HEIs). The types of HEIs include universities, faculties, academies of arts and professional HEIs. Member institutions of a university include faculties, academies of arts or even higher vocational colleges.

By law, the HEIs are divided as to their founder into public (state) and private (domestic or non-domestic legal entities or natural persons). All public and private HEIs must be accredited by the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA). Furthermore, HEIs must have their study programmes accredited by SQAA, too.

Under the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, public universities must be autonomous.

Universities are autonomous institutions of higher education and research having a special status. They are tasked to foster the development of science, professionalism, and arts. Through their faculties, academies of arts and professional HEIs they communicate important findings in several research areas and/or academic disciplines. The educational process is set up to provide students with the knowledge and competencies needed for continuing education or entering employment.

A university can be established only after study programmes for all three study cycles and at least four academic disciplines within the Frascati classification and at least five educational areas at the second level within the KLASIUS classification had been accredited.

Faculties undertake research and educational activities for one or more related or interconnected scientific disciplines and take great care in their development. Faculties can be set up only after the requirements for at least two cycles (the first and second, or second and third cycle) had been met.

Academies of arts undertake educational activities in arts for one or more related or interconnected artistic disciplines and take great care in their development. Academies of arts can be set up only after the requirements for offering study programmes for at least two cycles (the first and second, or second and third cycle) had been fulfilled.

Professional HEIs undertake educational activities for one or more related or interlinked trades or occupational fields and take great care in their development. Professional HEIs can be set up only after the requirements for at least the first cycle had been met. They can also pursue activities in research and arts, but this must be determined in their memorandum of association and all the relevant requirements met. If the memorandum of association determined and concluded in the accreditation procedure that the institution has at its disposal adequate higher education teaching staff and meets the requirements for scientific research or arts, the professional HEI can also offer master’s study programmes; otherwise, it may provide such programmes in cooperation with universities, faculties or art academies.

HEIs can also offer supplementary study programmes, a form of lifelong learning for continuous training and improving and expanding knowledge. They can organise different forms of non-formal learning, for example, short courses, summer schools, training programmes, and the like if this does not influence the provision of qualification study programmes.

An international association of universities headquartered in the Republic of Slovenia can be set up with a written agreement by at least one Slovenian university and one non-domestic accredited university. Co-founders can include other universities or university networks and research organisations. To set up the international association of universities, the Slovenian public universities need consent from the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

An international association of universities headquartered in the Republic of Slovenia can apply for funding for their operations from a special budget line.

If such an association of universities offer study programmes which had been accredited in the EU member countries; these programmes are considered accredited in Slovenia, too. However, they must be notified by the SQAA and entered into the register of HEIs with the ministry responsible for higher education.

Transnational higher education in Slovenia can be pursued or organised following the agreement between HEI which had been accredited in the Republic of Slovenia and non-domestic HEI which offers officially recognised study programmes, and issues official documents in the country of their association. In the Republic of Slovenia accredited HEIs can also provide transnational higher education abroad, namely following the agreement with the relevant non-domestic HEI. They can also issue the Slovenian official document.

The SQAA determines the obligatory elements of the agreement on pursuing transnational higher education.