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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Main types of provision


8.Adult education and training

8.4Main types of provision

Last update: 27 November 2023

Main Types of Provision

There are many options for adults who wish to take part in education and training in Iceland, either formal or non-formal. The country registers relatively high proportion of adults participating in education and training in Europe and similarly, a high proportion of adults in Iceland achieve a post-secondary non-tertiary qualification during adulthood.

There are many types of provisions on offer. The main providers are 14 regional lifelong learning centres (LLL) who offer direct services to various target groups. These include persons with limited formal education and skills, persons in need for employment training, non-formal education and other officially funded learning opportunities for adults: 

The lifelong learning centres in Iceland, located all around the country, offer various courses both for individuals, the labour market and companies, some of which are aimed at raising achievements in basic skills. The courses may be categorized as basic skills courses, occupational courses, language courses, IT classes and recreational courses. The teaching can be on site classes or distance learning. Admission requirements depend on the programme in question. Examples of the selection of courses offered by the LLL centres include Icelandic language courses for immigrants; foreign languages for Icelandic speaking people; general computer skills as well as more detailed computer courses such as graphic design; occupational courses for health-care and social services employees, as well as employees in tourism and employees in schools or kindergartens which have lower education and education for adults with disabilities.

In rural areas, the LLL centres offer facilities for those pursuing higher education, primarily through distance learning. The LLL centres also offer counselling and various educational programs.