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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice


4.Early childhood education and care


Last update: 11 March 2025



Place guarantee to ECEC

The right to early childhood education and care (ECEC) is broadly specified in laws and regulations, without referring to a specific age or number of hours. All children under school age have a right to a place in municipal ECEC, either in an ECEC centre or in family daycare, usually close to their homes. Participation in ECEC in Iceland is among the highest in Europe. In 2023, 96 % of children aged 3-5 years attended ECEC settings, whereas 86% of children aged 1- 5 years old.  There is a slight difference in participation according to background  85-90% of  3-5 year old children  of foreign origin attended  ECEC in 2023.  Participation in ECEC is voluntary. There is no legal guarantee to a place in ECEC. 


In Iceland, municipalities have a statutory duty to provide and finance both centre-based and home-based ECEC services, and families pay a co-contribution. Fees vary between settings. The fees in full-time municipal ECEC services are publicly subsidised. Families can also opt for private service provision, for which the ECEC fees are also publicly subsidised but parental contributions are higher. All parents pay a modest fee for their children and the fee may vary, depending on the fee set by the municipality. According to information from the Association of  Icelandic Municipalities parents contributed 8,7% of the overall cost of running the municipal ECEC services in 2023. Parents contribution has been gradually going down in the municipal ECEC since 2016, when it was 13,1% of the overall cost. There are some sibling rebates and municipalities may have their own schemes for low-income families.