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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and learning in general lower secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.2Teaching and learning in general lower secondary education

Last update: 29 March 2024

Curriculum, Subjects, Number of Hours

The secondary school curricula define, for each cycle, the essential knowledge and skills that must be acquired and the methods that must be assimilated. They constitute the national framework within which teachers organise their teaching, taking into account the learning pace of each student. The programmes for the 3rd and 4th cycles, in the "collège", were last modified on 30 July 2020.

Elaboration of Curricula

The creation of a new curriculum is coordinated by the "Conseil Supérieur des Programmes" (CSP – High Council for Curricula). This council is composed of legislators, members of the "Conseil Économique, Social et environnemental" (CESE - Economic, Social and Environmental Council) and finally members that are nominated by the Minister of National Education.

The CSP does not create the curriculum by itself, but rather delegates this role to a group of experts, which is chosen by the CSP. It is also important to note that the "Inspection Générale de l’Éducation, du Sport et de la Recherche" (IGESR – General Inspectorate of the National Education, Sports and Research) has a role in the review and modification of the curriculum.

The Ministry requests the CSP to create a new curriculum, the CSP makes a proposal, and if the "Conseil Supérieur de l’Éducation" (CSE – High Council for Education) approves, the Minister definitely enacts the project of curriculum in to the ‘Official Journal’ (official publication that publishes every legal modification).

Contents of Curricula

Education in "collège" is structured into subjects that depend on the cycle the student is in.

The "Sixième" (grade 6) is the last grade of the consolidation cycle that starts in primary school. The different subjects are:

  • French;
  • Foreign language 1;
  • Plastic arts;
  • Musical education;
  • Sports and physical education;
  • History-geography;
  • Moral and civic education;
  • Mathematics;
  • Sciences & technology.

For the "Cinquième" (grade 7), "Quatrième"(grade 8) and "Troisième" (grade 9) that constitute the furthering cycle, subjects are:

  • French;
  • Foreign language 1;
  • Foreign language 2;
  • Plastic arts;
  • Musical education;
  • Sports and physical education;
  • History-geography;
  • Moral and civic education;
  • Mathematics;
  • Life and earth sciences;
  • Physics-chemistry;
  • Technology.

History of the arts education was introduced into the curricula for "collège" stemming from the reforms in 2008. This is transversal education, based on a pluridisciplinary approach to works of art which allows pupils to master cultural and historical bearings that are indispensable in understanding the works and in enriching their practice of the arts. Possibly done by all teachers of a same class, this subject is mostly dispensed by music, plastic arts and history-geography. In grades 6–9, ICT is mainly integrated into technology and mathematics, but it can be taught as part of any compulsory subject. As far as modern languages are concerned, the curricula are designed according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The second modern language is started in  grade 7 (« Cinquième »). 

Timetables by subject

Cycle                                      3: consolidation cycle       4: furthering cycle

Subject                                                Sixième                  Cinquième            Quatrième           Troisième

French                                                  162h (4h30)            162h (4h30)          162h (4h30)          144h (4h)

Mathematics                                         162h (4h30)            126h (3h30)          126h (3h30)          126h (3h30)

Plastic arts /Musical education             72h (2h)                   72h (2h)               72h (2h)                72h (2h)

History, Geography, 

Civic and moral education                    108h (3h)                 108h (3 h)            108h (3 h)             126h (3h30)

Foreign language 1                              144h (4h)                 108h (3h)             108h (3h)              108h (3h)

Foreign language 2                                   -                           90h (2h30)          90h (2h30)            90h (2h30)

Sports and physical education             144h (4h)                 108h (3 h)            108 h (3 h)            108 h (3 h)

Life and earth sciences/                                                       54h (1h30)            54h (1h30)            54h (1h30)

Physics-chemistry                                144h (4h)                 54h (1h30)           54h (1h30)            54h (1h30)

Technology                                               x                          54h (1h30)            54h (1h30)            54h (1h30) 

Complementary teachings                   20h                          20h                       20h                       20h

x: included in Life ans earth sciences

In this table are the intended subject instruction time during the whole academic year, and between parentheses are the intended subject instruction time per week.

Source: Recommended annual instruction time in full-time compulsory education in Europe 2022/2023

With regard to the compulsory curriculum, in grades 6–9, “accompagnement personnalisé” (i.e. tailored teaching and support to all students including Children with Special Needs) and interdisciplinary projects (“enseignements pratiques interdisciplinaires”) are included in compulsory instruction time and integrated into all subjects. In grade 8 or 9, the total compulsory curriculum also includes a 5-day work shadowing placement; this was introduced in 2005/06 and takes place during instruction time – no additional time is mentioned. In grade 10, the compulsory curriculum includes form time (vie de classe) – no additional time is mentioned – and accompagnement personnalisé – time determined according to the students’ need.

Schools may offer more optional courses. In grade 6, the non-compulsory curriculum includes two hours a week of choral singing, two hours a week of a second foreign or regional language – when combined with the first foreign language, this cannot exceed six hours per week (each school is free to distribute the six hours according to its needs) – and two hours a week of an introductory course on a regional language (regional languages and cultures).

In grade 7, the non-compulsory curriculum includes two hours a week of choral singing, one hour a week of languages and cultures from antiquity (Latin and ancient Greek), two hours a week of a regional language (regional languages and cultures) and two hours a week of a European languages and culture course based on one of the two foreign languages studied.

In grades 8 and 9, the non-compulsory curriculum includes two hours a week of choral singing, three hours a week of languages and cultures from antiquity (Latin and ancient Greek), two hours a week of a regional language (regional languages and cultures) and two hours a week of a European languages and cultures course based on one of the two foreign languages studied.

Teaching Methods and materials

In the case of "collèges", the same conditions apply as for primary schools. In the case of (public) “collèges”, it is the "départements" (and not the "communes") that provide pupils with textbooks.

In terms of teaching methods, there are no national recommendations. Finally, unlike in primary education, there is no ban on giving homework to pupils.