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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Educational support and guidance


12.Educational support and guidance

Last update: 18 March 2025

Inclusion is the basic principle and goal of the government’s educational policy and targets for private and public kindergartens, public schools and private schools with state funded support. This means that children and pupils from different backgrounds and with different needs and abilities come together in the same kindergartens and common schools.

The specialist provision is to adapt to the circumstances and abilities of each child and pupil. The aim is to identify children and pupils with special educational needs as early as possible, and to implement appropriate measures. Early intervention entails both intervention at an early stage in the childhood or a pupil´s education, and intervention as soon as challenges are identified.

The Kindergarten Act Chapter 5A ensures the right to special needs support below the compulsory school age. The Kindergarten Act also states that children with disabilities as well as children under the care of child welfare services shall be entitled to priority for admission to a kindergarten. The municipality is responsible for ensuring this.

The right to special educational support according to the Kindergarten Act applies to all children under compulsory school age who have a particular need for such support. In other words, a child does not need to attend kindergarten in order to receive special educational support. The key question is the extent to which the child is in particular need of special educational support.

The Education Act Chapter 5 ensures the pupils´right to special needs support. Pupils who either do not or are unable to benefit satisfactorily from ordinary teaching have the right to special education.  Special education is normally integrated within mainstream education.

Deaf pupils have a right to learn Norwegian sign language as their first language. Norwegian sign language has its own curriculum and framework in basic skills. Visually impaired and blind pupils have the right to necessary education and training in Braille and in use of necessary technical aid.

Educational and psychological counselling service is provided in every municipality. The service is responsible for providing educational-psychological and subject-related advice for children and pupils, their parents, teachers and educational institutions.