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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mathematics and science learning in schools 2022

Comparative Reports

Comparative Reports

Mathematics and science learning in schools 2022

16 June 2022

Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools.

In our fast-changing and technology-driven societies, education in mathematics and science is crucial for ensuring that children and young people have the necessary skills, knowledge and mind-set to be responsible and active citizens. Despite the emphasis on numeracy and scientific literacy in the European Education Area, the share of pupils not reaching basic achievement levels remains considerably above the agreed maximum of 15%.

This report investigates what education authorities across Europe do to strengthen student motivation, raise achievement and help those that are falling behind in mathematics and science. It brings together qualitative Eurydice data on national policies and legislation in 39 European education systems, and quantitative data from several student assessment surveys. The results highlight the importance of allocating sufficient instruction time, providing timely learning support, ensuring specialised teacher training and monitoring student achievement systematically. Ample examples are provided on how the mathematics and science curricula can foster reflection and relate to students’ lives.


Chapter 1: Student achievement in mathematics and science

Chapter 2: Teaching and learning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Chapter 3: Instruction time

Chapter 4: Curriculum organisation, teachers and assessment

Chapter 5: Teaching and learning to increase motivation

Chapter 6: Supporting low achievers

Chapter 7: Towards a conclusion: explaining differences in low-achievement rates


Infographics: Increasing achievement and motivation in mathematics and science learning in schools
Factors influencing achievement
Home environment - Instruction time
National tests - Ethics and science
Learning support - Teacher shortage

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