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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure


7.Higher education

7.4Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure

Last update: 27 November 2023

Long-study programmes

Certain professions required special training and work based learnng. Professional degrees can therefore vary in length from 60-330 ECTS and do not necessarily fit the bachelor and master structure. Long-study programmes of 4-6 years are maintained for professional degrees in e.g. medicine, pharmaceutical studies, psychology, dentistry, architecture, civil engineering and law.

Short-study programmes

Higher education leading to degrees that are normally 2 years and require 120 ECTS is offered at International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level 5. They are regulated in the same fashion as Bachelor, for more details see 7.2 First Cycle Programmes. These programmes are, however, becoming extremely rare. The 120 ECTS Higher Education Diploma (högskoleexamen) exists mainly for students who want to create their own study paths through freestanding courses (fristående kurser).

For more information, mainly in Swedish, see the Swedish Higher Education Authority (Universitetskanslersämbetet).