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Assessment in single-structure education


5.Single-structure primary and lower secondary education

5.3Assessment in single-structure education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Pupil assessment

The Regulations Regarding the State Basic Education Standard and Model Basic Education Programmes (2018) set the criteria for assessment of pupils.

Teachers in classrooms carry out continuous assessment on pupils’ progress using a grading scale 1-10 and non-grade system (pass/fail or descriptive assessment). Descriptive assessment means that parents of pupils receive a short oral and written assessment report on pupils’ progress, describing development of knowledge, skills, attitude towards learning and class participation.

Grading scale employed in Latvia's schools

Educational achievements are assessed in a ten-point system:

  • 10 with distinction (izcili),
  • 9 excellent (teicami),
  • 8 very good (ļoti labi),
  • 7 good (labi),
  • 6 almost good (gandrīz labi),
  • 5 satisfactory (viduvēji),
  • 4 almost satisfactory (gandrīz viduvēji),
  • 3 weak (vāji)
  • 2 very weak  (ļoti vāji),
  • 1 very very weak (ļoti, ļoti vāji).  

The criteria building up the assessment of learning performance are as follows: the extent and quality of attained knowledge, learned skills, attitude toward learning process and dynamics of learning performance development.

Achievements of pupils are assessed without marks in the 1st class, i.e., by using a descriptive assessment. A grading scale 1-10 is used in the 2nd and 3rd class for the subjects Native language, Mathematics, Latvian Language for minority pupils, for other subjects a descriptive assessment is used. 

In the classes 4-9 the grading scale 1 to 10 is used in all subjects. 

National tests (valsts pārbaudes darbi)

Every year the Cabinet of Ministers approves dates of national tests. For the school year 2020/2021 following dates are scheduled for the national tests:

National tests (valsts pārbaudes darbi) for 3rd grade students (diagnostic work with combined content):

  • Latvian language in mainstream (Latvian instruction language) programmes: oral part – from 25 January till 2 March 2021, writing – 3 March 2021;
  • Ethnic minority language for ethnic minority education programmes: oral part - from 25 January till 2 March 2021, writing – 3 March 2021;
  • Mathematics: writing – 9 March 2021;
  • Diagnostic work in Latvian language for ethnic minority education programmes: both oral and written parts – 11 March 2021.

National tests (valsts pārbaudes darbi) for 6th grade students:

  • Latvian language for mainstream (Latvian language of instruction) education programmes (combined content): oral part – 4 January till 16 February 2021, writing – 17 February 2021;
  • Ethnic minority language for ethnic minority education programmes (combined content): oral part – 4 January till 16 February 2021, writing – 17 February 2021;
  • Mathematics: writing – 25 February 2021;
  • Latvian language for ethnic minority education programmes (combined content): both oral and written parts – 23 February 2021;
  • Natural sciences: writing – 4 March 2021.

Pupils receive a school-report showing descriptive assessment and/or grades in every subject at the end of each semester. Pupils of the 9th class receive a school-report once a year – at the end of the first semester. The Ministry of Education and Science approves a sample of a school-report issued to pupils.

Progression of pupils

Usually progression to the next year is automatic. The school-report contains a decree of the head of the school on transferring to the next class. However, pupils who have not adequately mastered curriculum (have received lower than “4” in more than one subject in grades 5-9) may be required to repeat the year. In order to decide about repeating the year, the board of teachers may set additional consultations and tests.

In 2015, the Cabinet of Ministers issued "Procedures for Enrolling Students in and Discharging from General Educational Institutions and Special Pre-school Educational Groups, and also for Moving Them up into the Next Grade". This Regulation defines the criteria and procedures by which students are enrolled in and discharged from general educational institutions, and also boarding schools and special educational institutions implementing general basic and general secondary educational programmes, including special educational programmes and special pre-school educational programmes, and in special pre-school educational groups. The regulation describes also mandatory requirements for moving students up into the next grade, and mandatory support measures for pupils with learning difficulties so that they would repeat a year only in certain cases.


The Regulations on the Procedure of National Testing  (available only in Latvian) (2013) prescribe the development, organisation and assessment criteria of national testing.

At the end of the 9th class pupils have to pass national examinations. Materials and a single order of examinations are developed by the National Centre for Education. Tests may be organized in a written or combined (written and oral or practical part) form. Examinations may be organized in written, oral or combined form.

National testing (examinations in 2021 are replaced with compulsory diagnostical test) at the end of general basic education (grade 9):

  • Latvian language for mainstream (Latvian language of instruction) education programmes (combined content): written part – 27 April, oral part – 13 - 29 April 2021;
  • Latvian language for ethnic minority education programmes (centralised exam with combined content): written part – 27 April, oral part – 13 - 29 April 2021;
  • Mathematics: writing – 29 April 2021.

At the choice of the educational institution, several other diagnostic works can also be organized:

  • in one foreign language at the choice of the learner (combined) - written part - on April 13, 2021, oral part - from April 13 to April 29;
  • In the history of Latvia (in writing) - April 15, 2021;
  • natural sciences (in writing) - April 20, 2021;
  • in the minority language in minority education programs (combined) - written part - on April 22, 2021, oral part - from April 13 to April 29.

If an educational institution chooses to organize one of the diagnostic works, then it is done by all students of one school / class.

In accordance with the Regulations on the Proceedure of Issuing State Recognized General Education Certificates (available only in Latvian) at the end of 9th grade, pupils that have received assessment in all subjects and examinations receive a certificate on integrated primary and lower-secondary education  apliecība par vispārējo pamatizglītību, certificate on centralized examinations (available only in Latvian) and an achievement sheet. If a pupil does not receive assessment in one of subjects or in one of the final national test or examination, or has received a mark below 4 in more than two of them, he or she receives a school report instead of the certificates on integrated primary and lower-secondary education. Such pupils have not completed integrated primary and lower-secondary education. In order to acquire primary and lower-secondary education, the pupil may repeat the class at the same or another education institution, or may complete a pedagogical correction programme. The latter, unlike the former, begins with the two month long adaptation period, when teachers determine pupils’ level of knowledge in each subject. Pupils do not learn all subjects once more, only the not acquired ones.

The issuing of the certificate on acquisition of integrated primary and lower secondary is regulated by the Cabinet of Ministers (available only in Latvian).