Relevant legal acts under the auspices of education ministries; the Ministry of Education and Children and the Ministry of Culture, Innovation and Higher Education
2023 Act No. 107/2023 on amendments to various laws in favour of children (integration of services)
2023 Act No. 91/2023 on the Education and School Service Agency (in force since April 2024)
2023 Notice no. 897/2023 amending the National curriculum guide for preschools
2021 Act No. 86/2021 on Prosperity (in force since 2022)
2021 Education Policy 2030 (Iceland's 2030 education strategy)
2019 Act No. 95/2019 on the education and recruitment of teachers (in force since 2020)
2015 Act N0. 91/2015 on the establishment of the Directorate of Education (no longer in force)
2015 National Agreement on literacy (policy on literacy goals)
2014 White Paper on Education Reform (policy reform)
2014 Reduced length of upper-secondary schooling
2013 The establishment of the Council of Continuous Professional Development of Teachers
2013 National Qualification Framework for Higher Education
2012 Teacher Training Requirement
2012 National Curriculum Guides for all school levels
2012 No. 230/2012, based on Article 34 of the Upper Secondary Act, No. 92/2008
2011 External Evaluation of Education
2011 Act No. 126/2011
2011 National Qualifications Framework
2011 Quality Enhancement Handbook for Icelandic Higher Education
2011 Framework providing incentives for companies to train and support students in the workplace
2011 The Icelandic Student Loan Fund
2010 Adult Education Act
2010 Act No. 162/2010
2010 A grant-aided institution, the Education and Training Service Centre
2010 Government 2020 Moving Iceland Forward Initiative
2008 Act No. 90/2008 on Pre-schools
2008 Act No. 87/2008
2008 Act No. 91/2008 on Compulsory Schools
2008 Act No. 92/2008 on Upper Secondary Schools
2008 Act No. 85/2008 on Public Higher Education Institutions
2007 Act No. 70/2007 on Youth
2006 Act No. 63/2006 on Public Higher Education Institutions
2006 Samfés Youth Council
2004 National Curriculum for Compulsory School of 2004
1997 Act No. 136/1997 on Higher Education
1996 Act No. 72/1996
1996 Act No. 80/1996 on upper secondary education
1991 Act on Compulsory Education
1991 Act on Pre-schools and Daycare centers
1990 Act on Compulsory Education
1989 National Curriculum Guide
1974 National Curriculum Guide