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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in vocational upper secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.9Assessment in vocational upper secondary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Pupils Assessment

In the framework of vocational training under school status (in a professional lycée), evaluating pupils all throughout the year is organised primarily in the form of written tests, according to a variable frequency that is generally left to the pedagogical appreciation of the teachers. The pupils' results are sent to the families via the three-month report which contains the results and the comments in the various subjects.

Along with the traditional tests, "tests during training" are organised during the year. The contrôle en cours de formation (CCF, test during training) is a method of certification assessment, i.e. an evaluation carried out with the aim of delivering a diploma. The CCF assesses the same skills and knowledge as the ending class, implemented in the same types of activity and with the same data, as the final one-off exams. This test makes it possible to evaluate a pertinent set of skills provided for in a training module, as soon as one or more candidates reach the level required or have had the required and sufficient amount of apprentice training in order to address a summary and certifying evaluation. The CCF is naturally incorporated into the training process. The trainer evaluates, whenever possible and without interrupting this process, those who are deemed as having reached the skills and knowledge required for an evaluation situation.

The objectives of this method of testing are:

  • adapt the evaluation to the diversity of training situations: the CCF is carried out within the very framework of the training, in the institution and in the professional environment. The activities and the evaluation support therefore take the diversity of the equipment used for the training and the specifics of the local context into account;
  • bring the evaluation closer to the act of training: because it takes place during the training and not at the end of the training, the CCF makes it possible to act retroactively on the training. The evaluation situations can give rise to summaries that assist the candidate in finding his place in the training and provide him with an element of motivation;
  • individualise the evaluation: each pupil is evaluated as soon as he achieves all of the skills that correspond to the situation concerned by the CCF.

The positioning test in Seconde

Since 2018, all students in the first year of the CAP and grade 10 (“Seconde”) students of vocational training in public or private education under contract will take standardised assessments known as the "Positioning Test" at the beginning of the school year. The Positioning Test at the beginning of the lycée is the first stage of personalised support, which enables lycée students to consolidate their mastery of written and oral expression and essential mathematical skills.

The literacy and numeracy test for first-year CAP students is taken on a digital platform and consists of two 40-minute tests.

The skills assessed are :




Reading comprehension


Knowledge of the lexicon

Grapho-phonological discrimination

Numbers ;

Geometry ;

Sizes and proportionality.


The Professional Second-start Positioning Test consists of two 50-minute test steps. The competences assessed are:



Understanding how the language works

Reading comprehension

Listening comprehension


Organisation and data management

Numbers and calculation

Geometry (especially calculation geometry)

Literal calculation (including algebraic problem solving)

Regardless of the type of class the student is in, correction is automated. The results are communicated to the students. They are totally anonymous outside the school.

Progression of Pupils

The procedures for transitioning from one class to another in the professional lycée are the same as in the general and technological lycée.

Starting in September 2010, lycées can organise "refresher courses" in order to prevent repeating a year. These courses "are intended for volunteer pupils of the general and technological lycées and professional lycées to whom the class council has recommended taking such courses. These concern pupils from second class to the ending class". Institutions can organise these courses during the school holidays and/or during the school year, whenever it seems to be necessary.


At the professional lycée, the main diplomas that can be prepared are:

  • the certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (professional aptitude certificate - CAP);
  • the professional baccalauréat.

As with all professional diplomas, they are obtained through initial vocational training at the professional lycée (under school status) or through an apprenticeship. They can also be obtained through continuing vocational training. Moreover, within the framework of the validation des acquis de l'expérience (VAE - validation of acquired experience), any person who has been in the workforce for at least three years can also obtain "all or part of a diploma or title for professional purposes" by validating the knowledge and skills acquired from his professional experience, including voluntary work.

The certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (professional aptitude certificate, or CAP)

This is the oldest vocational diploma, created in 1911. It certifies a first level of qualification: it provides its holder with the qualification of a blue-collar or qualified employee. Oriented towards acquiring practical know-how, it allows for immediate integration into professional life. Its main finality is to enter into active life, but it also makes it possible to continue with studies (join a professional first class) in order to acquire a professional Baccalauréat.

The CAP has over 200 specialities for careers in artisanal trades, production and services. As initial vocational training, it is prepared in two years after the last class in collège.

The CAP can be prepared:

  • via the school path, in professional lycées (LP) or in private technical education institutions. The examination is taken at the end of a two-year preparation curriculum. Some specialities are also taken during the curriculum of the professional baccalauréat;
  • through an apprenticeship, in the public or private apprentice training centres (CFAs) or apprenticeship sections (SA). Some specialitirs can also be taken during the curriculum of the professional baccalauréat;
  • through continuing vocational training, intended for adults who are already in their professional life.
  • it can also be taken by candidates over the age of 18 who have not followed any training.

Examination methods

The examination includes a maximum of seven exams.

According to the category of the candidates (school pupils, apprentices, trainees in continuing education) and the category of the institutions (public or private under contract, apprentice training centres and apprentice sections that are authorised or not authorised for contrôle en cours de formation (CCF, test during training), private institutions not under contract, public institutions of continuing education):

  • the examination can be organised in a global format (the candidate takes all the exams during the same session) or progressive format (the candidate chooses the exams that he wants to take at each session);
  • the method of evaluation can be one-off or take the form of a contrôle en cours de formation (CCF).

The professional baccalauréat

Created in 1985, it certifies the ability of its holder to exercise a highly-qualified professional activity.

The professional Baccalauréat offers 70 specialities in highly varied sectors (business, services, food services, maintenance, secretariat, accounting, construction, agriculture, etc.) and highly specialised sectors (clock making, jewellery, fashion, etc.).

As initial vocational training, this diploma is prepared in three years after the last class in collège or in two years after a CAP.

The main finality of the professional Baccalauréat is to enter into active working life. But, as with any baccalauréat in France, it confers the right to continue studies in higher education.

The professional baccalauréat can be prepared:

  • via the school path, in lycées, primarily professional lycées and agricultural professional lycées, or in private technical education institutions;
  • through an apprenticeship in the public or private apprentice training centres (CFAs) or apprenticeship sections (SA);
  • through continuing vocational training, intended for adults who are already in their professional life.

Examination methods

The examination is comprised of seven required exams. An exam may contain one or more units; in the latter case, each unit is associated with a sub-exam.

According to the category of the candidates (school pupils, apprentices, trainees in continuing education) and the category of the institutions (public or private under contract, apprentice training centres and apprentice sections that are authorised or not authorised for contrôle en cours de formation (CCF, test during training), private institutions not under contract, public institutions of continuing education):

  • the examination can be organised in a global format (the candidate takes all the exams during the same session) or progressive format (the candidate chooses the exams that he wants to take at each session),
  • the method of evaluation can be one-off or take the form of a contrôle en cours de formation (CCF).

A test in the form of an oral exam is provided for candidates who have obtained an average general score greater than or equal to 8 and less than or equal to 10 out of 20 and a score greater than or equal to 10 out of 20 on the exam that evaluates the professional practice.

The results for the first group are known on a date that is decided each year, usually during the first week of July. The pupils who did not pass the examination but are above 8/20 on average have to go through a second batch of oral examination. The results of the second group are known around the 10th of july. Grades are enough of a proof that the pupil did pass the Baccalauréat, and thus are a valid certificate to enrol into higher education. There is no official graduation ceremony.

Other vocational diplomas

Mention complémentaire (MC - additional mention)

This allows for a specialities in certain sectors. This is prepared in one year after certain CAPs and professional baccalauréats and includes 20 specialities.

Brevet Professionnel  (BP - professional brevet)

This is trade diploma which certifies a high qualification and the ability to manage a company. It has 60 specialities focusing on highly identified trades (carpenter, cook, florist, hair stylist, etc.). It does not allow for access to higher education. It is not prepared under school status but through an apprenticeship or continuing education.

Brevet des métiers d’art (BMA - art trade diploma)

This is prepared in two years after a CAP in art trades. Trained in innovation and in the conservation of traditional techniques, about 1,500 young people prepare one of the thirteen specialities of this diploma (arts concerning gilding, jewellery, binding, glass, ceramics, graphics, tapestry, embroidery, woodworking, etc.). BMA holders can work on national heritage works of art.