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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff for higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.5Management staff for higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Requirements for Appointment

Basically, higher education institutions are organised and administered as follows: Higher education institutions are governed either by a rector (or rector's body) or else by a president (or presidential body). The head of a higher education institution is either elected from among the professors belonging to it or elected from outside the institution. In the second case, the candidate appointed must have successfully completed higher education studies and provide evidence of a successful career of several years in a responsible position in educational or judicial administration, art, science or management.

Conditions of Service

The responsibilities of the head of an institution of higher education comprise administration, finances, institutional development, the development of the study courses on offer, the implementation of evaluation, staff management and public relations. The head externally represents the institution. If the head is elected from among the group of professors, they may continue with teaching and academic research. The head of a higher education institution has temporary civil servant status and is employed by the Land concerned. The official title of the person appointed is either Rektor or Präsident, depending on the legislation of the Land and the constitution of the institution.