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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Adult education and training


8.Adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

The adult education system in Norway is well developed. Folk high schools, study associations, and distance learning have a long tradition. During the last decades, the recognition of the importance of lifelong learning has increased even further, resulting in statutory rights to primary and secondary education for adults, as well as free tuition for immigrants. Since 2006, employers have had the opportunity to apply for funding to train employees with low basic skills through the programme SkillsPlus. Since 2015, the programme also is directed towards NGOs, supplementing this scheme. In 2016, the Norwegian Government published a white paper (Meld. St. 16 (2015–2016) Fra utenforskap til ny sjanse), proposing a variety of efforts to prevent exclusion from working life. In 2020, another white paper (Meld. St. 2019–2020) Kompetansereformen – Lære hele livet) launched a skills reform, focusing on upskilling and reskilling the workforce. The OECD Skills Strategy for Norway focuses on how Norway can utilize the skills of the population in better ways. Furthermore, it is important that pupils and students, whatever age they might have, make informed educational choices. The establishment of a career guidance department (Nasjonal enhet for karriereveiledning) at the national level, the Norwegian Committee on Skills Needs and the Skills Policy Council are important factors in this regard.