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Organisation of follow-up and shortened study


6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.7Organisation of follow-up and shortened study

Last update: 3 March 2025

Types of institutions

Basically, all types of upper secondary schools (střední školy) may organise the following types of study for those who have achieved upper secondary education with a VET certificate (střední vzdělání s výučním listem) or upper secondary education with a Maturita examination (střední vzdělání s maturitní zkouškou) and want to achieve other qualification:

  • follow-up study (nástavbové studium) completed with the Maturita examination (maturitní zkouška) – ISCED 354;
  • shortened study (zkrácené studiumto obtain secondary education with the Maturita examination – ISCED 354;
  • shortened study to obtain secondary education with the VET certificate – ISCED 353.

School facilities and other institutes defined by the Education Act can also participate in the education. They participate mostly in practical education at a workplace of a private individual or legal entity or in a school special purpose facility (středisko praktického vyučování), alternatively on school farms (školní hospodářství). Other school facilities provide out of extra-curricular activities for pupils, school meals or guidance services.

Geographical accessibility

In 2024/25, the follow-up study (nástavbové studium) or shortened study (zkrácené studium) was organised by 295 upper secondary schools (střední školy), i.e., 22.5 % of the total number of upper secondary schools. In total 19.3 thousand pupils were attending this type of studies (all forms of education). Even though this is not specifically stated by the law, only pupils older than 18 years study in follow-up or shortened programmes. (Source: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.)

For detailed description of geographical accessibility of upper secondary schools including accommodation of commuting pupils see Geographical accessibility in upper secondary education.

Admission requirements and choice of school

The school head of the relevant upper secondary school (střední škola) issues a decision on the admission of applicants for education at an upper secondary school. He/she follows the Education Act and the Decree on Admission Procedure to Secondary Education.

Admission requirements

The precondition for an applicant to be admitted to the:

  • follow-up studies (nástavbové studium) is completion of secondary education leading to a VET certificate (střední vzdělání s výučním listem) – ISCED 353 – in a 3-years course in an on-site form of education, the continuity of the courses has been set by a Government regulation;
  • shortened study (zkrácené studiumfor acquiring secondary education completed with the Maturita examination is completed secondary education with the Maturita examination (střední vzdělání s maturitní zkouškou) in other fields of study – ISCED 354;
  • shortened study for acquiring secondary education to obtain a VET certificate is completed education either with the Maturita examination (ISCED 354) or the VET certificate in other field of study (353) or successful completion of the last year of the field of education with the Maturita examination.

Admission procedure

Terms and number of rounds

The period for holding the regular term of the standardised examination is set for working days from April 10 to April 18. In the 2023/2024 school year, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has set the dates for the standardised examination in the regular follow-up study for April 12, 2024 and April 15, 2024.

The school head may set a school admission examination, specifying the date and place of the school admisssion examination, its form, content and scope of the curriculum. In the case of admission to follow-up study, the content and scope of the curriculum may not exceed the educational content of the FEP for basic education.

Admission examination

The admission procedure into a follow-up study includes standardised admission examination in Czech language and literature and Mathematics, except for the fields of study with an talent exam.

The admission procedure into the shortened study does not include the standardised admission examination.

Within the admission procedure the school head may decide on the school admission examination. Concerning the follow-up study, the school head sets the content and form of the school admission examination so as to be in accord with the common base of the framework education programmes (FEPs) of those fields of studies on which the follow-up course succeeds. For short study there must be an agreement between the content and form of the examination and the FEP of the study field which the applicant wishes to study.

Some applicants may have adapted conditions of the admission examination.

List of admitted applicants and decision on non-acceptance

The school head publishes the results of the admission procedure on 15 May in the form of a list at a publicly accessible place in the school (the list must be published for the duration of at least 15 days) and in a way that allows distance access in the information system of the admission procedure. The results are considered officially announced by publishing the list and they are not made or disseminated in a written form.

Further information on admission to upper secondary education is available in the section on Admission requirements and choice of school in upper secondary education.

Age levels and grouping of pupils/students

Follow-up and shortened study is attended by learners of adult age (over 18), even though this is not specifically stated by the law. The on-site form of education, especially in case of the follow-up study (nástavbové studium), is attended generally by those who have just completed secondary education with VET certificate or Maturita examination (almost exclusively from the 18–24 age groups). Learners over the age of 25 usually attend other forms of education, where they make up more than 75 % of all participants.

When comparing the forms of studies (day and other forms of studies) in the follow-up studies, approximately 70 % of pupils participate in the on-site form of education and 30 % in other forms of education. In a shortened study (zkrácené studium) completed with the Maturita examination (střední vzdělání s maturitní zkouškou), the majority of students participate in other types of studies. In contrast, in shortened courses leading to a VET certificate (střední vzdělání s výučním listem), 51 % of students participate in the on-site study and 49 % in other forms of education. (Source: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.)

For the instructions of some subjects, grouping of learners applies.

Organisation of the school year

For follow-up and shortened study, the same organisation of the school year apply as in other types of upper secondary education.

Organisation of the school day and week

The weekly and daily timetable is specified in the Education Act and Framework Education Programmes for Vocational Upper Secondary Education.

The minimum number of weekly lessons in each grade is 29, the maximum number is 35 lessons (40 lessons in some fields of education).

The length of the shortened study (zkrácené studium) is given by the framework education programme. The minimum number of weekly lessons for 1-year shortened study programmes in the on-site form of education is 32 (for 1.5-year study 48, for 2-year study 64).

The minimum number of weekly lessons for the entire follow-up study (nástavbové studium) is 64, maximum 70.

The other details of the organisation of the school day and week as in other types of upper secondary education.