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Italy: Reforms impact teachers of secondary education

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Italy: Reforms impact teachers of secondary education

29 July 2022
Country news

On 29 June 2022 the Italian Parliament approved the reform of the initial training of secondary school teachers, within the law that establishes the use of the financial resources coming from the New Generation EU Plan: Law 79/2022.

The main changes are:

  • Future teachers must attend a qualifying university programme, corresponding to at least 60 ECTS, with traineeship and final assessment included
  • National competitive examinations to enroll new teachers will be held every year 
  • The induction period of one year will end with a final test and assessment 

The qualifying university programme can be either concurrent or consecutive to the acquisition of a second-cycle qualification necessary to teach. These courses in particular will be organised by universities.

Qualified teachers will have access to national competitions held every year and those who pass the competition will be hired for an induction period of one year. At the end of the induction phase a final assessment will verify teaching competences acquired by the teachers and in case of positive assessment, he/she will have a permanent contract.

The Law 79/2022 – which entered into force on 30 June 2022 – confirms that CPD is mandatory for all teachers. It will be conducted during the working hours and will cover also digital competences and the critical and responsible use of digital devises.  In addition to compulsory CPD, teachers may attend training courses under a professional development system scheduled every three years.  This training is carried out outside the working hours and attendees may receive an economic compensation upon assessment. The newly established High-level training school (Scuola di alta formazione) is committed with the definition of this training system, establishing guidelines as well as with the accreditation and monitoring of structures that offer courses.

More information: Ministry of education 

Source:  Eurydice Unit Italy

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