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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisation of the education system and of its structure


2.Organisation and governance

2.3Organisation of the education system and of its structure

Last update: 24 June 2024

Structure of the education system in Norway

Overview of the Norwegian education system:

Kindergarten, primary and secondary education:

  • Kindergarten (age 0–6)
  • Compulsory primary school (7 years, starts at age 6)
  • Compulsory lower secondary school (3 years)
  • Upper secondary education (3–5 years)
    • General studies
    • Initial vocational education and training (IVET)

Tertiary/continuous vocational education and training (CVET) (EQF level 5):

  • Vocational college

Higher education (EQF level 6, 7, and 8):

  • University
  • Specialised university institution
  • University college

Adult education:

Primary and lower secondary school

Upper secondary education

  • General studies
  • Initial vocational education and training (IVET)

Tuition for adult immigrants

Education and training for working life 




All children are entitled to a place in kindergarten from the age of one year. The municipality is responsible for fulfilling the right to a kindergarten place and facilitates a coordinated admission process. Both public and private kindergartens in the municipality must cooperate on the admission of children.  

The Government has set a maximum parental fee for a place in the kindergarten. This applies to all types of kindergartens, public and private. Additional fees for food may apply. If a family has more than one child in any kindergarten, there is a sibling moderation of at least 30% for the second child, and for the third child and upwards kindergarten is free. Low-income families also get a reduction in parental fee.  If the maximum price is higher than 6 per cent of the total income of the family, the fee is reduced. Also 2, 3, 4 and 5 year olds, and children with delayed school start, who live in low-income families, have a right to 20 hours or more free tuition in kindergarten per week. 


Compulsory primary and lower secondary education

Education in Norway is free and founded on the principle of equity and adapted education for all pupils. The compulsory education is ten years, with seven years of primary education and three years lower secondary education. Children enter school the year they turn six years of age.  

The objectives and quality framework for primary and secondary education and training are laid down in the National Curriculum. The pupils in grades 1–7 and 8–10 are entitled to a minimum number of tuition hours in school, and the framework for the distribution of teaching hours per subject is specified in the National Curriculum.  

Upon entering lower secondary education, the pupils must choose either between “the working life  subject”, which gives opportunity for entrepreneurship and cooperation with local enterprises, a foreign language subject, or specialisation in English. They make the choice for all three years. In addition, they each year choose between at least two elective subjects that the school offers. 

There are competence requirements to be employed in a teaching position, as well as competence requirements for teaching subjects in primary and lower secondary education. These also include requirements to be appointed as headmaster.


Upper secondary education and training (EQF 4)

Pupils and adults (the latter from August 1, 2024) who have completed primary and lower secondary education, or the equivalent, are entitled to upper secondary education or training until achieving general university or college admissions certification or vocational qualifications. From the year they turn 24, pupils must follow the education programme organised for adults. Pupils under 24 are entitled to admission to one out of three alternative education programmes they have applied for. 

As of August 1, 2024, pupils may reselect programme several times until turning 19 years of age, while previously it was only possible to do this once before turning 19. It is also possible for those who have not used up their right to reselection of programme before turning 19, to do a reselection once, after 19 years of age.  Upper secondary education is free. The county authorities are legally obliged to follow up young people between the ages of 16 and 21, extended to 24 years of age from 1 August 24, who are neither in  education nor employed  Pupils who have a right to special needs education have the right to an extra two years’ tuition of upper secondary education or training if it is necessary to achieve educational objectives. This right also applies to pupils who have the right to education in sign language or the right to education in Braille.

From August 1, 2024 adults in upper secondary education have a right to admittance to one out of three available education programmes in the county, that leads to general university or college admissions certification or vocational qualifications. The County Authorities should make sure that applicants who can document a significant amount of prior learning (non-formal or informal) related to a vocational qualification, may have this competence formalised by being able to attain a trade or journeyman’s certificate.  

The objectives and quality framework of upper secondary education and training are laid down in the National Curriculum (Kunnskapsløftet). These are regulations to the Educational Act and govern the content of the teaching and training.

Upper secondary education and training includes general studies and initial vocational education and training (IVET).

General studies

General studies lead to general university or college admissions certification. Normally, general studies take 3 years and has the main emphasis on theoretical knowledge.

General studies education programs:

  • Study Specialisation
  • Music, Dance and Drama
  • Sports and Physical Education
  • Media and Communication
  • Arts, Design and Architecture



Initial vocational education and training (IVET) (EQF 4)

Vocational education and training lead to vocational competence or trade/journeyman’s certificate. Depending on the programme, the duration is 3–5 years. The main structure of the education is 2 years in school, and 2 years apprenticeship in an enterprise. There are a few deviations from the main structure where the total training lasts 4.5 or 5 years.

After finishing the two-year in-school part of vocational education, the pupils may take a supplementary one-year bridging course in school to achieve general university admissions certification.


Vocational education and training programmes: 

  • Electrical engineering and computer technology 
  • Crafts, design and product development 
  • Healthcare, child and youth development 
  • Building and Construction 
  • Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry 
  • Restaurant and Food Processing 
  • Sales, service and tourism 
  • Technological and industrial production 
  • Hairdressing, floral, interior and retail design
  • Information technology and media production



Tertiary/continous vocational education (CVET) (EQF level 5)

Tertiary vocational education is a short vocational alternative to higher education and based on upper secondary education and training, or equivalent informal and nonformal competence. Higher Education Entrance Qualification is not required.  

Tertiary education is regulated by national legislation and is offered partly by county authorities and partly by private providers. Tertiary vocational education usually lasts from six months to two years full-time, longer if part-time. CVET is often offered with high flexibility, making it possible to combine with being employed.  

All courses must be accredited by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT).  

Education categories are: 

  • Creative subjects 
  • Finance & Administration  
  • Technical subjects 
  • Healthcare and welfare subjects 
  • Transport subjects 
  • Other vocational school studies 



Higher education

Higher education is generally free in Norway, and admission is facilitated through multiple pathways:
  • Upper secondary school certificate based on one of the general studies education programmes 
  • Upper secondary vocational qualification (IVET), plus successful completion of a one-year bridging course. The bridging course is also available after completing the two-year in-school part of upper secondary vocational education. 
  • Completion of 120 ECTS credits within one education programme of CVET 
  • The 23/5 pathway: Applicants aged 23 or above with at least five years of work experience, or a combination of education and work experience, and who have successfully passed the course in six core subjects (Norwegian, English, social science, history, mathematics, naturalscience) 
  • Recognition of prior learning: Individual assessment of formal, informal, and non-formal qualifications is open to applicants aged 25 or above. Applications for admission are processed locally at each institution. 
  • The VET pathway (Y-veien): Specific relevant vocational qualifications from the upper secondary level satisfy the admission criteria to tailor-made engineering programs at the bachelor level in higher education.  

Most institutions of higher education are state-run and are responsible for the quality of their own instruction, research, and dissemination of knowledge. The different study programs and academic degrees are described below.  

  • One-year, supplemental and shorter studies. These can become part of a bachelor's degree. 
  • College candidate. A two-year degree at university colleges. 
  • Bachelor’s degree. A three-year degree of 180 ECT.  
  • Master’s degree. A five-year degree taken either as a continuous race or on top of a bachelor’s degree.  
  • Ph.D. degree. A three-year degree, often combined with 25% teaching or other related work over four years. 
  • Professional studies. Three to six years of education that leads to a certain profession, e.g., nursing education (3 years), primary and lower secondary teacher education (5 years), or medicine education (6 years). 

The grading scale conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) rating scale with the letters A (best) to E for pass and F for failed.  

The differences between the types of higher education institutions are mainly related to their self-accreditation rights. For example, universities can without external accreditation offer study programmes at all levels, while university colleges must apply for external accreditation (by NOKUT) for study programmes at masters and PhD levels. There is also a wide range of private higher education institutions without any self-accreditation rights. These institutions provide study programmes that are accredited (by NOKUT). Apart from instruction and dissemination of knowledge the universities and specialised institutions at the university level have a special responsibility for research and the education of researchers through their doctoral programs. 

The state is responsible for universities and university colleges, which are directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Research. Each institution has a board that is responsible for the direction and organisation of operations. Accredited institutions have been awarded extensive academic powers and may establish and terminate their own courses of study. University colleges decide themselves which studies and topics they are to offer at first-degree level. Universities determine for themselves which subjects and topics they wish to offer at all levels, including doctoral programmes. 

The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) and the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills are also instrumental in the governance of the universities and university colleges.


Adult education

There are adult participants at all education levels in Norway – from primary school to Ph.D. level.  

Primary and lower secondary adult education is administered by the municipalities while upper secondary education, both vocational education, and general studies, is administered by the counties. 

Newly arrived refugees and immigrants can – or are obliged to – participate in language tuition and social studies. 

In 2017, a pilot of modularized, flexible curricula for adults was initiated. The pilot, which lasted until 2023, included both language tuition and social studies for adult immigrants and refugees and primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary adult education. The Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget) has decided that this system will be the main model of adult education in Norway. From August 1, 2024 new modularised curricula are implemented in primary and lower secondary education, and in upper secondary adult education 13 subjects have so far been modularised and are introduced from August 24. 

For working life, employers may apply for funding for skills development for their employees. While the Skillsplus programme (Kompetansepluss) offers basic skills training, the Skills Programme (Kompetanseprogrammet) offers further education relevant for working life mainly at upper secondary and tertiary vocational education levels.