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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Ongoing reforms and policy developments


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

Last update: 27 November 2023

This chapter provides a thematic and chronological overview of national reforms and policy developments since 2021.

The introduction of the chapter describes the overall education strategy and the key objectives across the whole education system. It also looks at how the education reform process is organized and who are the main actors in the decision-making process.

The section on ongoing reforms and policy developments groups reforms in the following broad thematic areas that largely correspond to education levels: Early childhood education and care; School education; VET and Adult learning; Higher education; and Transversal skills and Employability. Inside each thematic area, reforms are organised chronologically. The most recent reforms are described first.


Overall national education strategy and key objectives

The government intends to create an including and knowledge-based society characterized by diversity and cohesion. Knowledge is a source of self-reliance, social mobility, democratic understanding and participation, and of achieving success in working life. Knowledge contributes to raising the quality of life for the individual. The knowledge society is based on knowledge as the main input for economic wealth creation and it is crucial in order to find solutions for the large challenges we are faced within today’s society. When knowledge is so crucial for each individual’s possibilities throughout life, it will have a huge impact on those who are left out. Education is meant to contribute to increased knowledge in the whole population, regardless of each individual's social, cultural and economic background. The competence policy shall contribute to increasing knowledge and creating a future-oriented society with secure workplaces and good welfare systems. This will be done by increased knowledge spread in kindergartens, schools, and education institutions at all levels, in addition to providing relevant research. This effort has to be seen as a long-term initiative in order to build Norway as a knowledge-based nation.

Overview of the education reform process and drivers

The government will initiate reforms at several levels of the education system. For kindergartens, the main task will be increasing and securing quality by continuing education for assistants and by educating more kindergarten teachers. Education in kindergartens and schools shall lay the foundation for citizenship and contribute to the learning and formation (in German: Bildung) of children and students. In schools, it is essential that all pupils achieve basic competencies, especially in reading, writing, mathematics, and the use of digital tools. It is also essential that a larger part of the population completes upper secondary education – either to a level of certification of apprenticeship or to university and college admissions certification. The government will put great efforts into vocational training by integrating school and working life better by creating more apprenticeships and by making the transition to higher education possible. Good initial and continuing education for teachers is essential, and the government is now putting a special effort into providing continuing education relevant to fulfill the mandate of the education system. Accessible kindergartens of high quality and a good school can contribute to even out social differences and is one of the main actions in order to counteract poverty. The government will prevent and counteract bullying, in order to make schools a safe place for learning and personal development for all. It is an ambition for the government to strengthen quality in higher education and research. The motive behind this initiative is to provide education for a competent workforce and the wish to develop more leading university environments in Norway.