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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.11Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures

Last update: 27 November 2023

Top sports talent schools

There are 29 Top Sports Talent Schools ('Topsport Talentscholen') in the Netherlands. These schools are united in the foundation National Organization for Education and Elite Sports ('Stichting Landelijke Organisatie Onderwijs en Topsport'). Topsport talentscholen are ideally equipped to guide young sports talents with NOC * NSF talent status / LOOT status and have received a license from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science that enables them to combine education and top sports. To this end, educational programs are adjusted, extra guidance is used if necessary and lessons can be given for training camps and competitions.

These schools offer additional educational facilities, such as:

  • a flexible class schedule with space for training and competitions.
  • (partial) exemption from certain subjects.
  • postponement or reduction of homework.
  • provisions to make up for backlogs caused by absence in connection with training and competitions.
  • postponement or adjustment of rehearsals and / or school examinations.
  • supervision of a LOOT supervisor.
  • staggered exams.

These facilities are available to top athletes with a top sports talent status. The criteria for a Top Sport Talent Status are drawn up by The 'Nederlands Olympisch Comité*Nederlandse Sport Federatie' (NOC*NSF).