Portugal: Supporting students for success in higher education
With the aim of increasing the number of students accessing higher education programmes, the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation made changes to the regulation concerning financial public support and grants for higher education students.
To be implemented in the next academic year (2024/2025), the changes introduced aim to make grants and financial support programmes fit to the actual socio-economic situation of students, promoting success and reducing the number of early leavers in higher education.
This will bring about benefits for working students, expand the pool of students eligible to receive financial support for housing when studying away from home, and reduce the waiting time for students enrolled in short-cycle Higher Education Professional Technical Courses (TEsP) to begin receiving financial aid.
Some of these changes reflect the measures already approved in the scope of the You Have a Future in Portugal (Tens Futuro em Portugal) programme launched in May 2024 with the aim of supporting young people.
For more information: https://www.portugal.gov.pt/pt/gc24/comunicacao/noticia?i=governo-reforca-apoios-a-estudantes-do-ensino-superior
Source: Eurydice Unit Portugal