Portugal: Expanding higher education opportunities for socio-economically disadvantaged students
Students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds face significant underrepresentation in both the overall higher education system, as well as in the most competitive study programs within higher education.
To address this issue, a new initiative has been implemented starting this academic year. Over 2000 study places of the National Access Competition will now be allocated to low-income students. This means that students who are beneficiaries of Social Support level A in high school will be prioritised in the selection process. Each study program within the National Access Competition will reserve at least 2 study places (or 2% of the total study seats for programmes with more than 100 seats) for these students.
It's important to note that this initiative is being launched as a pilot program, and public higher education institutions were not required to participate. However, all institutions have voluntarily decided to be involved. This initiative represents a step forward for Portugal in fostering equity in access to Higher Education.
For more information: https://www.portugal.gov.pt/pt/gc23/comunicacao/noticia?i=mais-vagas-para-estudantes-carenciados-no-ensino-superior-em-202324
Source: Eurydice Unit Portugal