Malta: A Sectoral Agreement enhancing educators' rights and working conditions

A new Sectoral Agreement was signed on 15 July 2024 between the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) and the Maltese Government. This agreement will be effective until 2027 and includes all educators in state schools, approximately 8,000 in total. Additionally, it directly affects educators in Church Schools, whose separate collective agreement will reflect the working conditions outlined in this Sectoral Agreement.
The new Sectoral Agreement brings about substantial improvements in educators’ income and working conditions, including:
Salary increases for all education grades, backdated to 1 January 2023;
A one time cash payment of €1,000 upon signing of the collective agreement;
A yearly allowance of €2,000 for all educators with 20 years of service or more;
A yearly allowance of €1,000 for primary school teachers starting January 2023;
Increase of allowances to heads, deputy heads, and other education officials;
Increased number of educators stationed as supervisors during midday break and improved remuneration for break time supervision;
Increased special leave, from 31.25 hours to 34 hours per school year, with the introduction of the possibility of carrying over up to 35% of the 34 hours time off to the next school year;
Enhanced professional development hours for teachers, from 40 to 48 hours per school year, with supply educators being given the opportunity to follow teacher training with a view to become regular teachers;
New arrangement for paid allowances during study leave;
Improved security and behavior policies in schools;
National Assessment Strategy, which includes exams and school based assessments;
Integrating Resource Centres and Reach Units within their respective colleges.
Source: Eurydice Unit Malta