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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Ireland: Launching the ‘Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy 2024-2033`

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Ireland: Launching the ‘Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy 2024-2033`

30 May 2024
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Country news

Ireland’s “Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy 2024-2033: Every Learner from Birth to Young Adulthood” and a supporting five-year implementation plan have been launched recently. The strategy has been developed jointly by the Department of Education and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth in collaboration with an inter-agency Steering Committee. 

The strategy has been informed by extensive research and consultation including the views of learners, parents, early learning and care (ELC) and school staff, ELC and education stakeholders, and members of the public. 

The implementation plan for the strategy includes over 100 actions to build on the success of the previous national literacy and numeracy strategy, such as: 

  • Running programmes through the Education Support Centres to help parents develop and promote reading and numeracy skills with their children. 

  • Redeveloping the screening and diagnostic tests of early literacy and early numeracy in Irish and English. 

  • Ensuring that initial professional education for early years educators and ongoing professional learning programmes include modules of learning regarding the unique cultural values of minority ethnic groups (including Irish Travellers and Roma), and how best to support children from these groups in their literacy, numeracy and digital literacy learning. 

  • Develop subject and career information sheets for primary school children and their parents that can be provided in advance of the critical transition to post-primary school. 

The strategy’s central ambition is to deliver systematic improvement in literacy, numeracy and digital literacy across the continuum of education from early learning and care to post-primary level. The areas for development and action, as identified in the strategy, span five pillars: 

  • Pillar 1: Enabling parents and communities to support learners’ literacy, numeracy and digital literacy.  

  • Pillar 2: Supporting the professional practice of early years educators, childminders and teachers.  

  • Pillar 3: Supporting leadership in early learning and care and in the school system. 

  • Pillar 4: Improving the learner experience through curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. 

  • Pillar 5: Supporting diverse learners to achieve their potential. 

A comprehensive five-year implementation plan has been developed which serves as the blueprint that transforms our strategy into actionable steps. It outlines the specific actions and initiatives that will be undertaken. Measuring the success of the strategy will be a continuous process. 

For more information: gov - Literacy, Numeracy and Digital literacy Strategy (  

Source: Eurydice Unit Ireland 

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